wicket : how to know the current value of checkbox before submission - checkbox

Is there any way to know the current value of a checkbox in wicket before any action takes place?
wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() is not useful for me, I want to know the value of the checkbox before clicking on it.

first of all in the server you cannot know the state of the input with out a form.
use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior or AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to attach the event to the checkbox and submit their form. with this aproach you going to submit all components inside the form, if you just want the value of the check you could use a nested form(wicket include support for it)


setState with radio buttons

Hi every one hope you're doing good,
I'd like to update my state with radio buttons that I generate dynamicaly.
my state is an array of objects, each object contains one question and 2 or more answer options,
each answer option is a radio button and by clicking it it will update one of the properties of the object.
I'm putting a link to get to the code, you'll be able to make changes and test them (but would not be saved)
I'll really appreciate you're help, thanks

Custom button for record edit form

I have used a custom button to submit the updated record on LWC, used as quick action. In onclick funtion, I have used "this.template.querySelector('lightning-record-edit-form').submit(this.totalFieldList);" But when I submit the the values are still referred to the old values. Please help me on this.

set disabled on a form item through form ref

I am currently using antd-form-builder to build multiple JSON forms for different components and I have an issue with antd trying to use a checkbox to disable another input.. basically I have a function that returns the form meta fields and then in the onChange for the checkbox I am trying to set another field to become disabled
what I have managed to find so far is for the form ref there is a setFields function and I can use this to change the value of another field or the errors on that field through the onChange of the checkbox, however, I cannot change the disabled state of another field.
turns out, this cant be done .. and state variables should be used as mentioned in the issue here

React formik multiple select issue on Reinitialize data value on empty

I am using react formik and react-select, In the form I have issue when click load data button the values are not bind in the select field they are set as empty Please help us.
Thank for Help
Refer to my fork based on your example.
A small trick here, you have to resetForm if you want to click load button a second time.

Form elements are not receiving input

I have a form designed with the GUI designer with input textfields and buttons. I have attached actions to the buttons. When I call up the form with showForm(Form,null), the textfields are not accepting input and the buttons are not triggering the action. This is happening only for this form. Initially, there was the problem solved here Unable to call a specific form from a button in codenameone and then the problem solved here Simulator keeps defaulting to old Main form. What could be the issue now?
As far as I know there may be some issues as you say, but first need to see code
In the form after you added the text fields did you select the text field component and press action event?
Assuming you did that you should get a callback method in the Statemachine class.
This call will be invoked only when the user changes the content of the text field. You can run in the debugger and set breakpoints/step into code to see what is going on.
