How can I fix error 404 when publishing my github page? - http-status-code-404

Could someone please help me to publish my website on github?
I created a repository where I uploaded all my files. Then published it. However, when I go to my URL, I get an error 404 - please see here
This is my repository:
I'm a complete beginner with github and creating a website, so I'm sure there's something very obvious that I'm missing out on.
Thanks ever so much for anyone who will help me :)


My project made in React js does NOT play in github, blank screen

I have this problem and I think it has happened to many people.
I uploaded a react project to github pages, when I access to see the deploy, the screen appears blank, and the console tells me this, "main.jsx not load", I clarify that the file "main.jsx" is inside the repository.
I would appreciate your answers, in the meantime I will try to deploy on vercel...
I still haven't managed to solve this, the file "main.jsx" is in the repository uploaded, but in the deploy it doesn't read it.

error: React is not defined, when i try deploying to github pages

enter image description here
i get this error, can someone help me?
ive used the install gh-pages, and it publiches but dosnt work

404 error and other errors when deploying github pages

I am trying to deploy my portfolio website built with react. I am using github pages to deploy the page.
This is the website I used when I got a 404 error in deploying.
This is the website I am trying to deploy:
On opening the site I initially see the 404 error in the console and when I click refresh I see this in the console
This is the git repo:
I really need some help, I have been stuck on this for way too long. Thanks in advance
Because you set the wrong home page
"homepage": ""
It should be
"homepage": ""
Please refer to this:

How do I get my images to show on heroku?

I'm very new to using heroku. I deployed one of my projects on heroku :
Everything seems to be working fine but my pictures aren't loading. The images are from and seeded into my database:
This is what my config vars looks like on the heroku app:
And this is what my package.json looks like :
when I run heroku run npm run seed in my terminal, I get this error:
There's not much online that helps me fix this issue, and Heroku support is really bad.
Any helpful tips will be greatly appreciated, I've tried everything and still cant figure it out.
Thanks in advance

How do I deploy a react website to github pages?

I've tried following the github documentation and this video tutorial to a T and yet when ever I try and visit my site I simply get a 404 error, this a link to the gh-page repo Not sure what i'm doing wrong.
check this, it is very good tutorial to deploy react app on github pages
