What is the meaning of 'sender=:1.478' in dbus-monitor? - dbus

Nowadays I am analyzing d-bus in Chromium OS (Chrome OS).
I captured meaningful d-bus method calls (below), when I press ''guest' button on login UI.
my-cros # dbus-monitor --system "path=/org/chromium/Session Manager"
method call time=1632311881.319994 sender=: 1.478 -> destination=org.chromium. SessionManager serial=378 path=/org/chromium/Session Manager; interface=org.chromium.SessionManager Interface: member=LoadShil1Profile
string "$guest"
method call time=1632311881.319417 sender:1.478 -> destination=org. chromium. Session Manager serial=371 path=/org/chromium/SessionManager; interface=org.chromium.SessionManager Interface: member-SetFeatureFlagsFor User string "$guest"
array [
array [
I know that org.chromium.SessionManager is the one who starts guest/google-id session.
Btw what is the meaning of 'sender=:1.478'?
And how to track the sender process?
Thank you in advance.

Firstly, you might find it easier to visualise what’s going on by using Bustle instead of dbus-monitor.
sender=:1.478 means the message you’re looking at was sent by the connection with unique ID :1.478 on the bus. Each connection to the bus (roughly, each process, although a process can actually have more than one connection) has a unique ID, and some connections also have ‘well-known’ IDs which look like reverse-DNS names. For example org.chromium.SessionManager.
You can track the sender process by looking for the same unique ID appearing as the sender or destination of other messages. Using Bustle will make this easier, as it can group and filter messages by sender/destination.


get_multiple_points volttron RPC call

Any chance I could get a tip for proper way to build an agent that could do read multiple points from multiple devices on a BACnet system? I am viewing the actuator agent code trying learn how to make the proper rpc call.
So going through the agent development procedure with the agent creation wizard.
In the init I have this just hard coded at the moment:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Setteroccvav, self).__init__(**kwargs)
_log.debug("vip_identity: " + self.core.identity)
self.default_config = {}
self.agent_id = "dr_event_setpoint_adj_agent"
self.topic = "slipstream_internal/slipstream_hq/"
self.jci_zonetemp_string = "/ZN-T"
So the BACnet system in the building has JCI VAV boxes all with the same zone temperature sensor point self.jci_zonetemp_string and self.topic is how I pulled them into volttron/config store through BACnet discovery processes.
In my actuate point function (copied from CSV driver example) am I at all close for how to make the rpc call named reads using the get_multiple_points? Hoping to scrape the zone temperature sensor readings on BACnet device ID's 6,7,8,9,10 which are all the same VAV box controller with the same points/BAS program running.
def actuate_point(self):
Request that the Actuator set a point on the CSV device
# Create a start and end timestep to serve as the times we reserve to communicate with the CSV Device
_now = get_aware_utc_now()
str_now = format_timestamp(_now)
_end = _now + td(seconds=10)
str_end = format_timestamp(_end)
# Wrap the timestamps and device topic (used by the Actuator to identify the device) into an actuator request
schedule_request = [[self.ahu_topic, str_now, str_end]]
# Use a remote procedure call to ask the actuator to schedule us some time on the device
result = self.vip.rpc.call(
'platform.actuator', 'request_new_schedule', self.agent_id, 'my_test', 'HIGH', schedule_request).get(
_log.info(f'*** [INFO] *** - SCHEDULED TIME ON ACTUATOR From "actuate_point" method sucess')
reads = publish_agent.vip.rpc.call(
[(('self.topic'+'6', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'7', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'8', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'9', self.jci_zonetemp_string)),
(('self.topic'+'10', self.jci_zonetemp_string))]).get(timeout=10)
Any tips before I break something on the live system greatly appreciated :)
The basic form of an RPC call to the actuator is as follows:
# use the agent's VIP connection to make an RPC call to the actuator agent
result = self.vip.rpc.call('platform.actuator', <RPC exported function>, <args>).get(timeout=<seconds>)
Because we're working with devices, we need to know which devices we're interested in, and what their topics are. We also need to know which points on the devices that we're interested in.
device_map = {
'device1': '201201',
'device2': '201202',
'device3': '201203',
'device4': '201204',
building_topic = 'campus/building'
all_device_points = ['point1', 'point2', 'point3']
Getting points with the actuator requires a list of point topics, or device/point topic pairs.
# we only need one of the following:
point topics = []
for device in device_map.values():
for point in all_device_points:
point_topics.append('/'.join([building_topic, device, point]))
device_point_pairs = []
for device in device_map.values():
for point in all_device_points:
device_point_pairs.append(('/'.join([building_topic, device]),point,))
Now we send our RPC request to the actuator:
# can use instead device_point_pairs
point_results = self.vip.rpc.call('platform.actuator', 'get_multiple_points', point_topics).get(timeout=3)
maybe it's just my interpretation of your question, but it seems a little open-ended - so I shall respond in a similar vein - general (& I'll try to keep it short).
First, you need the list of info for targeting each device in-turn; i.e. it might consist of just a IP(v4) address (for the physical device) & the (logical) device's BOIN (BACnet Object Instance Number) - or if the request is been routed/forwarded on by/via a BACnet router/BACnet gateway then maybe also the DNET # & the DADR too.
Then you probably want - for each device/one at a time, to retrieve the first/0-element value of the device's Object-List property - in order to get the number of objects it contains, to allow you to know how many objects are available (including the logical device/device-type object) - that you need to retrieve from it/iterate over; NOTE: in the real world, as much as it's common for the device-type object to be the first one in the list, there's no guarantee it will always be the case.
As much as the BACnet standard started allowing for the retrieval of the Property-List (property) from each & every object, most equipment don't as-yet support it, so you might need your own idea of what properties (/at least the ones of interest to you) that each different object-type supports; probably at the very-very least know which ones/object-types support the Present-Value property & which ones don't.
One ideal would be to have the following mocked facets - as fakes for testing purposes instead of testing against a live/important device (- or at least consider testing against a noddy BACnet enabled Raspberry PI or the harware-based like):
a mock for your BACnet service
a mock for the BACnet communication stack
a mock for your device as a whole (- if you can't write your own one, then maybe even start with the YABE 'Room Control Simulator' as a starting point)
Hope this helps (in some way).

Flink broadcast state implement session window inside process function

My flink app designed to process IoT data from sensors.
Sensors send data through gateways. this is what the sample data looks like
case class Data(sensorId: String, value: Float, gatewayId: String, timestamp: Long)
Data from the same sensor can come from different gateways
If the gateway is disconnected from the network, then I receive a special event about this case class GatewayEvents(gatewayId: String, event: String, timestamp: Long) and use the broadcast stream which is connected to the main data stream from the sensors
the sensor may not send data in two cases,
it is broken
the gateway is disconnected from the network (will receive GatewayEvents("gwId","disconnected",1617979694) message in broadcast stream)
If I received a message that some gateway was disconnected from the network and the sensors that sent data through it stopped sending data (for example, within 1 minute), I need to create a special event
my semi-implemented implementation looks like this:
case class Data(sensorId: String, value: Float, gatewayId: String)
case class GatewayEvents(gatewayId: String, event: String, timestamp: Long)
val sensorData: DataStream[Data] ...
val gwData: DataStream[GatewayEvents] ...
val gatewayBroadcastStateDescriptor = new MapStateDescriptor[String, GatewayEvents]("gatewayEvents", classOf[String], classOf[GatewayEvents])
val broadcastGatewayEventsStream = gwData.broadcast(gatewayBroadcastStateDescriptor)
val events: sensorData.
Can't make the implementation of this process. Any ideas? I think the SessionWindows will help me, but I can't figure out how best to do it
So, the simplest idea would be to use timers in this case I think. So, basically You could implement KeyedCoProcess function in a way that if it receives GatewayDisconnected message You will register timer (processing time) to fire after desired time. If any message arrives for sensor You would simply delete the registered timer, so that it won't fire. Inside ofonTimer function You can simply emit the desired event since if the timer fires it means that no value has arrived in the timespan.
One thing to note here is that if You keyBy(_.sensorId) it means the event would be generated for every sensor that was received through this gateway. If You want to emit only one event for the gatewa, You can simply change partitioning to keyBy(_.gatewayId).

Passing a FD to an unnamed pipe over DBus using Vala

I'm trying to send a large block of data between applications by sending a control message over DBus from one to the other requesting a Unix file descriptor. I have it so that the client can request this, the server creates a DBus message that includes a UnixFDList, and the client receives a reply message but it doesn't contain anything. On the server side in Vala the DBusConnection object is setup using register_object, unfortunately the Vapi hides the DBusInterfaceVTable parameter that all the C examples use that would let me specify a delegate for method calls. I've tried to use register_object_with_closures instead but I can't seem to get that to work and the Closure object in Vala is woefully undocumented.
It seems to me that I need one of these methods in order to receive the message from the DBusMethodInvocation object that you get from a call to the DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc delegate, with that you can create a reply message. Is there a way to either specify a closure class that works with register_object_with_closures, or a way to specify a DBusInterfaceVTable object as part of the service data?
I know that one option is to just create the service in C, but I'd rather figure out and understand how this works in Vala.
Vala uses UnixFDList internally for methods that contain a parameter of type GLib.UnixInputStream, GLib.UnixOutputStream, GLib.Socket, or GLib.FileDescriptorBased.
public interface MasterDbusIfce: GLib.Object {
public abstract void get_connection(
string app_id,
string dbus_id,
out GLib.Socket? socket,
out string? token) throws GLib.Error;

Should a InitialDirContext object be closed explicitly everytime?

There is an application that talks to LDAP on a need basis for several operations like user info fetch, list of users, list of groups, email ids etc. Every time a request has to be made an InitialDirContext object is created and used as follows.
Properties ldapProperties = new Properties();
ldapProperties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
ldapProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldaps://serv:636");
ldapProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
ldapProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "user");
ldapProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");
ldapProperties.put("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", "tokenGroups");
InitialDirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(ldapProperties);
Should this "ctx" object be closed using the close() method?
If its not closed and there are multiple new InitialDirContext() creations will the old ones be automatically closed?
If it was just an internal object it will be garbage collected but what about this connection object?
No reason to close the context object each time.
You should be aware that it would be possible that the server (or some network device like a Load balancer proxy) would close the connection and then you may need to reinitialize the connection.
We have some Example JNDI solutions you may find helpful.

Runtime debugging tips for Windows Service?

I have a Windows Service that monitors a COM port connected to a vendors hardware. This is a very busy piece of hardware that is constantly polling other devices on the wire (this is a twisted-pair RS485 "network"). My software needs to emulate X number of hardware devices on this wire, so I've got a multi-threaded thing going on with a multi-tiered state machine to keep track of where the communications protocol is at any moment.
Problem is with a Windows Service (this is my first one, BTW) is that you need some debugging to let you know if stuff is working properly. When I was first developing this state machine/multi-thread code I had a windows form with a RichTextBox that displayed the ASCII chars going back-n-forth on the line. Seems like I can't really have that GUI niceness with a service. I tried opening a form in the service via another program that sent the service messages that are received via the OnCustomCommand() handler but it didn't seem to work. I had "Allow service to interact with desktop" checked and everything. I was using the Show() and Hide() methods of my debug form.
I guess I don't need to see all of the individual characters going on the line but man that sure would be nice (I think I really need to see them :-) ). So does anyone have any crazy ideas that could help me out? I don't want to bog down the system with some IPC that isn't meant for the voluminous amount of data that is sure to come through. It will only be very short-term debugging though, just confirmation that the program, the RS485-to-USB dongle, and hardware is all working.
Use OutputDebugString to write to the debugging buffer and then use DebugView to watch it. If you're running on Windows XP or earlier, then you can use PortMon to see the raw bytes going through the serial port. The advantage over a log file is that there's very little overhead, particularly when you're not watching it. You can even run DebugView from another machine and monitor your service remotely.
I dunno if it will work for you, but I always build my services with a extra Main that build them as console app to get debug output.
Some example:
class Worker : ServiceBase
/// <summary>
/// The Main Thread where the Service is Run.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
ServiceBase.Run(new Worker());
public static void Main(String[] args)
Worker worker = new Worker();
// Other Service code
You could write the output to a log file and then use another application to watch that file. This question about "tail" outlines several options for watching log files with windows.
What I usually do when working on a Windows Service is to create it so that it can be run either as a service, or as a plain old command-line application. You can easily check whether you are running as a service by checking Environment.UserInteractive. If this property is true, then you are running from the command line. If the property is false, then you are running as a service. Add this code to Program.cs, and use it where you would normally call ServiceBase.Run(servicesToRun)
/// <summary>Runs the provided service classes.</summary>
/// <param name="servicesToRun">The service classes to run.</param>
/// <param name="args">The command-line arguments to pass to the service classes.</param>
private static void RunServices(IEnumerable<ServiceBase> servicesToRun, IEnumerable args)
var serviceBaseType = typeof(ServiceBase);
var onStartMethod = serviceBaseType.GetMethod("OnStart", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var service in servicesToRun)
onStartMethod.Invoke(service, new object[] { args });
Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName + " started.");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
var onStopMethod = serviceBaseType.GetMethod("OnStop", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var service in servicesToRun)
onStopMethod.Invoke(service, null);
Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName + " stopped.");
Now you can debug your service, set breakpoints, anything you want. When you run your application, you'll get a console window, appropriate for displaying console messages, and it will stay open until you hit a key.
I'm answering my own question here. I tried a couple of suggestions here but here's what I ended up doing...
I created a Windows Form application with a single Button and RichTextBox. This application constructed a NamedPipeServerStream on it's end. The Button's job was to send either "debug on" (command 128) or "debug off" (129) to the Windows Service. The initial value was "debug off". When the button was clicked, a command of 128 was sent to the Windows Service to turn debugging on. In the Windows Service this triggered an internal variable to be true, plus it connected to the Form application with a NamedPipeClientStream and started sending characters with a BinaryWriter as they were received or sent on the COM port. On the Form side, a BackgroundWorker was created to WaitForConnection() on the pipe. When it got a connection, a BinaryReader.ReadString() was used to read the data off of the pipe and shoot it to the RichTextBox.
I'm almost there. I'm breaking my pipe when I click the debug button again and a subsequent click doesn't correctly redo the pipe. All in all I'm happy with it. I can post any code if anyone is interested. Thanks for the responses!
