So i'm trying to paginate some data coming in as a POST request. (Using POST because the data is large and exceeds GET limits). What im thinking I need to do is get the page number were on currently so whenever a user wants to view a particular page, so we can know which page to present. What I don't understand is how to set up the URL to have parameters within the URL. What i'm hoping to achieve is to have a URL like this but what i currently have is'/newdatasessions', checkAuth, cacheMiddleware(15*60), (req, res) => {
if(req.query.limit == 2 && == 1 && req.query.order == 'session_uuid DESC'){
First up, I'm new to Next and I'm using Next 13.1 with the app directory.
I need a select input in my application that is used to switch between the different years of data I'm looking at.
The data of the entire application (content, side navigation bar, top navigation bar) depends on the selected year, because I need to fetch data from different paths depending on which year is selected.
Currently I am fetching all the data server side, and I am setting a searchParam when the select input value changes. Because the search params can only be accessed in Page components on the server side, I'm converting the search param to a request header using middleware, so every server-side component can access it. This leads to a complete reload of the page every time a link is clicked.
My question is: How do I implement the functionality described above? I am obviously doing something wrong, but I'm new to client / server components and therefore don't know the best design practices.
// The select input:
<StyledTextField select defaultValue={currentYear ?? years.find(year => year.is_active)?.id}>
{> (
<MenuItem value={} key={} className={"yearSelectItem"}>
<Link href={{pathname: pathname, query: {year:}}}>
{} {year.is_active && "(aktiv)"}
// The middleware:
const requestHeaders = new Headers(request.headers);
requestHeaders.set("x-year", request.nextUrl.searchParams.get("year") ?? "")
const response ={
request: {
headers: requestHeaders
return response;
// This is how I access the header in server-side components:
I'am using express-session for creating session in nodejs & using method to send datas to nodejs. How to retrieve the session variable in html using angularjs? Can you please help me?
Here is my code
Inside angularjs controller in the first html page,
$'/form', data)
if ( {
$window.location.href = 'other.html';
console.log("inside failure");
In nodejs,'/form', function (req, res) {
console.log("Incoming data" , userData);
req.session.mob = userData.mob;
req.session.provider = userData.provider;
I have to display the mob value in the 'other.html' which is stored in nodejs session.Can you suggest me how to do it through angularjs?
Not sure If i understand your question correctly - i'll try to help.
First of all, it will be angularJs best practice to use routes or states and pass the data you received from the server ( in your example) as a state param or a url param to the new page, and avoid the redirection.
If you do need to redirect to the "other.html" just pass the data from the server as query param in the url (if its a property) or save it in the browser storage (local storage, if the new page is being opened in a new tab) and read the data when your other.html is loaded.
Make sure that you pass a url to $window.location.href.
I have a request, Can anyone tell me, how to properly do. I want to make two navbars in my project, first is intended for admin, second for user. I use with NodeJS (back), AngularJS (front). At the moment I created on the side NodeJS script, Which checks the status of the user role:
In router index.js (I think its good place?)
router.get('/checkRole', function (req, res) {
if (req.user != null) {
if (req.user.role == 'admin') {
} else {
Now the question is what next?
Create Service with http.get to index route, and every time, when will be loaded page check status and load navbar?
(Important thing)
So I need in each controller to add a service (http get, check status, load navbar) yes?
Or is another way? Can someone explain me??
Sorry for english, and thanks for help.
I'm using AngularJS and I have created an web app.
I don't know how to get values from one specific link.
I have an admin page where I have all users and I get them using ng-repeat
<div ng-repeat="user in allusers">
But I have created routes for example user level and I have added them to -- (that's example so I will get user level via user email)
The recommended approach would be to have the service that retrieves the users, send the user's level in the user object itself.
But, if this is not an option and you have to make separate service calls to get the user's level, this is how you would do this.
function getUserLevels(users) {
for(var i=0; i<users.length; i++) {
function getUserLevelForUser(user) {
$http.get(BASE_URL + '/' +
.then(function (response) {
user.userLevel =;
Since I do not have access to your API, I've created a plunker app that invokes the Open Movie Database API. In this demo, instead of the user's level, I will be fetching a movie's director. Also, instead of using the user's email in the url, I will be using the movie name.
See working plunker here
Im using Sencha Touch 2 where i have a login form asking for username and password
now i want to store user details via Session/Cookie so the user can logout,
i browsed some links which i got
Sencha-touch : save login / password (save session, multi-tasks)
but im being an new to sench touch develpment
any help using code examples will be of very great input for me
Thanks in advance
You can use the HTML5 localStore object. For instance, when a user logs in and your server request is made, on the callback of a successful server request you can store any necessary data. Here is a snippet from one of my apps:
loginCallback: function(options, success, response) {
var responseOjbect = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (responseOjbect.success) {
this.clearLoginStorage(); //runs a function to clear some login storage values
if (rememberme) {
localStorage.setItem("rememberme", 1);
} else {
localStorage.setItem("rememberme", 0);
localStorage.setItem("userid", responseOjbect.userid);
localStorage.setItem("first_name", responseOjbect.first_name);
localStorage.setItem("last_name", responseOjbect.last_name);
localStorage.setItem("appsettingone", responseOjbect.appsettingone);
localStorage.setItem("appsettingtwo", responseOjbect.appsettingtwo);
localStorage.setItem("setdate", new Date());
if (!this.dashboard) {
Ext.create('myApp.view.Dashboard', {
//additional config
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Attention', responseOjbect.errorMessage, Ext.emptyFn);
Once you have set your localStorage items, they can be retrieved or removed like so:
localStorage.getItem("user_id"); //retrieve
localStorage.removeItem("userid"); //remove
So when you call your logout function, just don't remove any localStorage objects you want to keep. Then you can call localStorage.getItem("VALUE") to retrieve them upon next login
This is something which is managed by the server, not the client, so you want to look at , not at sencha itself.
On a guess that you are using php, for something really basic, take a look at: