How to link DOCUVALUE table to related business metadata - database

I am trying to pull a report of all the documents referenced in AX, and I'm having a heck of a time figuring out the AX database structure. Ideally I want to pull a list of documents and the Journal / Batch # each is associated with.
In our AX environment, all documents are stored on a share (i.e. they're not actually stored as BLOBs in the AX database).
It looks like the DOCUVALUE table is the principal table that references the documents, having the ORIGINALFILENAME and other columns that seem to "point" to the files on the AX share. But DOCUVALUE doesn't contain any useful business metadata.
After a bit of exploring, it looks like like the DOCUREF table relates to DOCUVALUE (DOCUVALUE.RECID = DOCUREF.VALUERECID) which helps a little - gives you the Company #, but that's about it.
After a bit more exploring, it looked like it would be possible to join across to LEDGERJOURNALTABLE as shown below:
select ljt.journalnum, filename + '.' + filetype filename, journal_name,
dr.refcompanyid, convert(varchar(10), ljt.posteddatetime,111) posted_date,
ljt.createdby, convert(numeric, ljt.journaltotalcredit) journalamount
where dv.RECID = dr.VALUERECID and dr.refrecid = ljt.recid
order by 1,2
This looked promising, so I pulled out a data listing and asked one of our key business users to review the results. She indicated that it was accurate to some extent, but there were other areas where the document referenced just didn't have any relation to the JournalNum in the listing.
So - I'm at a bit of a dead end - I've spent further time generating SQL statements to harvest data using specific RECID values, trying other joins, but each time I just disappear down a rabbit hole.
Any ideas? Any help gratefully received!!

The AX document management framework is designed so that a document can be attached to any data row in any table. What you're trying to do is far easier in AX, but we'll stick with SQL for the question.
The problem you're having is you don't know the reference objects because you're ignoring REFTABLEID.
The key fields that connect a denormalized "document" to the associated business data are REFTABLEID, REFCOMPANYID, and REFRECID (you already have the last one).
So start with this query below:
AND sd.FIELDID = 0 -- Indicates it is a table and not a table field
AND sd.NAME = 'LEDGERJOURNALTABLE' -- Instead of hardcoding, join & query
You'll have to get creative depending on your use with SQL, You'll want to remove the hardcoded 'LEDGERJOURNALTABLE' and then use sd.SQLNAME to join to the actual SQL table. Then if that SQL table has DataAreaId, you'd likely want to join it to dr.REFCOMPANYID.
Or you can hardcode the tables or whatever you want to do. You should be aware you can attach documents to journal headers OR lines...or many other rows for that matter.
Just start exploring the data and you should be able to figure out what you want with that query above.
So for your sample query, you can see I added 2 lines. Your query will only work when joined for LedgerJournalTable. You'll have to do some dynamic SQL or use a cursor or something if you want to report on every attachment.
SELECT ljt.journalnum
,filename + '.' + filetype filename
, journal_name
,convert(VARCHAR(10), ljt.posteddatetime, 111) posted_date
,convert(NUMERIC, ljt.journaltotalcredit) journalamount
AND dr.REFTABLEID = 211 -- ADDED TableId for LedgerJournalTable


SQL Server & MS Access separate Views for data entry and read only forms?

I'm working on a small company information system using MS Access as the front end and SQL Server 2019 Express as the back end. I am a bit confused about views at the moment.
Here is what I have:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat
#Amount DECIMAL(10,2),
#Currency INT
WHEN #Currency = 1 THEN FORMAT(#Amount, 'C', 'cs-cz')
WHEN #Currency = 2 THEN FORMAT(#Amount, 'C', 'de-ch')
WHEN #Currency = 3 THEN FORMAT(#Amount, 'C', 'en-us')
WHEN #Currency = 4 THEN FORMAT(#Amount, 'C', 'de-de')
CREATE VIEW v_PurchaseOrderLines
SELECT tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails.PurchaseOrderDetailID,
dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat(ListPrice,CurrencyID) AS ListPrice,
FORMAT(tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails.Discount, 'P0') AS Discount,
dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat(UnitPrice,CurrencyID) AS UnitPrice,
dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat(UnitPrice*Quantity,CurrencyID) AS TotalPrice,
FORMAT (tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails.VAT, 'P0') AS VAT,
dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1+VAT),CurrencyID) AS TotalPriceVAT,
FROM tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails JOIN tbl1Products ON tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails.ProductID = tbl1Products.ProductID
CREATE VIEW v_PurchaseOrderLines_DE
SELECT tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails.PurchaseOrderDetailID,
dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat(UnitPrice*Quantity,CurrencyID) AS TotalPrice,
dbo.DisplayCurrencyFormat(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1+VAT),CurrencyID) AS TotalPriceVAT,
FROM tbl1PurchaseOrderDetails
This works quite well but I'm stuck with 2 views. I'm not able to use any view with FORMAT function or joins inside my data entry forms, it will not accept any changes, so the first view is used for the read only form (looking at purchase orders). However I still need to see calculated total prices in real time on my data entry form, that's why I can't feed data directly from the table.
The second view is then used for editing purchase orders.
Is there some workaround how to do all this within a single view, or am I stuck with 2 views for every entity like this one?
Thanks a lot for any tips.
Linked Views with JOINs are editable in Access, if the PK of the underlying table you want to edit is included in the view, and you specify it as PK when linking the view.
Percent formatting can be done in the form.
Currency formatting: you simplify your life and the view by putting the currency symbol into a separate field in view and form. But it is less perfect. :)
It will still depend on your exact requirements if you can get away with a single view for list display vs. editing. It is not always possible.

MSD CRM: Get the count of records of all entities in CRM

I am working on to get the record count of every entity available in the CRM. I have seen so many solutions are available on the internet But I have searched in the database(As we have on-prem) and found one table called 'RecordCountSnapshot' has the count(and answer to my question). I am wondering can we query that table somehow and get the count.
I have tried using OData Query builder, I am able to prepare a query but unable to get the result.
We are using CRM 2015 on-prem version.
Go to Settings -> Customizations -> Developer Resources -> Service Endpoints -> Organization Data Service
Open by clicking /XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/, it is missing the definition for RecordCountSnapshot. That means this entity is not serviceable by OData. Even if you modify the other OData query url to use RecordCountSnapshotSet you will get 'Not found' error. (I tried in CRM REST builder)
1) As you are in Onpremise, You can use this query:
SELECT TOP 1000 [Count]
,entityview.ObjectTypeCode, Name
FROM [YOURCRM_MSCRM].[dbo].[RecordCountSnapshot] , EntityView
where entityview.ObjectTypeCode = RecordCountSnapshot.ObjectTypeCode
and count > 0 order by count desc
2) In Odata Query Designer, you have statistics tab. Use it to get the records count.
One option to get the counts of all entities is to run this SQL query against the MSCRM database:
SELECT SO.Name, SI.rows
FROM sysindexes SI, SysObjects SO
WHERE = SO.ID AND SO.Type = 'U' AND SI.indid < 2
order by rows DESC
I have also built a command line app that's in beta testing that runs a count of all entities. If you're interested, let's chat.

How table was created in SQL-Server

What I need to find is the procedure of recreating some table, what data sources were used, which scripts if any &c. So is it possible to differentiate somehow, maybe in system views or similar, if the table was created manually or by query and if the data was imported from external data or from already existing table/view in the database? I already know who created and when. I’ve pretty much screened whole database without results and now I am looking for hints in metadata.
If the table was created recently, you can glean information from the default trace. The query below will list object created and altered events. The default trace is a rollover trace so forensic information will be limited based on activity.
, AS EventName
FROM (SELECT REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(path), 1, CHARINDEX(N'\', REVERSE(path)), '')) + N'\Log.trc' AS path
FROM sys.traces WHERE is_default = 1) AS default_trace_path
CROSS APPLY fn_trace_gettable(default_trace_path.path, DEFAULT) AS trace
JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON
JOIN sys.trace_subclass_values AS tsv ON
tsv.trace_event_id = EventClass
AND tsv.subclass_value = trace.EventSubClass
WHERE IN(N'Object:Altered', N'Object:Created')
AND tsv.subclass_name = 'Commit'
ORDER BY trace.StartTime;

Source data type "200" not found error when exporting query results to excel Microsoft SQL Server 2012

I am very new to Microsoft SQL Server and am using 2012 Management Studio. I get the error above when I try to export query results to an excel file using the wizard. I have seen solutions posted elsewhere for this error but do not know enough to figure out how to implement the solutions recommended. Can somebody please walk me through one of these solutions step by step?
I believe my problem is that the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Does Not Recognise Varchar and NVarchar which I believe is the data type for the columns that I am receiving errors for.
Source Type 200 in SQL Server Import and Export Wizard?
SELECT licenseEntitlement.entID, licenseEntitlement.entStartDate, entEndDate, quote.quoteId, quote.accountId, quote.clientId, quote.clientName, quote.contactName,
quote.contactEmail, quote.extReference, quote.purchaseOrderNumber, quote.linkedTicket
FROM licenseEntitlement INNER JOIN
quote ON quote.quoteId = SUBSTRING(licenseEntitlement.entComments, 12, PATINDEX('% Created%', licenseEntitlement.entComments) - 12)
inner join sophos521.dbo.computersanddeletedcomputers on = entid and IsNumeric( = 1
WHERE (licenseEntitlement.entType = 'AVS') AND (licenseEntitlement.entComments LIKE 'OV Order + %') and entenddate < '4/1/2014'
ORDER BY licenseEntitlement.entEndDate
TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
Column information for the source and the destination data could not be retrieved, or the data types of source columns were not mapped correctly to those available on the destination provider.
[Query] -> `Query`:
- Column "accountId": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "clientId": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "clientName": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "contactName": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "contactEmail": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "extReference": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "purchaseOrderNumber": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
- Column "linkedTicket": Source data type "200" was not found in the data type mapping file.
If any more details are needed please let me know
So, implementing the suggestion at the StackOverflow link you gave, of turning the query into a View, here's an example of what that could look like (with some code formatting ;) --
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[test__View_1]
SELECT LIC.entID, LIC.entStartDate, entEndDate,
quote.quoteId, quote.accountId, quote.clientId, quote.clientName,
quote.contactName, quote.contactEmail, quote.extReference,
quote.purchaseOrderNumber, quote.linkedTicket
FROM [dbo].licenseEntitlement LIC WITH(NOLOCK)
ON quote.quoteId = SUBSTRING(LIC.entComments, 12,
PATINDEX('% Created%', LIC.entComments) - 12)
INNER JOIN sophos521.dbo.computersanddeletedcomputers COMPS WITH(NOLOCK)
ON = entid and IsNumeric( = 1
WHERE (LIC.entType = 'AVS')
AND (LIC.entComments LIKE 'OV Order + %')
and (entenddate < '4/1/2014')
Then, you would export from test__View_1 (or whatever real name you choose for it), as if test__View_1 was the table name.
FYI, after the first time you've executed the above -- after you've "created" the view -- then from then on, the view's first line (during modifications) changes, from CREATE VIEW, to ALTER VIEW.
((And, aside from the bug question... in your WHERE clause, did you intend entComments LIKE 'OV Order + %', or was that really intended to be entComments LIKE 'OV Order%'? I've made that change, in the alternative example code, below.))
Note: if you're going to be exporting repeatedly (or re-using) the output from one run, and especially if your query is slow or hogs the machine... then instead of a VIEW, you might prefer a SELECT INTO, to create a table once, which can be quickly re-used. (I would also choose SELECT INTO rather than CREATE VIEW, when developing a one-time-only query for export.)
SELECT LIC.entID, LIC.entStartDate, LIC.entEndDate,
quote.quoteId, quote.accountId, quote.clientId, quote.clientName,
quote.contactName, quote.contactEmail, quote.extReference,
quote.purchaseOrderNumber, quote.linkedTicket
FROM [dbo].licenseEntitlement LIC WITH(NOLOCK)
ON quote.quoteId = SUBSTRING(LIC.entComments, 12,
PATINDEX('% Created%', LIC.entComments) - 12)
INNER JOIN sophos521.dbo.computersanddeletedcomputers COMPS WITH(NOLOCK)
ON = LIC.entid and IsNumeric( = 1
WHERE (LIC.entType = 'AVS')
AND (LIC.entComments LIKE 'OV Order%')
and (LIC.entenddate < '4/1/2014')
Then, you would of course export from table zz_LIC_ENT_DETAIL (or whatever table name you chose).
Hope that helps...
It might be easier to right click query results window and choosing Save Results As (CSV)..
To append the column names in the first row you'd also need to modify your query in this way (note the cast for int or datetime columns):
select 'col1', 'col2', 'col3'
union all
select cast(id as varchar(10)), name, cast(someinfo as varchar(28))
from Question1355876

Stored Procedure with two input params and multiple matches and create view with in

I am not much strong in SQL, so looking for some help.
First I am looking for suggestion for the best way to implement this logic in SQL and then some sample code to implement.
My portal is going to connect Students and Training Providers.
Students: Select what courses (multiple) they want, type of delivery (online, class room), Industry(domain) to which the course to be targeted more, Location Preference.
Training Providers: Select what courses offering (so one record for each course), offering locations, type of delivery for each course, industries (multiple) it is targeting.
When student login:
I would like to create SP which in turn create view to store the matched records of the Training Providers data which matches that student needs of that StudentID, CourseID passed to SP
I have created the following sp ( but not included create view part as I am not sure how to do this)
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_TPsMatched2StuCourse]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#StuID int,
#CourseID int
Select TP.MemID,TP.PastExp,SN.DeliveryType,SN.LocPref,SN.Industry,SC.CourseID from
tbl_TrainingProvider as TP , tbl_StuCourses as SC, tbl_StuNeeds SN
where SN.CourseID = #CourseID and SN.StuID = #StuID and
SN.DeliveryType in (TP.DeliveryMode) and
SN.LocPref IN (TP.LocOffering) and
SN.Industry IN (TP.Industries)
--- exec sp_ELsMatched2EntProp 1, 1
Why I need to put the data is as follows:
Assume the data is stored in that dynamic view and that would be bind to datagrid. Student then select interested TPs. Then only contact details would be shared to each other and this cannot be reveresed. So I would put this interested data in another table later. Every time data changes, hence the matches. Student can change some of his/her needs or new TPs join etc so view to be temparory.
when I executed this using above command, I am not getting data though it matches few records. What is wrong I am doing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You are not getting expected results because you filter out too many records in WHERE( I'm talking about this part : SN.DeliveryType in (TP.DeliveryMode) and
SN.LocPref IN (TP.LocOffering) and SN.Industry IN (TP.Industries)). I'd recommend to use JOIN ... ON instead of specifying all tables in FROM and join condition in WHERE. I'm not sure what you want exactly, but I believe you are looking for
FROM tbl_StuNeeds SN
LEFT JOIN tbl_TrainingProvider as TP ON (TP.DeliveryMode = SN.DeliveryType AND
SN.LocPref = TP.LocOffering AND TP.Industries = SN.Industry)
WHERE SN.CourseID = #CourseID and SN.StuID = #StuID
Also, there is no join conditions in your code for tbl_StuCourses as SC which results in cross-join.
Finally, why do you need a stored procedure at all? From what I see in your example, a table-valued function will work better:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].getTPsMatched2StuCourse(#StuID INT,#CourseID INT)
Select .... ;
