MSD CRM: Get the count of records of all entities in CRM - sql-server

I am working on to get the record count of every entity available in the CRM. I have seen so many solutions are available on the internet But I have searched in the database(As we have on-prem) and found one table called 'RecordCountSnapshot' has the count(and answer to my question). I am wondering can we query that table somehow and get the count.
I have tried using OData Query builder, I am able to prepare a query but unable to get the result.
We are using CRM 2015 on-prem version.

Go to Settings -> Customizations -> Developer Resources -> Service Endpoints -> Organization Data Service
Open by clicking /XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/, it is missing the definition for RecordCountSnapshot. That means this entity is not serviceable by OData. Even if you modify the other OData query url to use RecordCountSnapshotSet you will get 'Not found' error. (I tried in CRM REST builder)
1) As you are in Onpremise, You can use this query:
SELECT TOP 1000 [Count]
,entityview.ObjectTypeCode, Name
FROM [YOURCRM_MSCRM].[dbo].[RecordCountSnapshot] , EntityView
where entityview.ObjectTypeCode = RecordCountSnapshot.ObjectTypeCode
and count > 0 order by count desc
2) In Odata Query Designer, you have statistics tab. Use it to get the records count.

One option to get the counts of all entities is to run this SQL query against the MSCRM database:
SELECT SO.Name, SI.rows
FROM sysindexes SI, SysObjects SO
WHERE = SO.ID AND SO.Type = 'U' AND SI.indid < 2
order by rows DESC
I have also built a command line app that's in beta testing that runs a count of all entities. If you're interested, let's chat.


Identity Server with Entity Framework can't authenticate

I am trying to setup client_credentials grant type in identity server 4 using the entity framework project.
I am using a sample config file to populate the database:
This data is entered into the database and I attempt to connect to the token endpoint via Insomnia, here is a screenshot of my setup:
It states invalid_client but I am not sure why, I ran a SQL profile and every time I hit this endpoint its running:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [x.Properties].[Id], [x.Properties].[ClientId], [x.Properties].[Key], [x.Properties].[Value]
FROM [ClientProperties] AS [x.Properties]
SELECT TOP(1) [x8].[Id]
FROM [Clients] AS [x8]
WHERE [x8].[ClientId] = #__clientId_0
ORDER BY [x8].[Id]
) AS [t7] ON [x.Properties].[ClientId] = [t7].[Id]
ORDER BY [t7].[Id]',N'#__clientId_0 nvarchar(200)',#__clientId_0=N'client'
It's trying to perform a join on the ClientProperties table, but this table is currently empty. I am not sure if this is the problem or not.
Am I doing something wrong?
When you INNER JOIN two tables, of which one is empty (as you state), the result set will always be empty so when the client can't be retrieved by client_id, you get "invalid_client".
Putting some data, linked to your client, into it should resolve the issue.

Recently created index in SQL Server

How to find recently created index details in my SQL Server database? Any query to find this?
In my database there are a lot of indexes. I want to know which of those indexes were recently created, with all their details.
You can use SCHEMA changes history to know index creation changes along with many changes
Below is how you do it..
1.Right click server
2.Goto reports -->standard reports-->Schema changes history
below is screenshot from mt device
Default trace is enabled by default,unless you turn it on
below query tells you,if default trace status is ON
select * from sys.configurations where name like '%trace%'
below query can provide object creation stats
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid),objectname,indexid
FROM sys.fn_trace_gettable(CONVERT(VARCHAR(150), ( SELECT TOP 1
FROM sys.fn_trace_getinfo(NULL) f
JOIN sys.trace_events TE ON T.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id
where DatabaseName=db_name()
ORDER BY t.StartTime ;

SonarQube - SQL Server : get users and groups associated with Project in SonarQube from backend database

I need to find the list of users and group associated with project in SonarQube.
I try to find tables user_roles and group_roles that have a column resource_id. This can be used to get corresponding kee value in table resource_index. This kee value is not same as projects file kee value.
Select *
into #TempTblSnprjusrs
users.login "lanid", "Name", resource_index.kee "Kee"
user_roles, resource_index, users
resource_index.resource_id = user_roles.resource_id
and = user_roles.user_id) as x;
But we cannot get corresponding values of kee in projects table.
Select Distinct
#TempTblSnprjusrs.lanid, #TempTblSnprjusrs.Name,
#TempTblSnprjusrs.kee, projects.Name
projects on projects.kee = #TempTblSnprjusrs.Project_key;
The database is not an API.
To get the users and groups associated with a project permission-wise, use the Administrative Security interface. Otherwise, you'll want the permissions web services.

Is it possible to list all users in a TFS group from SQL Server

I am trying to recover some group membership information from an old TFS 2010 server for which the application tier is no longer available (but the SQL back-end has not yet been deleted). I know there are command line programs to get security information but I am wondering if it is possible to get security information (specifically group membership) given only the database tables/views.
Here's a query I use to list all users and memberships within a TFS Collection.
Select Object1.DisplayName as Name,
Object2.DisplayName as Membership
From ADObjectMemberships Member1,
ADObjects Object1,
ADObjects Object2
Where Object1.ObjectSID = Member1.MemberObjectSID and
Object2.ObjectSID = Member1.ObjectSID
Order By Membership, Name
After poking around and some trial-and-error, I found that the following SQL seems to work
USE MyCollection;
--grp.[SamAccountName] 'group_name',
member.SamAccountName 'member_name'
[ADObjects] grp
JOIN ADObjectMemberships om ON om.ObjectSID = grp.ObjectSID
JOIN ADObjects member ON om.MemberObjectSID = member.ObjectSID
grp.SamAccountName = 'MyGroup'

Extended Events - building a histogram of servers that connect with a particular Application Name?

I'm trying to build an XE in order to find out which of our internal apps (that don't have app names and thus show up as .Net SQLClient Data Provider) are hitting particular servers. Ideally, I'd like to get the name of the Client and Database , but not sure if I can do that in one XE.
I figured for ease of use, I'd use a histogram/asynchronous_bucketizer, and save counts of what's trying to hit and how often. However, I can't seem to get it work on 2012, much less 2008. If I use sqlserver.existing_connection it works, but only gives me the count when it connects. I want to get counts during the day and see how often it occurs from each server, so I tried preconnect_completed. Is this the right event?
Also, and part of the reason I'm using XE, is that those servers can get thousands of calls a minute.
Here's what I've come up with thus far, which works but only gives me current SSMS connections that match - obviously, I'll change that to the .Net SQLClient Data Provider.
ADD EVENT sqlserver.existing_connection(
WHERE ([sqlserver].[client_app_name] LIKE 'Microsoft SQL Server Management%')
ADD TARGET package0.histogram
( SET slots = 50,
Aha! It's login, not preconnect_starting or preconnect_completed.
ADD EVENT sqlserver.login(
WHERE ([sqlserver].[client_app_name] LIKE 'Microsoft SQL Server Management%')
ADD TARGET package0.histogram
( SET slots = 50,
Then to query it, some awesome code I made horrid:
-- Parse the session data to determine the databases being used.
SELECT slot.value('./#count', 'int') AS [Count] ,
slot.query('./value').value('.', 'varchar(20)')
SELECT CAST(target_data AS XML) AS target_data
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS t
INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions AS s
ON t.event_session_address = s.address
WHERE = 'UnknownAppHosts'
AND t.target_name = 'Histogram') AS tgt(target_data)
CROSS APPLY target_data.nodes('/HistogramTarget/Slot') AS bucket(slot)
ORDER BY slot.value('./#count', 'int') DESC
