Recently created index in SQL Server - sql-server

How to find recently created index details in my SQL Server database? Any query to find this?
In my database there are a lot of indexes. I want to know which of those indexes were recently created, with all their details.

You can use SCHEMA changes history to know index creation changes along with many changes
Below is how you do it..
1.Right click server
2.Goto reports -->standard reports-->Schema changes history
below is screenshot from mt device
Default trace is enabled by default,unless you turn it on
below query tells you,if default trace status is ON
select * from sys.configurations where name like '%trace%'
below query can provide object creation stats
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(objectid),objectname,indexid
FROM sys.fn_trace_gettable(CONVERT(VARCHAR(150), ( SELECT TOP 1
FROM sys.fn_trace_getinfo(NULL) f
JOIN sys.trace_events TE ON T.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id
where DatabaseName=db_name()
ORDER BY t.StartTime ;


How to trace down more information about SQL Server session ID in the past?

I got into a problem when one of my DB was in "restoring" state.
After checking error logs, i found out that someone had done something.
- Starting up database "mydb"
- The database "mydb" is makred RESTORING and is in a state that does not allow recovery to be fun
- Starting up database "mydb"
- RESTORE DATABASE sucessfully processed 192392 pages in 178.seconds
All of this messages belong to spid128 source.
But i couldn't trace down who did this.
I can check all of the current session ID but that's not what i want.
I'm looking for a way to, let's say check information about that spid yesterday.
Is that possible?
The default trace captures backup and restore events so it will have details of the restore. However, since it's a rollover trace with a max of 5 files of 20MB each, older historical data might not be available depending on server activity.
Below is an example query to get backup/restore events from default trace files for the problem database:
FROM sys.traces AS t
CROSS APPLY fn_trace_gettable(
REVERSE(N'crt.gol' + SUBSTRING(REVERSE(t.path), CHARINDEX(N'\', REVERSE(t.path)), 128)), default) AS tt
JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON
te.trace_event_id = tt.EventClass
JOIN sys.trace_subclass_values AS tesv ON
tesv.trace_event_id = tt.EventClass
AND tesv.subclass_value = tt.EventSubClass
t.is_default = 1 --default trace
AND = N'Audit Backup/Restore Event'
AND DatabaseName = N'mydb';

MSD CRM: Get the count of records of all entities in CRM

I am working on to get the record count of every entity available in the CRM. I have seen so many solutions are available on the internet But I have searched in the database(As we have on-prem) and found one table called 'RecordCountSnapshot' has the count(and answer to my question). I am wondering can we query that table somehow and get the count.
I have tried using OData Query builder, I am able to prepare a query but unable to get the result.
We are using CRM 2015 on-prem version.
Go to Settings -> Customizations -> Developer Resources -> Service Endpoints -> Organization Data Service
Open by clicking /XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/, it is missing the definition for RecordCountSnapshot. That means this entity is not serviceable by OData. Even if you modify the other OData query url to use RecordCountSnapshotSet you will get 'Not found' error. (I tried in CRM REST builder)
1) As you are in Onpremise, You can use this query:
SELECT TOP 1000 [Count]
,entityview.ObjectTypeCode, Name
FROM [YOURCRM_MSCRM].[dbo].[RecordCountSnapshot] , EntityView
where entityview.ObjectTypeCode = RecordCountSnapshot.ObjectTypeCode
and count > 0 order by count desc
2) In Odata Query Designer, you have statistics tab. Use it to get the records count.
One option to get the counts of all entities is to run this SQL query against the MSCRM database:
SELECT SO.Name, SI.rows
FROM sysindexes SI, SysObjects SO
WHERE = SO.ID AND SO.Type = 'U' AND SI.indid < 2
order by rows DESC
I have also built a command line app that's in beta testing that runs a count of all entities. If you're interested, let's chat.

How to determine who performed DROP/DELETE on Sql Server database objects?

There is always a need to find out details, either intentionally Or mistakenly someone executed DROP/DELETE command on any of following SQL Server database objects.
DROPPED - Table from your database
DROPPED - Stored Procedure from your database
DELETED - Rows from your database table
Q. Is there TSQL available to find db user who performed DELETE/DROP?
Q. What kind of permissions are needed for user to find out these details?
Did you check this ?
Right click on database.
Go to as shown in image :
Solution 2 :
This query gives alot of useful information for a database(apply filter as required) :
DECLARE #filename VARCHAR(255)
SELECT #FileName = SUBSTRING(path, 0, LEN(path)-CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(path))+1) + '\Log.trc'
FROM sys.traces
WHERE is_default = 1;
SELECT gt.HostName,
-- gt.EventClass,
te.Name AS EventName,
-- gt.TEXTData,
FROM [fn_trace_gettable](#filename, DEFAULT) gt
JOIN sys.trace_events te ON gt.EventClass = te.trace_event_id
WHERE EventClass in (164) --AND gt.EventSubClass = 2

How table was created in SQL-Server

What I need to find is the procedure of recreating some table, what data sources were used, which scripts if any &c. So is it possible to differentiate somehow, maybe in system views or similar, if the table was created manually or by query and if the data was imported from external data or from already existing table/view in the database? I already know who created and when. I’ve pretty much screened whole database without results and now I am looking for hints in metadata.
If the table was created recently, you can glean information from the default trace. The query below will list object created and altered events. The default trace is a rollover trace so forensic information will be limited based on activity.
, AS EventName
FROM (SELECT REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(path), 1, CHARINDEX(N'\', REVERSE(path)), '')) + N'\Log.trc' AS path
FROM sys.traces WHERE is_default = 1) AS default_trace_path
CROSS APPLY fn_trace_gettable(default_trace_path.path, DEFAULT) AS trace
JOIN sys.trace_events AS te ON
JOIN sys.trace_subclass_values AS tsv ON
tsv.trace_event_id = EventClass
AND tsv.subclass_value = trace.EventSubClass
WHERE IN(N'Object:Altered', N'Object:Created')
AND tsv.subclass_name = 'Commit'
ORDER BY trace.StartTime;

Is it possible to list all users in a TFS group from SQL Server

I am trying to recover some group membership information from an old TFS 2010 server for which the application tier is no longer available (but the SQL back-end has not yet been deleted). I know there are command line programs to get security information but I am wondering if it is possible to get security information (specifically group membership) given only the database tables/views.
Here's a query I use to list all users and memberships within a TFS Collection.
Select Object1.DisplayName as Name,
Object2.DisplayName as Membership
From ADObjectMemberships Member1,
ADObjects Object1,
ADObjects Object2
Where Object1.ObjectSID = Member1.MemberObjectSID and
Object2.ObjectSID = Member1.ObjectSID
Order By Membership, Name
After poking around and some trial-and-error, I found that the following SQL seems to work
USE MyCollection;
--grp.[SamAccountName] 'group_name',
member.SamAccountName 'member_name'
[ADObjects] grp
JOIN ADObjectMemberships om ON om.ObjectSID = grp.ObjectSID
JOIN ADObjects member ON om.MemberObjectSID = member.ObjectSID
grp.SamAccountName = 'MyGroup'
