How to read azure service queue message in Logic apps? - azure-logic-apps

I am trying to create small Azure Logic app which will have some order flows.I will get the message in service bus queue. I need to get the message in logic app and based upon the message content, I need to follow the further steps. The message will contain the order data as well. There will be conditional logic, let's suppose, if order type is "new", I need to call HTTP request where I need to pass the message data as body content in POST request.
I have create a service bus queue and in logic apps, added service bus trigger which will be called when message will be received in service bus queue(automatically).
I need to able to implement conditional logic but as i am newbie in this, i am not sure how to pass this data in condtional logic from message.

You just need to mention the condition in the block and design the flow that we require. If the condition is true I have added the HTTP action mentioning the required details. For understanding purpose I have mentioned the other condition to trigger an email.
Here the flow of my logic app
If you want to continue the flow just click Add an action in True Connector.
Get started with Azure Service Bus queues (Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus) - Azure Service Bus | Microsoft Docs


Azure Logic Apps- Standard Stateful

I understand that Azure standard Stateful Logic app workflow runs Asynchronously but can i use stateful standard logic app for the below scenario:
We want to receive Json data from the third party in a HTTP post request, then process it and store it in Azure data lake. But the problem is since Azure standard stateful workflow runs asynchronously as soon the http trigger is hit it returns Status 202 Accepted. I want to send the caller end status of the request. For example- I want to send 500 Internal server error when the request was valid but still the workflow failed due to an internal error. If the data was processed successfully i want to send the caller HTTP Status 200 Ok. I dont want to send always HTTP status 202 Accepted to the caller. I want the caller to know what exactly happened to their HTTP request. Is it possible through standard logic app? I dont want to use consumption Logic app because of security reasons.
You can achieve this using runafter configuration by enabling this configuration it runs even after the whole workflow is getting failed.
Go to your work flow and select Menu for the action you want to run regardless if the previous one is about to fail, timeout, or skip. It's Condition in my case, and then 'Configure run after'.
For instance here is my logic app
Here is how my code view looks like :
In that case, too you can use the same runafter concept with the condition having status code is not equal to 200 as a true statement and continue the flow
Here is the logic app
Here is the output

Logic app executed twice for the same message from servicebus queue with message state=Active and Scheduled

A message is being dropped to Service bus queue with ScheduledEnqueueTimeUTC and Service Bus Connector in Logic app has trigger set to pick messages from queue at 12:05AM EST EveryDay.
Problem: Logic app has picked the same message twice one with Service bus message properties State='Scheduled' and other with state='Active' with same sequenceNumber. May i know when this happens and how can this be solved.
Problem: Logic app has picked the same message twice one with Service
bus message properties State='Scheduled' and other with state='Active'
with same sequenceNumber. May i know when this happens and how can
this be solved.
Here we discovered one of the workarounds that will meet your needs. To pick and send a message only once, we must set our settings to split on as seen below.
NOTE: I tried using Logic app standard, as this option is not available in Consumption plan
Please refer this MS DOC & SO THREAD for more information .

How to subscribe to Salesforce connected app webhooks?

I want to implement a connected OAuth app in Salesforce which should trigger push events in case some entities changed, for example an opportunity was closed.
Zapier implemented something similar
Could not find something I need which is a simple way to subscribe to entity changes using the OAuth client's token and passing a webhook endpoint. I read about apex callouts, streaming API and outbound messages.
Yeah, we solved this exact problem at Fusebit and I can help you understand the process as well.
Typically speaking here's what you need to do:
Create triggers on the Salesforce Objects you want to get updates for
Upload Apex class that will send an outgoing message to a pre-determined URL
Enable Remote Site Setting for the Domain you want to send the message to
Add in Secret Verification (or other auth method) to prevent spamming of your external URL
If you're leveraging javascript, then you can use the jsforce sdk & salesforce tooling API to push the code into the salesforce instance AFTER the Auth flow has occurred AND on Salesforce Instances that have API access enabled (typically - this is enterprise and above OR professional with API enabled).
This will be helpful for you to look through:
FYI - Zapier's webhooks implementation is actually polling every 15 minutes, instead of real-time incoming events.
In which programming language?
For consuming outbound messages you just need to be able to accept an XML message and send back "Ack" message to acknowledge receiving, otherwise SF will keep trying to resend it for 24h.
For consuming platform events / streaming API / Change Data Capture (CDC) you'll need to raise the event in SF (Platform Event you could raise from code, flow, process builder, CDC would happen automatically, you just tell it which objects it should track).
And then in client app you'd need to login to SF (SOAP or REST API), subscribe to channel (any library that supports cometd should be fine). Have you seen "EMP Connector", mentioned for example in ?
Picking right messaging way is an art, there's free course that can help:
And pretty awesome PDF if you want to study for certification:

Azure Logic App - Manual trigger with user entered parameters

I've got a logic app that I want to be able to run ad hoc and specify the parameters when run. The closest manual trigger i could find was the HTTP request.
As a workaround, I'm calling it from postman where the JSON body can be defined.
While postman works, I'm looking for a way to trigger the app from within azure and provide the JSON body.
Thank you
Actually there are many way to trigger the logic app and process the json data.
You could try with service bus trigger or blob trigger, the below is my test with servicebus. I send a json message with Service bus Explorer. Note: in the logic app the json data is encoded with base64.
The below is the result.
However from the action you could find it has a Interval property to set, it means it may be not triggered immediately. And mostly other triggers need to set the Interval, so if you want to trigger immediately, suppose the HTTP request is the best.
My workaround is a Recurrence trigger every 1 minute and let it kick off and then edit the trigger to every 1 month and save it. Then I disable the Logic App to make sure it does not trigger automatically.

How can i read CloudQueueMessage.DequeueCount from a Logic App

I have a Logic App that reads messages from an Azure Storage Queue.
If the logic app fails the message is put back on the queue.
I'd like to be able to read the CloudQueueMessage.DequeueCount in my logic app but that property does not seem to be exposed to my logic app.
It's simple to read that property in an Azure Function - but in this case I'm using a logic app.
Is there a way to read the CloudQueueMessage.DequeueCount property in a Logic App?
Yes, the DequeueCount is a property of a message, when you get a message from the queue you will get all properties.
You could get DequeueCount directly with Get Messages action from the OUTPUTS.
Or you could choose to get the value with Compose Action. After Get Messages action, add a Compose action,in the input box paste the following Expression:
And it will get the same value as the Outputs.
Hope this could help you, if you still have other questions,please let me know.
Unfortunately Logic apps doesn't have a connector with Azure queues, more on the Documentation . However, there is a connector that is specific to Azure Service Bus, which is also one of the Queue products offered by Azure.
