How to set masked bits to a specified number? - c

I haven't been able to find an answer to this on Google, nor do I have any better search ideas. If I have a 2 byte number, a mask, and a third number, how do I replace the masked bits with the third number. For example if I have 0xABCD, the mask 0x0F00, and third number 4 - I would like to replace B with 4 to get A4CD. In other words, I want to be able to replace arbitrary bits selected by a mask with the bits of another arbitrary number (we are assuming that the number replacing the bits fits - i.e. if I mask 5 bits, the number to replace those 5 bits requires 5 bits or less to represent.)

The goal is to replace the bits of number selected by mask with those of value, shifted appropriately, assuming value does not exceed the target range.
Masking off the target bits is easy: number &= ~mask; achieves that simply.
The tricky part is to shift value to the left by the number of zero bits in mask below the set ones. You can write a loop for this.
Here is a simple implementation:
unsigned set_bits(unsigned number, unsigned mask, unsigned value) {
// assuming mask != 0
number &= ~mask;
while (!(mask & 1)) {
value <<= 1;
mask >>= 1;
return number | value;
You can compute the shift value as a multiplier this way: subtracting one from the mask sets all its 0 low bits to 1, or-ing this value with mask sets all low bits to 1 and xor-ing with mask yields a mask with just the low bits set. Adding 1 to this mask gives the power of 2 by which to multiply value to shift it in place. This works also if there are no 0 bits in the low order bits of mask.
As commented by aschepler, (A ^ (A | B)) == (~A & B) so the expression ((mask ^ (mask | (mask - 1))) + 1) can be simplified as (((mask - 1) & ~mask) + 1).
An elegant simplification was provided by Falk Hüffner: (((mask - 1) & ~mask) + 1) is just mask & -mask.
Here is a branchless version using this trick:
unsigned set_bits(unsigned number, unsigned mask, unsigned value) {
return (number & ~mask) | (value * (mask & -mask));
Making this an inline function may help the compiler generate optimal code for constant mask values.


How to find the leftmost 6 bits of a number

I am working on a project and it asks me to find the instruction and register from the given input using bit operators. For example:
Given: 0x316ac000 => The output will be lt R5 R10 R11
R: represent the register
I tried to convert it on paper. The way I did it was first convert that input to binary (ignore the 0x), then I group the left most 6 bits which give me a decimal = 12, 12 is sub base on the table.
So how can I actually code it? or the logic on this
Thank you for your help!
Binary is a notation for humans.
To get bits from a number, use the bit shift and bit mask operations. For example, to get bits 3-5 of a value:
(value >> 3) & 0x7
That is, shift right three bits (to get rid of bits 0, 1, and 2) and bit mask (logical AND) with a 7, which equals 0x111.
You can compute a mask by a bit shift and subtract:
(1 << N_bits) - 1
So we can write a function:
unsigned long get_bits( int start, int stop, unsigned long value )
unsigned long mask = (1UL << (stop - start + 1)) - 1;
return (value >> start) & mask;
BTW, bit shifts are tricky with integers. Use unsigned values.

Invert specific bits using bitwise NOT (no XOR)

How can I use Bitwise Not to invert specific bits for x number? I know we can do this use XOR and mask but question requires use NOT.
I need to invert a group of bits starting at a given position. The variable inside the function includes original value, position wants to start and width = number of bits I want to invert.
I use the shift bit to start from a given position but how can I ensure only x number of bits are inverted using NOT Bitwise function?
Definition of xor: a ^ b <--> (a & ~b) | (~a & b)
unsigned x = 0x0F;
unsigned mask = 0x44; // Selected bits to invert
unsigned selected_x_bits_inverted = (x & ~mask) | (~x & mask);
printf("%02X\n", selected_x_bits_inverted);
// 4B
An approach would be:
First, extract them into y:
y = x & mask
Then, invert y and get only the bits you need:
y = ~y & mask
Clear the bits extracted from x:
x = x & (~mask)
OR those 2 numbers to get the result:
x = x | y
Note that every bit that has to be inverted is 1 in mask. Even if I used other bitwise operators, the actual bit flipping is done by a bitwise not. Also, I don't think it is possible to achieve this result without using some other binary operators.
This function will invert 'width' number of bits of number 'num' from position 'pos'
int invert(int num, int pos, int width)
int mask = (~((~0) << width)) << pos;
num = (~(num & mask)) & mask);

C expression that sets the last n bits of int variable to zero

In other words, sets the last 5 bits of integer variable x to zero, also it must be in a portable form.
I was trying to do it with the << operator but that only moves the bits to the left, rather than changing the last 5 bits to zero.
11001011 should be changed to 11000000
Create a mask that blanks out that last n integers if it is bitwise-ANDed with your int:
x &= ~ ((1 << n) - 1);
The expression 1 << n shifts 1 by n places and is effectively two to the power of n. So for 5, you get 32 or 0x00000020. Subtract one and you get a number that as the n lowest bits set, in your case 0x0000001F. Negate the bits with ~ and you get 0xFFFFFFE0, the mask others have posted, too. A bitwise AND with your integer will keep only the bits that the mask and your number have in common, which can only bet bits from the sixth bit on.
For 32-bit integers, you should be able to mask off those bits using the & (bitwise and) operator.
x & 0xFFFFFFE0.
You can use bitwise and & for this
int x = 0x00cb;
x = x & 0xffe0;
This keeps the higher bits and sets the lower bits to zero.

Determining a specific value from binary given a byte

I can determine a hexadecimal value per given byte by doing:
hex = char & 0xff;
For example, my hex value is 50. This, in binary, would be 0011 0010.
I am looking at 2^5 and 2^4 binary place, which value in my example above is 11. Since this will be consistent regardless of hex value, how would I set my binary value to be equal to 11 (or to the 2^5 and 2^4 binary place)?
The trick here is to mask and shift: first, create a binary "mask" that has ones in the positions that you want to keep; in your example, the mask would be 0x30. Then apply binary "and" to the original number and the mask, and shift the result by the position of the smaller bit position (in this case, that's 4):
hex4and5 = (ch & 0x30) >> 4;
You can reverse the masking and shifting if it makes things easier for you:
hex4and5 = (ch >> 4) & 0x03; // Note that the mask is shifted, too
To make a mask from a list of bit positions, use binary "or" on expressions of 1 << pos, where pos is the binary position of interest. For example, to build the mask for positions 4 and 5 use
int mask4and5 = (1 << 4) | (1 << 5);

How do I get the lower 8 bits of an int?

Lets say I have an int variable n = 8. On most machines this will be a 32 bit value. How can I only get the lower 8 bits (lowest byte) of this in binary? Also how can I access each bit to find out what it is?
unsigned n = 8;
unsigned low8bits = n & 0xFF;
Note a few things:
For bitwise operations, always use the unsigned types
Bits can be extracted from numbers using binary masking with the & operator
To access the low 8 bits the mask is 0xFF because in binary it has its low 8 bits turned on and the rest 0
The low 8 bits of the number 8 are... 8 (think about it for a moment)
To access a certain bit of a number, say the kth bit:
unsigned n = ...;
unsigned kthbit = (1 << k) & n;
Now, kthbit will be 0 if the kth bit of n is 0, and some positive number (2**k) if the kth bit of n is 1.
Use bitwise arithmetic to mask off the lowest 8 bits:
unsigned char c = (x & 0xFF);
To access the nth lowest bit, the equation is (x & (1 << n)) (n of zero indicates the least significant bit). A result of zero indicates the bit is clear, and non-zero indicates the bit is set.
The best way is to use the bit logical operator & with the proper value.
So for the lower 8 bits:
n & 0xFF; /* 0xFF == all the lower 8 bits set */
Or as a general rule:
n & ((1<<8)-1) /* generate 0x100 then subtract 1, thus 0xFF */
You can combine with the bit shift operator to get a specific bit:
(n & (1<<3))>>3;
/* will give the value of the 3rd bit - note the >>3 is just to make the value either 0, or 1, not 0 or non-0 */
You can test if a particular bit is set in a number using << and &, ie:
if (num & (1<<3)) ...
will test if the fourth bit is set or not.
Similarly, you can extract just the lowest 8 bits (as an integer) by using & with a number which only has the lowest 8 bits set, ie num & 255 or num & 0xFF (in hexadecimal).
