How can I filter posts and post types by multiselect tags? - multi-select

I have posts and post types which using tags. In want to filter my post types by multiselect tag. Thank you in advance.


How to use AngularJS filter method with multiple check-boxes and regular input field?

I am new to AngularJS. I have a grid where I display all the list of customers with 5 different check boxes.
Such as FirstName, LastName, checkboxes are for Ribs/Chicken/Brisket etc.
I would like to use the AngularJS filter method.
Currently, I have the following search.FirstName, search.LastName
In the ng-repeat = customer in customers | filter: search
The question I have is that
How can I use the filter method with checkboxes?
Please help me out how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Preserving <pre> tag whitespace when displaying content from Firebase with dangerouslySetInnerHtml

Here's the background:
I want to be able to save rich text blog posts to Firebase to then display them, including code snippets, on a Posts page.
Right now, I'm simply saving a single string of html to Firebase, retrieving that per post, and setting it with dangerouslySetInnerHtml. I'm the only one adding posts.
However, this means that I lose tabbing information when displaying code snippets in blocks. I don't think I can use solution since I'm using dangerouslySetInnerHtml: Formatting code with <pre> tag in React and JSX
Any tips on how to store, retrieve, and display rich text using React and Firebase? Thank you for your help.
I was able to use the following to convert rich text to html, and then minify it:

Displaying multiple grouped data sets using Angular UI Bootstrap typeahead?

I'm building a search feature that needs to use a typeahead that will suggest results from multiple datasets of different type of items.
I have used the Angular UI Bootstrap's typeahead directive for a single data. The documentation mention custom templates, but nothing about supporting grouping of results.
For example, I would like to be able to type in "san" and see results for people and cities, with group labels:
San Francisco
San Diego
Is this possible using Angular UI Bootstrap's typeahead?
Found this discussion very helpful to set me on the right track:
AngularUI Bootstrap Typeahead Grouping Results
The overall approach is to:
add a "data type" identifier to each set of results
merge data sets together
during filtering, identify the first item of each data type.
a custom typeahead template, look for the "first" identifier, and include additional HTML to label the section of results

md-select attribute name error Angular-Material

Im working with angularjs/1.3.6 and v0.10.0/angular-material.js with a md-select field with name="txtGenero" but when the form have been Submitted with ajax the md-selected has a dot at beginning of name field like '.txtGenero' in the image below.
I hope can help me thanks.
I don't exactly know why the ngFormController has the .txtGenero field.
However you should use ngModel to bind your form fields to a model and post that model, not the form controller itself. You can use angular.element.param($scope.registro) to get the the fields from your model as form data.
You don't need jQuery for any of it.
Updated plunkr:
(I updated to angular-material master)
Try to provide your code well formatted, this is kind of a mess to work with.

Set focus on autocomplete field

I have a form that has some fields.
One field is autocomplete
The field is filled with information from a table
$f->addField('autocomplete','idfield','Field')->setValueList( $this->api->db->dsql()
->table('items')->field('id,name')->do_getAssoc() );
I'm trying to set the focus on that field when the page loads.
I have did this
On top of the page
And then
But this does not work.
Anybody can help ?
Try TRUE like
$this->js(true)->_load('seteo_foco'); to load js file.
But in your js code your selector is incorrect. You need to specify you unique field. I'd use something like $form->getElement('field_name')->js(true)->focus(); on the page after the form has been initialized.
