Redux toolkit RTK query mutation not getting returning data - reactjs

Hi I recently learned the new react toolkit with the rtk query tool, and I am trying to put in a login system together using the createApi from the rtk package.
After giving it a test on the login button pressed, I see the network request going through without any issue(status code 200), and I get a response object providing user, token, however, when I try to get the returning data using useLoginMutation I get an undefined value.
below is the code for my endpoint which is injected in a base api:
export const apiLogin = theiaBaseApi.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (build) => ({
loginUser: build.mutation<UserReadonly, loginValuesType | string>({
query: (values: loginValuesType, redirect?: string) => {
const { username, password } = values;
const header = gettingSomeHeaderHere
return {
url: "login",
method: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
responseType: "json",
export const { useLoginUserMutation } = apiLogin
then inside my React component I destructure the mutation result such like below:
const [login, {data, isLoading}] = useLoginUserMutation();
const submitLogin = () => {
// pass in username password from the form
login({username, password});
Suppose if I console log out data and isLoading I assume that I will see data: {user: "abc", token: "xyz"}, because under network tab of my inspect window I can see the response of this network request, but instead I am seeing data: undefined
Does any have experience on solving this?

Oh I found the reason, it was a very careless mistake. I had to wrap the reducer to my store, which was what I was missing

In my case the issue was that I was trying to access the UseMutationResult object inside onClick callback. And the object was not updating inside the callback, even though in the component the values were accurate.
If I put the log outside it's working just fine.
here is an example for better understanding (inside handleAddPost the mutationResult is not updating)
Here is a code sample (in case link is not working):
const Component = () => {
const [addPost, mutationResult] = useAddPostMutation();
const handleAddPost = async () => {
console.log("INSIDE CALLBACK isLoading and other data is not updating:");
// in the example this is wrapped in an useEffect to limit the number of logs
console.log(,"OUTSIDE CALLBACK isLoading and other data is working:")
return (
Add Post


React Query: rerun onSuccess method of a cached query

What I have
I am getting the user's location (latitude/longitude) which I use to call a google geocode API, unless the user's coords change, the request is not running again, since the query it uses the user's coords as queryKey array dependecy.
The problem
the problem is that I'm running some operations in the onSuccess query method, this method is only run when any of the queryKey dependencies change, and I mentioned this not happen.
How to run the onSuccess method whether the queryKey dependencies change or not?
Reference code
export const useGoogleReverseGeocoding = (coords) => {
const url = 'someUrl';
const request = createClient(); // axios abstraction
return useQuery({
queryKey: ['google-geocode', coords],
queryFn: request,
enabled: !!coords,
onSuccess: (data) => {
const searchTerm = removeGlobalCodeText(data?.plus_code?.compound_code);
// set searchterm in a global store. This searchterm change with
// different user actions, so if the user re-share his location
// I need to run onSuccess transformation again.
As I was explaining in my comment, onSuccess can't be fired without the query itself firing again. Since certain user actions should trigger the transformations on onSuccess, you have a couple of ways to go about this, one of them would be to move these transformations on a useEffect hook and add some user action related flag on the dependencies array. The other proposed solution would be to invalidate the query upon these user actions, so it will be refetched and the transformations on onSuccess will execute.
You can achieve this using useQueryClient hook which returns the current QueryClient instance. You can invalidate the query from anywhere as long as the component is wrapped by QueryClientProvider. For this example and for convenience, I will include this hook on useGoogleReverseGeocoding custom hook.
Custom hook:
export const useGoogleReverseGeocoding = (coords) => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
const url = 'someUrl';
const request = createClient(); // axios abstraction
const geocodingData = useQuery({
queryKey: ['google-geocode', coords],
queryFn: request,
enabled: !!coords,
onSuccess: (data) => {
const searchTerm = removeGlobalCodeText(data?.plus_code?.compound_code);
// set searchterm in a global store. This searchterm change with
// different user actions, so if the user re-share his location
// I need to run onSuccess transformation again.
const invalidateQueryOnAction = () => queryClient.invalidateQueries(['google-geocode'])
return { geocodingData, invalidateQueryOnAction }
Some component:
const dummyCoords = {
lat: 33.748997,
lng: -84.387985
const SomeComponent = () => {
const { geocodingData, invalidateQueryOnAction } =
const handleSomeUserAction = () => {
// handle action...
// Invalidate query, so the query gets refetched and onSuccess callback executes again
PS: If #TkDodo comes along with a different solution for this, I would suggest to go for it instead.

React Query invalidateQueries updating data after post

I'm working on a simple React CRUD with React Query, and I've being stuck for a while trying to update my fetched data after I post a new item with invalidateQueries but it doesn't work, being trying many things like: onSuccess, onMutate, onSettled, etc etc, and nothing seems to work, also following the React Query Documentation. Here is my code:
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
const handleSubmitButtonNew = async (data) => {
const mutation = useMutation(handleSubmitButtonNew, {
onSuccess: () => {
const { data, status, isLoading } = useQuery(
and then in a child component I call:
mutation.mutate({ title: title.value, content: content.value, user });
Can I call the queryClient.invalidateQueries("Announcements"); from another component where the "Announcements" originally is fetching?
What I'm doing wrong ?

react-query: useQuery returns undefined and component does not rerender

I'm playing around with reactQuery in a little demo app you can see in this repo. The app calls this mock API.
I'm stuck on a an issue where I'm using the useQuery hook to call this function in a product API file:
export const getAllProducts = async (): Promise<Product[]> => {
const productEndPoint = 'http://localhost:5000/api/product';
const { data } = await axios.get(productEndPoint);
return data as Array<Product>;
In my ProductTable component I then call this function using:
const { data } = useQuery('products', getAllProducts);
I'm finding the call to the API does get made, and the data is returned. but the table in the grid is always empty.
If I debug I'm seeing the data object returned by useQuery is undefined.
The web request does successfully complete and I can see the data being returned in the network tab under requests in the browser.
I'm suspecting its the way the getAllProducts is structured perhaps or an async await issue but can't quite figure it out.
Can anyone suggest where IO may be going wrong please?
Simply use like this
At first data is undefined so mapping undefined data gives you a error so we have to use isLoading and if isLoading is true we wont render or map data till then and after isLoading becomes false then we can render or return data.
export const getAllProducts = async (): Promise<Product[]> => {
const productEndPoint = 'http://localhost:5000/api/product';
const res= await axios.get(productEndPoint);
return as Array<Product>;
const { data:products , isLoading } = useQuery('products', getAllProducts);
return <FallBackView />
return (){ => item)
I have managed to get this working. For the benefits of others ill share my learnings:
I made a few small changes starting with my api function. Changing the function to the following:
export const getAllProducts = async (): Promise<Product[]> => {
const response = await axios.get(`api/product`, {
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
return as Product[];
I do not de-construct the response of the axios call but rather take the data object from it and return is as an Product[]
Then second thing I then changed was in my ProductTable component. Here I told useQuery which type of response to expect by changing the call to :
const { data } = useQuery<Product[], Error>('products', getAllProducts);
Lastly, a rookie mistake on my part: because I was using a mock api in a docker container running on localhost and calling it using http://localhost:5000/api/product I was getting the all to well known network error:
localhost has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present...
So to get around that for the purpose of this exercise I just added a property to the packages.json file: "proxy":"http://localhost:5000",
This has now successfully allowed fetching of the data as I would expect it.

How can I optimize my code to stop sending GET requests constantly?

I am using the Yelp Fusion API to get a list of restaurants from Yelp. However, I am always constantly sending a GET request and I am not sure what is going on or how to fix it. I have tried React.memo and useCallback. I think the problem lies within how I am making the call rather than my component rerendering.
Here is where I send a GET request
// Function for accessing Yelp Fusion API
const yelpFusionSearch = async () => {
try {
const response = await yelp.get('/businesses/search', {
params: {
term: food,
location: location
// Saving our results, getting first 5 restaurants,
// and turning off our loading screen
setYelpResults({businesses:, 5)});
catch (error) {
This is where I use axios.
// Our Yelp Fusion code that sends a GET request
export default axios.create({
baseURL: `${''}`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${KEY}`
You are probably calling that function within your functional component and that function sets a state of that component, so it re-renders. Then the function is executed again, sets state, re-renders and so on...
What you need to do is to wrap that API call inside a:
useEffect(() => {}, [])
Since you probably want to call it one time. See useEffect doc here
You can do 2 things either use a button to get the list of restaurants because you are firing your function again and again.
const yelpFusionSearch = async () => {
try {
const response = await yelp.get('/businesses/search', {
params: {
term: food,
location: location
Use a button instead maybe so once that button is clicked function is fired.
<button onClick={yelpFusionSearch} />Load More Restaurants </button>
Use your fuction inside useEffect method which will load 5 restaurants once the page renders
useEffect(() => {
const yelpFusionSearch = async () => {
try {
const response = await yelp.get('/businesses/search', {
params: {
term: food,
location: location
}, [])

When to use Redux to fetch data from api call

I adopted Redux in my project for state control, and also Axios for fetching api in action.
But I wonder when should I fetch data using API call through Redux (in action), when should I directly make the api call in component.
Is it depending on, whether I need to store the response data in Redux (for sharing among different components)? May I know any best practice for it?
API call through Redux
export const fetchOptions = () => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const request = await client.query({
query: gqlQueries.getQuery,
const options = await request;
type: types.FETCH_DATA_END,
options: options
Directly make API call in component:
const axios = require("axios");
useEffect(() => {
url: 'http://localhost/graphql',
method: 'post',
data: {
query: `
query PostsForAuthor {
author(id: 1) {
posts {
}).then((result) => {
}, []);
If multiple components are using the same data, redux shines there. API calls in components are preferred when you do not want any stale data to show, therefore you call api every time component mounts and your data is always in sync with your back end. There might be some other criteria but these two help me decide , where to keep the state.
