When to use Redux to fetch data from api call - reactjs

I adopted Redux in my project for state control, and also Axios for fetching api in action.
But I wonder when should I fetch data using API call through Redux (in action), when should I directly make the api call in component.
Is it depending on, whether I need to store the response data in Redux (for sharing among different components)? May I know any best practice for it?
API call through Redux
export const fetchOptions = () => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const request = await client.query({
query: gqlQueries.getQuery,
const options = await request;
type: types.FETCH_DATA_END,
options: options
Directly make API call in component:
const axios = require("axios");
useEffect(() => {
url: 'http://localhost/graphql',
method: 'post',
data: {
query: `
query PostsForAuthor {
author(id: 1) {
posts {
}).then((result) => {
}, []);

If multiple components are using the same data, redux shines there. API calls in components are preferred when you do not want any stale data to show, therefore you call api every time component mounts and your data is always in sync with your back end. There might be some other criteria but these two help me decide , where to keep the state.


Axios API call returns a 404 on page render, but still returns api objects in terminal

I am using axios to make an api call to an api found on Apihub for a next JS app.
here is the code for the function to make the call to provide a list of property JSON objects.
export const baseUrl = "https://zillow56.p.rapidapi.com"
export const fetchApiListsingsCustom = async (url) => {
const { data } = await axios.get((url), {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-RapidAPI-Key': '328713ab01msh862a3ad609011efp17e6b4jsn0e7112d5ee9a',
'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'zillow56.p.rapidapi.com'
data.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
return data.json();
When rendering the page I'm attempting to inject the response's data to dynamically create a list of apartment listings.
I'm trying to use getServerSideProps so that the data is already available by the time a user requests the page. After fetching the data, I want to also print them in the terminal to validate it's success.
export default function Home({ propertiesCustomdata })
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const propertiesCustom = await fetchApiListsingsCustom(`${baseUrl}`)
const propertiesCustomdata = propertiesCustom.json()
return {
props: {
The problem is, I seem to be getting a 404 error from the axios call, before the page gets a chance to load. When I access this I get a 404 error but I also manage to receive some contents of the call the API was to make.
My apologies if this is unclear, but this is all I know to report on this so far.
Studying async and await, fetch, and axios. Very confusing.

Redux toolkit RTK query mutation not getting returning data

Hi I recently learned the new react toolkit with the rtk query tool, and I am trying to put in a login system together using the createApi from the rtk package.
After giving it a test on the login button pressed, I see the network request going through without any issue(status code 200), and I get a response object providing user, token, however, when I try to get the returning data using useLoginMutation I get an undefined value.
below is the code for my endpoint which is injected in a base api:
export const apiLogin = theiaBaseApi.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (build) => ({
loginUser: build.mutation<UserReadonly, loginValuesType | string>({
query: (values: loginValuesType, redirect?: string) => {
const { username, password } = values;
const header = gettingSomeHeaderHere
return {
url: "login",
method: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
responseType: "json",
export const { useLoginUserMutation } = apiLogin
then inside my React component I destructure the mutation result such like below:
const [login, {data, isLoading}] = useLoginUserMutation();
const submitLogin = () => {
// pass in username password from the form
login({username, password});
Suppose if I console log out data and isLoading I assume that I will see data: {user: "abc", token: "xyz"}, because under network tab of my inspect window I can see the response of this network request, but instead I am seeing data: undefined
Does any have experience on solving this?
Oh I found the reason, it was a very careless mistake. I had to wrap the reducer to my store, which was what I was missing
In my case the issue was that I was trying to access the UseMutationResult object inside onClick callback. And the object was not updating inside the callback, even though in the component the values were accurate.
If I put the log outside it's working just fine.
here is an example for better understanding (inside handleAddPost the mutationResult is not updating)
Here is a code sample (in case link is not working):
const Component = () => {
const [addPost, mutationResult] = useAddPostMutation();
const handleAddPost = async () => {
console.log("INSIDE CALLBACK isLoading and other data is not updating:");
// in the example this is wrapped in an useEffect to limit the number of logs
console.log(mutationResult.data,"OUTSIDE CALLBACK isLoading and other data is working:")
return (
Add Post

How to dispatch data to redux from the common api request file?

I have created a common js file to call the service requests. I want to store the fetched data in my redux managed store. But I am getting this error saying Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component.I think this is because I am not using react-native boilerplate for this file. But the problem is I don't want to I just want to make service requests and responses.
import { useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { addToken } from "../redux/actions/actions";
const { default: Axios } = require("axios");
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const handleResponse=(response, jsonResponse)=> {
// const dispatch = useDispatch(); //-----also tried using dispatch here
const jsonRes = jsonResponse;
const { status } = response;
const { errors } = Object.assign({}, jsonRes);
const resp = {
body: jsonResponse,
headers: response.headers,
console.log(resp, 'handle response');
return await dispatch(addToken(resp.body.token))
const API = {
makePostRequest(token) {
url: URL,
timeout: 30000
}).then(res =>
console.log('going to handle');
await handleResponse(res, res.data)
export default API
I know there would be some easy way around but I don't know it
Do not use useDispatch from react-redux, but dispatch from redux.
You need to use redux-thunk in your application.
Look at the example in this article Redux Thunk Explained with Examples
The article has also an example of how to use redux with asynchronous calls (axios requests in your case).
I suggest to refactored your api to differentiate two things:
fetcher - it will call your api, e.g. by axios and return data in Promise.
redux action creator (thunk, see the example in the article) - it will (optionally) dispatch REQUEST_STARTED then will call your fetcher and finally will dispatch (REQUEST_SUCCESS/REQUEST_FAILURE) actions.
The latter redux action creator you will call in your react component, where you will dispatch it (e.g. with use of useDispatch)

How can I optimize my code to stop sending GET requests constantly?

I am using the Yelp Fusion API to get a list of restaurants from Yelp. However, I am always constantly sending a GET request and I am not sure what is going on or how to fix it. I have tried React.memo and useCallback. I think the problem lies within how I am making the call rather than my component rerendering.
Here is where I send a GET request
// Function for accessing Yelp Fusion API
const yelpFusionSearch = async () => {
try {
const response = await yelp.get('/businesses/search', {
params: {
term: food,
location: location
// Saving our results, getting first 5 restaurants,
// and turning off our loading screen
setYelpResults({businesses: response.data.businesses.splice(0, 5)});
catch (error) {
This is where I use axios.
// Our Yelp Fusion code that sends a GET request
export default axios.create({
baseURL: `${'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/'}https://api.yelp.com/v3`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${KEY}`
You are probably calling that function within your functional component and that function sets a state of that component, so it re-renders. Then the function is executed again, sets state, re-renders and so on...
What you need to do is to wrap that API call inside a:
useEffect(() => {}, [])
Since you probably want to call it one time. See useEffect doc here
You can do 2 things either use a button to get the list of restaurants because you are firing your function again and again.
const yelpFusionSearch = async () => {
try {
const response = await yelp.get('/businesses/search', {
params: {
term: food,
location: location
Use a button instead maybe so once that button is clicked function is fired.
<button onClick={yelpFusionSearch} />Load More Restaurants </button>
Use your fuction inside useEffect method which will load 5 restaurants once the page renders
useEffect(() => {
const yelpFusionSearch = async () => {
try {
const response = await yelp.get('/businesses/search', {
params: {
term: food,
location: location
}, [])

Redux axios request cancellation

I have a React Native application with Redux actions and reducers. I'm using the redux-thunk dispatch for waiting the asyncron calls. There is an action in my application:
export const getObjects = (id, page) => {
return (dispatch) => {
.then(response => {
dispatch({ type: OBJECTS, payload: response });
}).catch(error => {
throw new Error(`Error: objects -> ${error}`);
That's working properly, but sometimes the user click on the back button before the action finished the request, and I must cancel it. How can I do it in a separated action? I read this, but I didn't find any option in axios for abort. I read about the axios cancellation, but it's create a cancel method on the function scope and I can't return, because the the JS don't support multiple returns.
What is the best way to cancel axios request in an other Redux action?
I would recommend using something like RxJS + Redux Observables which provides you with cancellable observables.
This solution requires a little bit of learning, but I believe it's a much more elegant way to handle asynchronous action dispatching versus redux-thunk which is only a partial solution to the problem.
I suggest watching Jay Phelps introduction video which may help you understand better the solution I'm about to propose.
A redux-observable epic enables you to dispatch actions to your store while using RxJS Observable functionalities. As you can see below the .takeUntil() operator lets you piggyback onto the ajax observable and stop it if elsewhere in your application the action MY_STOPPING_ACTION is dispatched which could be for instance a route change action that was dispatched by react-router-redux for example:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
function getObjects(id) {
return {
function getObjectsSuccess(data) {
return {
function getObjectsError(error) {
return {
const getObjectsEpic = (action$, store) = action$
.switchMap(action => Observable.ajax({
url: `http://example.com?id=${action.id}`,
.map(response => getObjectsSuccess(response))
.catch(error => getObjectsError(error))
