How to dispatch data to redux from the common api request file? - reactjs

I have created a common js file to call the service requests. I want to store the fetched data in my redux managed store. But I am getting this error saying Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component.I think this is because I am not using react-native boilerplate for this file. But the problem is I don't want to I just want to make service requests and responses.
import { useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { addToken } from "../redux/actions/actions";
const { default: Axios } = require("axios");
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const handleResponse=(response, jsonResponse)=> {
// const dispatch = useDispatch(); //-----also tried using dispatch here
const jsonRes = jsonResponse;
const { status } = response;
const { errors } = Object.assign({}, jsonRes);
const resp = {
body: jsonResponse,
headers: response.headers,
console.log(resp, 'handle response');
return await dispatch(addToken(resp.body.token))
const API = {
makePostRequest(token) {
url: URL,
timeout: 30000
}).then(res =>
console.log('going to handle');
await handleResponse(res,
export default API
I know there would be some easy way around but I don't know it

Do not use useDispatch from react-redux, but dispatch from redux.
You need to use redux-thunk in your application.
Look at the example in this article Redux Thunk Explained with Examples
The article has also an example of how to use redux with asynchronous calls (axios requests in your case).
I suggest to refactored your api to differentiate two things:
fetcher - it will call your api, e.g. by axios and return data in Promise.
redux action creator (thunk, see the example in the article) - it will (optionally) dispatch REQUEST_STARTED then will call your fetcher and finally will dispatch (REQUEST_SUCCESS/REQUEST_FAILURE) actions.
The latter redux action creator you will call in your react component, where you will dispatch it (e.g. with use of useDispatch)


fetching data using redux

I'm new to redux and I'm trying to fetch some data in my slice file, then put it in my state to use it across my app.
so I read the documentation in redux website. it says:
"Let's start by adding a thunk that will make an AJAX call to retrieve a list of posts. We'll import the client utility from the src/api folder, and use that to make a request to '/fakeApi/posts'."
and the code is:
import { createSlice, nanoid, createAsyncThunk } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import { client } from '../../api/client'
const initialState = {
posts: [],
status: 'idle',
error: null
export const fetchPosts = createAsyncThunk('posts/fetchPosts', async () => {
const response = await client.get('/fakeApi/posts')
so now I'm confused. How can I create the client file to use it?
and then, how can I save it in my state to re-use it?
it would be a huge help if you guide me!
Oh yeah now i understand what you want, client is just like fetch, i assume they are using axios , then in client.js file they are exporting axios at the end.
An example, client.js file:
import axios from "axios";
export const client = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
timeout: 1000,
headers: {'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'}
Then import it whereever you want:
import { client } from '../../api/client'
But you can also use axios directly without creating any instances .
As i said before you may use fetch instead, or any other http request package, but actually with axios you have more power and you can easily find a lot of documentations
You can get your reducer state with the use of useSelector and make sure
you write correct reducer state name instead of counter.
const count = useSelector((state) => state.counter.value);
You can dispatch your action by useDispatch hook and make sure you write correct action name instead of decrement.
const dispatch = useDispatch();
import of this two hooks
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
You can save your api response in posts state like this:
export const fetchPosts = createAsyncThunk('posts/fetchPosts', async ()
=> {
const response = await client.get('/fakeApi/posts')
state.posts =
Full demo example of redux-toolkit:
thanks for these answers. so I used it and now I get this error:
XHR failed loading: GET ""
that's the api link I want.
I used fetch as well and it worked correctly, but I don't know how to store it's data in my state. I used this function:
export async function fetchMyAPI() {
let response = await fetch(``)
let data = await response.json()
return data[0].excuse
when I use it in my component and at the end I set is to some const it works perfect. but when I use it directly (like setData(fetchMyAPI())) it returns a promiss and I can't access data. what should I do? how can I store it in my state?
note that I fetch data in my slice component.
my final get api function:
const fetchExcuses = createAsyncThunk('excuses/fetchExcuses', async () => {
const response = await client.get('')
let data = await response.json()

When to use Redux to fetch data from api call

I adopted Redux in my project for state control, and also Axios for fetching api in action.
But I wonder when should I fetch data using API call through Redux (in action), when should I directly make the api call in component.
Is it depending on, whether I need to store the response data in Redux (for sharing among different components)? May I know any best practice for it?
API call through Redux
export const fetchOptions = () => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const request = await client.query({
query: gqlQueries.getQuery,
const options = await request;
type: types.FETCH_DATA_END,
options: options
Directly make API call in component:
const axios = require("axios");
useEffect(() => {
url: 'http://localhost/graphql',
method: 'post',
data: {
query: `
query PostsForAuthor {
author(id: 1) {
posts {
}).then((result) => {
}, []);
If multiple components are using the same data, redux shines there. API calls in components are preferred when you do not want any stale data to show, therefore you call api every time component mounts and your data is always in sync with your back end. There might be some other criteria but these two help me decide , where to keep the state.

Fetch and dispatch in a redux action function

In my react/redux project, I call a function from my action to fetch a data from an api. Fetch starts the api request... but react doesn't recognize dispatch()
function getAuthenticatedUser() {
return fetch("my.api/path", requestHeaders)
.then(response => handleResponse(response))
return response.json()
}).then(responseJson =>{
function requestSuccess(....
Then, I wrapped around return dispatch as follows. Now it outputs no error, but fetch() doesn't start any api requests. (No requests in Network/XHR)
return dispatch => {
return fetch("my.api/path", requestHeaders)
.then(response => handleResponse(response))
return response.json()
}).then(responseJson =>{
What am I missing?
I found the solution. Firstly I want to thanks to 3 comments on the question.
I firstly installed redux-thunk. I added a middleware to my store:
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
export const store = createStore(
Than, I imported store in my component and dispatched my action function. (Previously I was calling it directly)
constructor(props) {
Now fetch and dispatchers within fetch work fine.

Testing dispatched actions in Redux thunk with Jest

I'm quite new to Jest and admittedly am no expert at testing async code...
I have a simple Fetch helper I use:
export function fetchHelper(url, opts) {
return fetch(url, options)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return Promise.resolve(response);
const error = new Error(response.statusText || response.status);
error.response = response;
return Promise.reject(error);
And implement it like so:
export function getSomeData() {
return (dispatch) => {
return fetchHelper('').then((res) => {
return res.json();
}).then((data) => {
}).catch(() => {
However I want to test that the correct dispatches are fired in the correct circumstances and in the correct order.
This used to be quite easy with a sinon.spy(), but I can't quite figure out how to replicate this in Jest. Ideally I'd like my test to look something like this:
value: true,
type: SET_DATA,
value: {...},
Thanks in advance for any help or advice!
Answer as of January 2018
The redux docs have a great article on testing async action creators*:
For async action creators using Redux Thunk or other middleware, it's best to completely mock the Redux store for tests. You can apply the middleware to a mock store using redux-mock-store. You can also use fetch-mock to mock the HTTP requests.
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import * as actions from '../../actions/TodoActions'
import * as types from '../../constants/ActionTypes'
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock'
import expect from 'expect' // You can use any testing library
const middlewares = [thunk]
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares)
describe('async actions', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('creates FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS when fetching todos has been done', () => {
.getOnce('/todos', { body: { todos: ['do something'] }, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } })
const expectedActions = [
{ type: types.FETCH_TODOS_REQUEST },
{ type: types.FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS, body: { todos: ['do something'] } }
const store = mockStore({ todos: [] })
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchTodos()).then(() => {
// return of async actions
Their approach is not to use jest (or sinon) to spy, but to use a mock store and assert the dispatched actions. This has the advantage of being able to handle thunks dispatching thunks, which can be very difficult to do with spies.
This is all straight from the docs, but let me know if you want me to create an example for your thunk.
* (this quote is no longer in the article as of January 2023 and the recommendations have changed dramatically, see comments on this answer for further info)
Answer as of January 2018
For async action creators using Redux Thunk or other middleware, it's best to completely mock the Redux store for tests. You can apply the middleware to a mock store using redux-mock-store. In order to mock the HTTP request, you can make use of nock.
According to redux-mock-store documentation, you will need to call store.getActions() at the end of the request to test asynchronous actions, you can configure your test like
mockStore(getState?: Object,Function) => store: Function Returns an
instance of the configured mock store. If you want to reset your store
after every test, you should call this function.
store.dispatch(action) => action Dispatches an action through the
mock store. The action will be stored in an array inside the instance
and executed.
store.getState() => state: Object Returns the state of the mock
store.getActions() => actions: Array Returns the actions of the mock
store.clearActions() Clears the stored actions
You can write the test action like
import nock from 'nock';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
//Configuring a mockStore
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
//Import your actions here
import {setLoading, setData, setFail} from '/path/to/actions';
test('test getSomeData', () => {
const store = mockStore({});
nock('', {
reqheaders // you can optionally pass the headers here
}).reply(200, yourMockResponseHere);
const expectedActions = [
const dispatchedStore = store.dispatch(
return dispatchedStore.then(() => {
P.S. Keep in ming that the mock-store does't update itself when the mocked action are fired and if you are depending on the updated data after the previous action to be used in the next action then you need to write your own instance of it like
const getMockStore = (actions) => {
//action returns the sequence of actions fired and
// hence you can return the store values based the action
if(typeof action[0] === 'undefined') {
return {
reducer: {isLoading: true}
} else {
// loop over the actions here and implement what you need just like reducer
and then configure the mockStore like
const store = mockStore(getMockStore);
Hope it helps. Also check this in redux documentation on testing async action creators
If you're mocking the dispatch function with jest.fn(), you can just access dispatch.mock.calls to get all the calls made to your stub.
const dispatch = jest.fn();
type: SET_DATA,
value: {...},
In my answer I am using axios instead of fetch as I don't have much experience on fetch promises, that should not matter to your question. I personally feel very comfortable with axios.
Look at the code sample that I am providing below:
// apiCalls.js
const fetchHelper = (url) => {
return axios.get(url);
import * as apiCalls from './apiCalls'
describe('getSomeData', () => {
it('should dispatch SET_LOADING_STATE on start of call', async () => {
spyOn(apiCalls, 'fetchHelper').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve());
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
await getSomeData()(mockDispatch);
value: true,
it('should dispatch SET_DATA action on successful api call', async () => {
spyOn(apiCalls, 'fetchHelper').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve());
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
await getSomeData()(mockDispatch);
type: SET_DATA,
value: { ...},
it('should dispatch SET_FAIL action on failed api call', async () => {
spyOn(apiCalls, 'fetchHelper').and.returnValue(Promise.reject());
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
await getSomeData()(mockDispatch);
type: SET_FAIL,
Here I am mocking the fetch helper to return Resolved promise to test success part and reject promise to test failed api call. You can pass arguments to them to validate on response also.
You can implement getSomeData like this:
const getSomeData = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
return fetchHelper('')
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
I hope this solves your problem. Please comment, if you need any clarification.
P.S You can see by looking at above code why I prefer axios over fetch, saves you from lot of promise resolves! For further reading on it you can refer:
Answer relevant as of January 2023
Many helpful answers here from 2018 are now outdated, the answer as of 2023 is to avoid mocking the store and instead use the real store, preferring integration tests (still using jest) over unit tests.
Some highlights from the updated, official Redux testing documentation:
Prefer writing integration tests with everything working together. For a React app using Redux, render a with a real store instance wrapping the components being tested. Interactions with the page being tested should use real Redux logic, with API calls mocked out so app code doesn't have to change, and assert that the UI is updated appropriately.
Do not try to mock selector functions or the React-Redux hooks! Mocking imports from libraries is fragile, and doesn't give you confidence that your actual app code is working.
It goes on to state how to achieve this, with the renderWithProvider function detailed here.
The article it links to for reasoning on this, includes the following quote, explaining the evolution of the thinking of redux testing best practices:
Our docs have always taught the "isolation" approach, and that does especially make sense for reducers and selectors. The "integration" approach was in a minority.
But, RTL and Kent C Dodds have drastically changed the mindset and approach for testing in the React ecosystem. The patterns I see now are about "integration"-style tests - large chunks of code, working together, as they'd be used in a real app.

Use getState to access key in redux state for API call

I'm a little new to using thunk getState I have been even trying to console.log the method and get nothing. In state I see that loginReducer has they key property which I need to make API calls. status(pin): true
key(pin): "Ls1d0QUIM-r6q1Nb1UsYvSzRoaOrABDdWojgZnDaQyM"
Here I have a service:
import axios from 'axios'
import {thunk, getState} from 'redux-thunk'
import MapConfig from '../components/map/map-config'
const origin = ''
class KService {
getNorthAmericaTimes() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const key = getState().key
console.log('This is time key,', key)
if (key) {
// const url = `${origin}k51/api/datasets/k51_northamerica?key=${urlKey}`
// return axios.get(url)
export default new K51Service()
However in my corresponding action I get that Uncaught TypeError: _kService2.default.getNorthAmericaTimes(...).then is not a function
This is what the action function looks like :
export function getKNorthAmericaTime(dispatch) {
KService.getNorthAmericaTimes().then((response) => {
const northAmericaTimes =[0]
I'm assuming it probably has to do with the if block not getting executed.
You should move your axios.get() method to your action creator and pass the promise to redux thunk, then when the promise is resolved dispatch the action with the response data so it can be processed by the reducer into the app's state.
import axios from "axios";
export function fetchData() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const key = getState().key;
const request = axios.get();// use your request code here
request.then(({ response}) => {
const northAmericaTimes =[0]
dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SET_NORTH_AMERICA_TIMES, payload: northAmericaTimes});
Here's a very simple example of using axios with redux-thunk:
Sorry, I totally forgot that you need to go to the state before making the request.
As you can see go to the state in your function, get the key from it, make the request and when the promise is resolved, dispatch the action with the response data. I've updated the live sample so you can see it working.
Again sorry...
