Query Parameter Values Not Updating When Set from Google Map Component - reactjs

I have a map component that contains some clickable overlays on the map. Users can click and unclick the overlays on the map to select them and when they do so the app loads some data based on the overlays that are currently selected.
The current structure is as follows:
User clicks the map which executes a function passed to the map as a prop, which takes the current value of the neighborhoods and either adds or removes them from the query string.
The function executes a history.push()
I use a useEffect checking the value of the query param neighborhood and send a request to the backend to fetch the listings if the values have changed.
My issue is that when the user clicks on the map, the function executes but the value pushed to the params is never updated, causing the logic to fail the next time the user clicks on the map.
Relevant Snippets of Code are as follows:
history/param variables:
const { region, state, neighborhood, transactiontype } = useParams();
const location = useLocation();
const { pathname, search } = location;
Function that is passed down to the child map component:
const updateChildComponentHandler = (dataFromChild, addorRemove) => {
// if a new neighborhood is added, just taking the existing string and adding &`neighborhood`
if (addorRemove === "add") {
let newGroup = ""
if (neighborhood !== "any") {
newGroup = `${neighborhood}&${dataFromChild}`;
// if no neighborhood was initially selected, just replacing the "any" with the proper neighborhood
if (neighborhood === "any") {
newGroup = `${dataFromChild}`
// pushing the new parameter string
const newPath = pathname.replace(neighborhood, newGroup);
// same concept as above, just removing the neighborhood from the string if it is removed from the map
if (addorRemove === "remove") {
let newGroup;
if (neighborhood !== dataFromChild) {
newGroup = neighborhood.replace(`&${dataFromChild}`, "")
if (neighborhood === dataFromChild) {
newGroup = "any";
if (neighborhood.split("&")[0] === dataFromChild && neighborhood !== dataFromChild) {
newGroup = neighborhood.replace(`${dataFromChild}&`, "")
const newPath = pathname.replace(neighborhood, newGroup);
const newerPath = `${newPath}${search}`;
UseEffect Logic:
useEffect(() => {
const func = async () => {
let neighborhoodParams;
if (neighborhood !== "any") {
neighborhoodParams = neighborhood.replace("%20", " ").split("&")
if (neighborhood === "any") {
neighborhoodParams = [];
neighborhoodParams[0] = "any";
const neighborhoods = neighborhood.split("%20").join("_");
if (mapChangeType === "add") {
if (neighborhoodParams.length > 0) {
if (!requestMulti) {
await fetchProperties(transactiontype, neighborhoodParams[neighborhoodParams.length - 1].split(" ").join("_"), filteredRegion, state, filters, "single")
if (requestMulti) {
await fetchProperties(transactiontype, neighborhoods, filteredRegion, state, filters, "multi")
}, [neighborhood]);
The issue I am experiencing is that when the map initially loads, the neighborhood is set to "any". The first time a user clicks an overlay for a neighborhood, the correct data is sent from the map and the map/data requests update and the URL parameter up top shows the new neighborhood. However, the second time a user clicks, the value of { neighborhood } is not updated and is still set to "any", so the function just replaces the value of { neighborhood } rather than adding it on as per above. I previously coded this with class components and am trying to convert it to hooks, but it seems like there is some dissonance that is causing the map component not to have access to the updated history variable. I am new to react/hooks, and appreciate if anyone could lend some advice.


I'm trying add and display user input to the DOM and its working but also displaying duplicates

I want to push input to an array as an object, then display them to the DOM as list items but the function I wrote is incomplete.
addTodo is linked to a button.
let todo = [];
function addTodo(e) {
if (e === undefined) {
return console.log("Please enter a task you want added to the list")
let task = document.getElementById("input").value;
let newTodo = {id: todo.length, errand: task}
/* Display() is use to iterate through any array passed in and display each value inside a list item.*/
const display = function (e) {
e.map(function (item) {
let li = document.createElement("li");
let todoItem = document.createTextNode(item.errand);
The current output:
-Go to store
-Go to store
-Drop off mail
The expected output:
-Go to store
-Drop off mail

How to prevent adding duplicate items to cart using react

I wants to prevent addition of duplicate items to cart. I have tried the code below but it's working only for single item, when there are multiple items in the cart the duplicate items are allowed to add in to the cart. Here is my code
addToCart = (id) => {
let item = this.getItem(id);
if ([...this.state.cart]) {
[...this.state.cart].map((i) => {
if (i.product_name == item.product_name) {
alert("Item is already in cart");
} else {
this.setState((this.state.cart = [...this.state.cart, item]));
} else {
this.setState((this.state.cart = [...this.state.cart, item]));
You need to use map only to check if the item already exists, and then either add it or alert that the item is repeated.
One way of doing it would be like this:
existing = [...this.state.cart].map((i) => {
if (i.product_name == item.product_name) {
return i;
if (existing) {
alert("Item is already in cart");
} else {
this.setState((this.state.cart = [...this.state.cart, item]));
map function executes the code for each of the items in the collection, which means the moment it finds an item in the cart different from the item selected, it will add the item selected.
So let's say your cart has [apple, orange] and you want to add apple again. When the map code executes it first looks like this:
if ("apple" == "apple") {
alert("Item is already in cart");
} else {
this.setState((this.state.cart = [...this.state.cart, apple]));
It doesn't add the item because it already exists... but then it executes a second time, and it looks like this:
if ("orange" == "apple") {
alert("Item is already in cart");
} else {
this.setState((this.state.cart = [...this.state.cart, apple]));
It gets added because the second item is different.
What the new code does is that it returns a value only if the item exists and, after looping throuhght all the items in the cart, it checks that value and adds the item if it is nothing.
An item should be added to the cart, if the latter doesn't contain it already.
To check if an Array contains an object, that fulfills a certain condition use the some method, as said by #Isaac Batista.
On the other hand, when you want to update state, by using it's previous value, you should use the callback argument of setState.
See https://reactjs.org/docs/state-and-lifecycle.html#state-updates-may-be-asynchronous
// if cart already contains item
if(state.cart.some(itm=>itm.product_name == item.product_name)) {
return {}; // do not update state
} else {
return {cart: state.cart.concat(item)}; // add item to cart
You can use filter method to check whether the item is already available or not. With this you can also avoid the nested if condition also.
addToCart = (id) => {
let item = this.getItem(id);
let checkCart = [...this.state.cart].filter((i) => {
return i.product_name == item.product_name;
if (checkCart.length !== 0) {
alert("Item is already in cart");
} else {
this.setState((this.state.cart = [...this.state.cart, item]));
Here is a functional exemple, but note some points:
You are mutating state, and you should not do it, as it is explained here. So, you should just call setState passing the new value via argument, like this: this.setState(newValue).
A map is used to create a new array, the correct function to find out if some element passes a rule is some. This will allow you to check if some product inside cart is the clicked product.
// quick example
[1,2,3,4].some(number => number === 2) // true
[1,2,3,4].some(number => number === 5) // false
Finally, i would do something like this
const { cart } = this.state;
const product = this.getItem(id);
// returns true if there is any product with the same id
const isProductInCart = cart.some((item) => item.id === product.id);
if (isProductInCart) {
alert("Product already in cart");
} else {
cart: [...cart, product]

Update Set after delete using a checkbox to delete Set Item

I am using a checkbox to select items.
When the checkbox is checked, item is added to a Set stored in state.
When checkbox is unchecked, item is deleted from the Set stored in state
Upon verifying if item was removed from Set, the function
returns false.
However when checking the size of the Set, it is as if I did not remove anything.
I'm probably not updating the set to account for the deleted item.
Can anyone help?
my handleChange function below...
const handleChange = (e) => {
if (e.target.checked) {
var checkedItemId = parseInt(e.target.value)
setCheckedItems(new Set(checkedItems.add(checkedItemId)))
}else if(!e.target.checked){
setCheckedItems(new Set(checkedItems))
const handleChange = (e) => {
const checkedItemId = parseInt(e.target.value);
if (e.target.checked) {
setCheckedItems(prevState => {
let newSetCheckedItems = new Set(...prevState.checkedItems);
return newSetCheckedItems.add(checkedItemId);
} else if (!e.target.checked) {
setCheckedItems(prevState => {
let newSetCheckedItems = new Set(...prevState.checkedItems);
return newSetCheckedItems.detele(checkedItemId);
The solution was to use a deep copy of the set.
Do the adding/removing operations on that deep copy.
Then update the set with the deep copy.
//i don't know about the react but i can give you solution in the jquery.
var new_arr=[];
var is_checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var value_check_box = $(this).val();
// push the value of the check box in the array variable
var removeItem = value_check_box // it is the value when the user uncheck the uncheckbox;
new_arr = jQuery.grep(new_arr, function(value) {
return value != removeItem;

How can I open a markercluster programmatically

I want to be able to click on a list and make the map flyTo the position of a marker and open its popup. I'm able to do so as long as the marker has an identical position (not spiderfied). I've made a script to find the markerCluster which contains the marker, but I can't trigger its click method, to make the marker accessable.
// if marker is not accessible
Object.values(mapRef.current._targets).forEach(_target => {
if (_target._markers) {
const wantedMarker = _target._markers.find(_marker => {
return (
_marker.options.id === someId
if (wantedMarker) {
_target.click() // _target.click() is not a function
Without a living code example, I can't confirm that wantedMarker is indeed the instance of the marker you want. But if its, .click() is indeed not a function on that. However, you can get the marker's popup, if there is one, and open that programatically:
const popup = wantedMarker.getPopup();
if (popup){
popup.openOn(map) // you'll need a reference to the L.map instance for this
Solved it by looking for "_icon" in all parent elements. Elements hidden by markerCluster does not have this property. The _icon element has click events, so I used that to open the marker clusters.
const openMarkerClustersAndMarkerPopup = (allMarkersRef, markerId) => {
const markerElementRef = allMarkersRef.current[markerId];
if (markerElementRef._icon) {
} else {
const clusters = [];
let _currentElement = markerElementRef;
while (_currentElement.__parent) {
if (_currentElement._icon) {
_currentElement = _currentElement.__parent;
// Trigger markercluster and marker by starting with top markercluster
for (let i = clusters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const _icon = clusters[i]._icon;
_icon && _icon.click();

Nested callback function (React native JS )

I have a couple of different functions that helps set different states of the component and i wish to run the functions in order of one another. I know that there are multiple posts on these but they seem to be mostly catered for running one function after the other but i have more than two functions that i need to execute in order
Desired order
1) Set state of starting and final destination
2) Run this.getDirections() (This function sets the state of arrOfPolylines which i desire to reset through resetRouteSelectionStatus())
3) Run resetRouteSelectionStatus()
4) After running these functions i wish to have an empty this.state.arrOfPolylines
Actual results
There is no error in the code but it isnt entering the resetRouteSelectionStatus() as none of the console log are printed. Can someone please guide me on the right path?
onPress={() => { //on button press set final destination and starting location
(this.state.tempDestination.longitude != null && this.state.tempStarting.longitude != null) &&
finalDestination: {
latitude: this.state.tempDestination.latitude,
longitude: this.state.tempDestination.longitude,
startingLocation: {
latitude: this.state.tempStarting.latitude,
longitude: this.state.tempStarting.longitude,
}, () => {
this.getDirections((this.state.startingLocation.latitude + "," + this.state.startingLocation.longitude), (this.state.finalDestination.latitude + "," + this.state.finalDestination.longitude),
() => {this.resetRouteSelectionStatus()});
title="Determine Directions"
resetRouteSelectionStatus() {
console.log('entered reset route selection status function')
this.setState({arrOfPolyline: null }, () => {console.log("i should be null nd come first" + this.state.arrOfPolyline)}) ;
this.setState({ selectChallengeStatus: null });
this.setState({ userRouteSelectionStatus: null }); //when user click on button set seleection status to 0 so route options will be displayed again after generation new route
//this.setState({arrOfDirectionDetails: []}); // clear past direction details when user select generate route with new starting/ending location
// clear past poly lines when user has selected new routes
//console.log("everything has been reset");
async getDirections(startLoc, destinationLoc) {
let resp = await fetch(`https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=${startLoc}&destination=${destinationLoc}&key="KEY"&mode=driving&alternatives=true`)
let respJson = await resp.json();
let routeDetails = respJson.routes;
let tempPolyLineArray = [];
let tempDirArrayRoute = [];
for (i = 0; i < routeDetails.length; i++) // respJson.routes = number of alternative routes available
let tempDirArray = []; // at every new route, initalize a temp direction array
let points = Polyline.decode(respJson.routes[i].overview_polyline.points);
let coords = points.map((point, index) => {
return {
latitude: point[0],
longitude: point[1]
for (k = 0; k < routeDetails[i].legs[0].steps.length; k++) // for each route go to the correct route, enter legs ( always 0), get the number of instruction for this route
//console.log (routeDetails[i].legs[0].steps[k])
tempDirArray.push(routeDetails[i].legs[0].steps[k]) // push all instructions into temp direction array
//this.state.arrOfDirectionDetails.push(routeDetails[i].legs[0].steps[k]); // for each instruction save it to array
tempDirArrayRoute.push(tempDirArray); // at the end of each route, push all instructions stored in temp array as an array into state
this.setState({ arrOfDirectionDetails: tempDirArrayRoute });
this.setState({ arrOfPolyline: tempPolyLineArray });
//creating my html tags
let data = [];
let temptitle = "Route ";
for (let j = 0; j < routeDetails.length; j++) {
<View key={j}>
title={temptitle + j}
onPress={() => this.updateUser(j)}
this.setState({ routebox: data })
So a few things to note here:
I would extract the inline function for the onButtonPress function into an async function
Something along the lines of:
const onButtonPressHandler = async () => {
... put your code here
Then you'll modify your onButtonPress to something like:
... rest of your props here
You can then properly use async / await in the buttonPress handler.
The setState function is not a synchronous function. If you rely on the results right away you'll be disappointed.
Each time you call setState you could trigger a rerender.
I would instead merge all of your setState calls into a single at the end.
The getDirections function does not include the callback, while it should be:
async getDirections(startLoc, destinationLoc, callback) {
this.setState({ routebox: data },callback());
or but not sure if it would be in order:
async () => {
await this.getDirections((this.state.startingLocation.latitude + "," + this.state.startingLocation.longitude), (this.state.finalDestination.latitude + "," + this.state.finalDestination.longitude) );
You might need edit the resetRouteSelectionStatus to be:
resetRouteSelectionStatus = async ()=>{
