How can I open a markercluster programmatically - reactjs

I want to be able to click on a list and make the map flyTo the position of a marker and open its popup. I'm able to do so as long as the marker has an identical position (not spiderfied). I've made a script to find the markerCluster which contains the marker, but I can't trigger its click method, to make the marker accessable.
// if marker is not accessible
Object.values(mapRef.current._targets).forEach(_target => {
if (_target._markers) {
const wantedMarker = _target._markers.find(_marker => {
return ( === someId
if (wantedMarker) { // is not a function

Without a living code example, I can't confirm that wantedMarker is indeed the instance of the marker you want. But if its, .click() is indeed not a function on that. However, you can get the marker's popup, if there is one, and open that programatically:
const popup = wantedMarker.getPopup();
if (popup){
popup.openOn(map) // you'll need a reference to the instance for this

Solved it by looking for "_icon" in all parent elements. Elements hidden by markerCluster does not have this property. The _icon element has click events, so I used that to open the marker clusters.
const openMarkerClustersAndMarkerPopup = (allMarkersRef, markerId) => {
const markerElementRef = allMarkersRef.current[markerId];
if (markerElementRef._icon) {;
} else {
const clusters = [];
let _currentElement = markerElementRef;
while (_currentElement.__parent) {
if (_currentElement._icon) {
_currentElement = _currentElement.__parent;
// Trigger markercluster and marker by starting with top markercluster
for (let i = clusters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const _icon = clusters[i]._icon;
_icon &&;


How can Jetpack Compose Navigation remember multiple back stacks?

I'm reading about Navigation in Jetpack Compose, and found this example I don't understand.
From the docs:
By using the saveState and restoreState flags, the state and back stack of that item is correctly saved and restored as you swap between bottom navigation items.
val navController = rememberNavController()
bottomBar = {
BottomNavigation {
val navBackStackEntry by navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
val currentDestination = navBackStackEntry?.destination
items.forEach { screen ->
icon = { Icon(Icons.Filled.Favorite, contentDescription = null) },
label = { Text(stringResource(screen.resourceId)) },
selected = currentDestination?.hierarchy?.any { it.route == screen.route } == true,
onClick = {
navController.navigate(screen.route) {
// Pop up to the start destination of the graph to
// avoid building up a large stack of destinations
// on the back stack as users select items
popUpTo(navController.graph.findStartDestination().id) {
saveState = true
// Avoid multiple copies of the same destination when
// reselecting the same item
launchSingleTop = true
// Restore state when reselecting a previously selected item
restoreState = true
) { innerPadding ->
NavHost(navController, startDestination = Screen.Profile.route, Modifier.padding(innerPadding)) {
composable(Screen.Profile.route) { Profile(navController) }
composable(Screen.FriendsList.route) { FriendsList(navController) }
Specifically, I don't understand how the back stack can be saved if clicking an item in the bottom bar pops the navigation stack to the root.
I would imagine a journey like:
User moves to /FriendsList/Friend(A)/Friend(B)/Friend(C)
User clicks Profile button, resetting the navigation stack to /Profile
User clicks FriendsList button.
Based on the explanation, I would expect the navigation stack to be re-set to /FriendsList/FriendA/FriendB/FriendC, even though the onClick listener seems to set the stack to /FriendsList?
I really don't understand how this can happen, how does the navigation controller link the route to the entire navigation sub-stack? Is item.route changing state containing the full route to /FriendsList/Friend(A)/Friend(B)/Friend(C), or is something else going on? Or do I understand the example wrong?
I suspect maybe the underlying mechanism is that FriendsList contains a nested navigation graph, since the example doesn't actually show any Friend route definitions. The state of this entire nested graph is contained somehow, i.e., something like /FriendsList{FriendA/FriendB/FriendC}, and a move to /FriendsList will unpack this navigation stack. Is that kind of how it works?
The code in the example you gave has only 1 navHost and 1 navController so it is not possible to save the FriendList back stack seperated from the rest back stack.
To achive this behavior you need to declare nested navHosts. Each of them with his own navController and thats it. All the rest is working automatically.
Here is an example
val navController = rememberNavController()
val navBackStackEntry by navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
val currentDestination = navBackStackEntry?.destination
bottomBar = {
BottomNavigation {
items.forEach { screen ->
icon = { Icon(Icons.Filled.Favorite, contentDescription = null) },
label = { Text(stringResource(screen.resourceId)) },
selected = currentDestination?.hierarchy?.any { it.route == screen.route } == true,
onClick = {
navController.navigate(screen.route) {
// Pop up to the start destination of the graph to
// avoid building up a large stack of destinations
// on the back stack as users select items
popUpTo(navController.graph.findStartDestination().id) {
saveState = true
// Avoid multiple copies of the same destination when
// reselecting the same item
launchSingleTop = true
// Restore state when reselecting a previously selected item
restoreState = true
) { innerPadding ->
startDestination = Screen.ProfileNavHost.route,
) {
composable(Screen.ProfileNavHost.route) {
val profileNavController = rememberNavController()
navController = profileNavController,
startDestination = Screen.ProfileRoot.route
) {
composable(Screen.ProfileRoot.route) {
composable(Screen.ProfileScreen.route) {
composable(Screen.FriendsListNavHost.route) {
val friendsListNavController = rememberNavController()
navController = friendsListNavController,
startDestination = Screen.FriendsListRoot.route
) {
composable(Screen.FriendsListRoot.route) {
composable(Screen.FriendsListFriend.route) {

Query Parameter Values Not Updating When Set from Google Map Component

I have a map component that contains some clickable overlays on the map. Users can click and unclick the overlays on the map to select them and when they do so the app loads some data based on the overlays that are currently selected.
The current structure is as follows:
User clicks the map which executes a function passed to the map as a prop, which takes the current value of the neighborhoods and either adds or removes them from the query string.
The function executes a history.push()
I use a useEffect checking the value of the query param neighborhood and send a request to the backend to fetch the listings if the values have changed.
My issue is that when the user clicks on the map, the function executes but the value pushed to the params is never updated, causing the logic to fail the next time the user clicks on the map.
Relevant Snippets of Code are as follows:
history/param variables:
const { region, state, neighborhood, transactiontype } = useParams();
const location = useLocation();
const { pathname, search } = location;
Function that is passed down to the child map component:
const updateChildComponentHandler = (dataFromChild, addorRemove) => {
// if a new neighborhood is added, just taking the existing string and adding &`neighborhood`
if (addorRemove === "add") {
let newGroup = ""
if (neighborhood !== "any") {
newGroup = `${neighborhood}&${dataFromChild}`;
// if no neighborhood was initially selected, just replacing the "any" with the proper neighborhood
if (neighborhood === "any") {
newGroup = `${dataFromChild}`
// pushing the new parameter string
const newPath = pathname.replace(neighborhood, newGroup);
// same concept as above, just removing the neighborhood from the string if it is removed from the map
if (addorRemove === "remove") {
let newGroup;
if (neighborhood !== dataFromChild) {
newGroup = neighborhood.replace(`&${dataFromChild}`, "")
if (neighborhood === dataFromChild) {
newGroup = "any";
if (neighborhood.split("&")[0] === dataFromChild && neighborhood !== dataFromChild) {
newGroup = neighborhood.replace(`${dataFromChild}&`, "")
const newPath = pathname.replace(neighborhood, newGroup);
const newerPath = `${newPath}${search}`;
UseEffect Logic:
useEffect(() => {
const func = async () => {
let neighborhoodParams;
if (neighborhood !== "any") {
neighborhoodParams = neighborhood.replace("%20", " ").split("&")
if (neighborhood === "any") {
neighborhoodParams = [];
neighborhoodParams[0] = "any";
const neighborhoods = neighborhood.split("%20").join("_");
if (mapChangeType === "add") {
if (neighborhoodParams.length > 0) {
if (!requestMulti) {
await fetchProperties(transactiontype, neighborhoodParams[neighborhoodParams.length - 1].split(" ").join("_"), filteredRegion, state, filters, "single")
if (requestMulti) {
await fetchProperties(transactiontype, neighborhoods, filteredRegion, state, filters, "multi")
}, [neighborhood]);
The issue I am experiencing is that when the map initially loads, the neighborhood is set to "any". The first time a user clicks an overlay for a neighborhood, the correct data is sent from the map and the map/data requests update and the URL parameter up top shows the new neighborhood. However, the second time a user clicks, the value of { neighborhood } is not updated and is still set to "any", so the function just replaces the value of { neighborhood } rather than adding it on as per above. I previously coded this with class components and am trying to convert it to hooks, but it seems like there is some dissonance that is causing the map component not to have access to the updated history variable. I am new to react/hooks, and appreciate if anyone could lend some advice.

Update Set after delete using a checkbox to delete Set Item

I am using a checkbox to select items.
When the checkbox is checked, item is added to a Set stored in state.
When checkbox is unchecked, item is deleted from the Set stored in state
Upon verifying if item was removed from Set, the function
returns false.
However when checking the size of the Set, it is as if I did not remove anything.
I'm probably not updating the set to account for the deleted item.
Can anyone help?
my handleChange function below...
const handleChange = (e) => {
if ( {
var checkedItemId = parseInt(
setCheckedItems(new Set(checkedItems.add(checkedItemId)))
}else if(!{
setCheckedItems(new Set(checkedItems))
const handleChange = (e) => {
const checkedItemId = parseInt(;
if ( {
setCheckedItems(prevState => {
let newSetCheckedItems = new Set(...prevState.checkedItems);
return newSetCheckedItems.add(checkedItemId);
} else if (! {
setCheckedItems(prevState => {
let newSetCheckedItems = new Set(...prevState.checkedItems);
return newSetCheckedItems.detele(checkedItemId);
The solution was to use a deep copy of the set.
Do the adding/removing operations on that deep copy.
Then update the set with the deep copy.
//i don't know about the react but i can give you solution in the jquery.
var new_arr=[];
var is_checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var value_check_box = $(this).val();
// push the value of the check box in the array variable
var removeItem = value_check_box // it is the value when the user uncheck the uncheckbox;
new_arr = jQuery.grep(new_arr, function(value) {
return value != removeItem;

How can I remove last shape layer when creating new one in lefalet

According to this codesandbox I'm using to to generate a map on react and I have implemented the drawer plugin. here I want to delete the last shape I have added to the map and create and show the new map instead of the last shape. Is there nay performant way of doing that?
Store the last layer in a variable in the create event:
var lastLayer = null;
map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (e) {
var type = e.layerType,
layer = e.layer;
if (type === "marker") {
const { lat, lng } = layer._latlng;
console.log(lat, lng);
if (type === "rectangle") {
const latlngs = layer._latlngs;
let thisPpp = "";
latlngs[0].map((item) => {
return (thisPpp += `LatLng(${}, ${item.lng}),`);
lastLayer = layer; // <---------------
And then you can remove the last layer with:

Component not re-rendering when nested observable changes

Adding a node to a list and yet a component is not re-rendering. Mobx Chrome Extension dev tools says it's a dependency but for some reason still no reaction!
A button renders 'Add' or 'Remove' based on whether a node is in a list. It doesn't re-render unless I move to another component and then open this component again.
#inject("appStore") #observer
class EntityTab extends Component {
render() {
return (
{/* BUTTONS */}
{ this.props.appStore.repo.canvas.graph.structure.dictionary[id] !== undefined ?
<div onClick={() => this.props.appStore.repo.canvas.graph.function(id)}>
<div onClick={() => this.props.appStore.currRepo.canvas.otherfunction(id)}>
The Add button renders, I click on the button which triggers
and then we go to this function
#observable graph = new Graph();
otherfunction = (idList) => {
// Do nothing if no ids are given
if (idList === null || (Array.isArray(idList) && idList.length === 0)) return;
// If idList is a single value, wrap it with a list
if (!Array.isArray(idList)) { idList = [idList] }
let nodesToAdd = [];
let linksToAdd = [];
// Add all new links/nodes to graph
Promise.all( => { return this.getNode(id, 1) }))
.then((responses) => {
for (let i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
let res = responses[i];
if (res.success) {
this.graph.addData(nodesToAdd, linksToAdd, idList, this.sidebarVisible);
The getNode function creates new Node objects from the data. For reference, those objects are instantiated as such
export default class Node {
id = '';
name = '';
type = '';
constructor(r) {
for (let property in r) {
// Set Attributes
this[property] = r[property];
anyway, the addToGraphFromIds triggers
this.graph.addData(nodesToAdd, linksToAdd);
and then we go to that function
addData = (nodes, links) => {
which triggers
which leads to this function
#observable map = new Map();
#observable map2 = new Map();
#observable dictionary = {};
#observable dictionary2 = {};
#observable allNodes = [];
#observable allLinks = [];
addNodes = (nodes=[]) => {
if (!nodes || nodes.length === 0) return;
nodes = utils.toArray(nodes);
// Only consider each new node if it's not in the graph or a duplicate within the input list
nodes = _.uniqBy(nodes, (obj) => { return; });
const nodesToConsider = _.differenceBy(nodes, this.allNodes, (obj) => { return; });
// Add nodes to map
let currNode;
for (let i = 0; i < nodesToConsider.length; i++) {
currNode = nodesToConsider[i];, new Map());
this.map2.set(, new Map());
this.dictionary[] = currNode;
// Update internal list of nodes
this.allNodes = this.allNodes.concat(nodesToConsider);
As we can see in the first codebox,
this.props.appStore.repo.canvas.graph.structure.dictionary[id] !== undefined
Should cause the button to change values as we have added the current node. The nodes appear in the dictionary when I log or use mobx chrome extension dev tools, but I have to switch tabs and then the button will re-render. I've tried using other lines like
but that doesn't work either. Am absolutely stuck and need help. I have a feeling it has to do with nested observables, and maybe tagging #observable isn't good enough, but not quite sure. repo and canvas are marked as observables and instantiate a new Repo() object and new Canvas() object, much like new Node() is created in getNodes.
Mobx (v4) does not track addition or removal of entries in an observable object unless is used. Or upgrading to mobx v5 should solve the issue.
For your specific issue you can try:
#observable nodeIdToNodeData = {};
this.nodeIdToNodeData = {...this.nodeIdToNodeData, []: currNode};
Or try to upgrade to mobx v5.
More info here
Looks like Edward solved it, similar to Redux it looks like you have to create a new object with the dictionary rather than modify it. I'm guessing it's because the key is already defined (as the value undefined), and we're just modifying it to be currNode. That's my guess, regardless it works now.
