Bulk load of tables from SQL Server into snowflake - sql-server

I want to copy tables in various schemas from SQL Server to snowflake. I understand that snowflake COPY works well to load huge amount of data into snowflake, provided I have CSV data as input.
However, I am unable to figure out an efficient way to export SQL Server data in CSV format. I went through some of the threads in this forum on this topic and found that PowerShell tool export-csv is a good option. But does it work well with thousands of tables in SQL Server?
If not, what other option should I try to move the data from SQL Server to snowflake? Please note that this is not a one time data load. I am looking for a process that can run daily to load data from SQL Server to snowflake.
Thanks in advance!
P.S: I tried the SQL Server bcp tool. But it doesn't generate a standardized CSV file.


How to link Essbase in SQL Server 2014

I need to join SQL Server data with some data from Essbase cube. Result will be in SQL Server. Is it possible to create linked essbase cubu in SQL Server 2014 to query data? Or any other way how to get data physically from essbase to SQL Server not using export files? Something like direct connect.
There aren't any native ways to implement what your want. Setting this up will typically require some sort of automation to extract the data in the cube to a CSV file, then loading that data using SSIS or your preferred ETL tool. The automation to extract data will frequently be a combination of batch file, MaxL and report script or a calc script with a data export command.

Copying on premise SQL server database data to Azure in Parquet format

Architectural/perf question here.
I have a on premise SQL server database which has ~200 tables of ~10TB total.
I need to make this data available in Azure in Parquet format for Data Science analysis via HDInsight Spark.
What is the optimal way to copy/convert this data to Azure (Blob storage or Data Lake) in Parquet format?
Due to manageability aspect of task (since ~200 tables) my best shot was - extract data locally to file share via sqlcmd, compress it as csv.bz2 and use data factory to copy file share (with 'PreserveHierarchy') to Azure. Finally run pyspark to load data and then save it as .parquet.
Given table schema, I can auto-generate SQL data extract and python scripts
from SQL database via T-SQL.
Are there faster and/or more manageable ways to accomplish this?
ADF matches your requirement perfectly with one-time and schedule based data move.
Try copy wizard of ADF. With it, you can directly move on-prem SQL to blob/ADLS in Parquet format with just couple clicks.
Copy Activity Overview

how to compare sql server data with MS Access data

Working on a data data accuracy project. I have to find a way to compare data from a query from a SQL Server db with the data from a query from a MS Access db. The data on both db's should be identical, but sometimes there are errors. I have looked at data comparison tools but these seem to only be able to compare data from identical db vendors.
Is there a process that someone has used in the past to do this or an idea on how I might best approach this?
You can look at both data sets in Access, SQL, or Excel:
If the data set is small enough, I recommend Excel.
If you know SQL, you can export your Access data to text files, then do a Bulk Insert and get everything into SQL Server.
If you want to look at both data sets in Access, try this:
Go to your ODBC Data Source Administrator (searching for 'ODBC' from your Start menu should be sufficient)
Create a new System DSN connecting to your SQL Server db
Open your Access db (I'm using 2010, your version may be different)
Go to External Data->ODBC Database->Machine Data Source
Link to your tables of choice from your SQL Server
Query away!

How do I convert my SQL SERVER data into a SAS Table?

I am using Enterprise Miner 6.2 and want to create a data source but my option is a SAS Table. How do I go about exporting SQL Server or Excel data into a SAS table?
SAS has many ways of connecting to and/or reading data from disparate sources. I haven't used Enterprise Miner, so I'm not sure which of SAS' methods are available to you directly from within EM, but it's likely there will be someone at your site who has some interface to Base SAS and who can help you/advise what data access products are installed and how you can use them.
For SQL Server data, SAS/Access to SQL Server or SAS/Access to OLE DB will allow you to read directly from SQL Server tables in place. Alternatively, someone could provide you with a dump of the data you need from the SQL Server database.
For Excel data, there are also SAS/Access products, but SAS also has native capabilities to read in the data if saved as, for example, a .csv or .txt file.
To help answer you further, perhaps can you come back with some details about what SAS products/interfaces are available to you?

Best way to migrate export/import from SQL Server to oracle

I'm faced with needing access for reporting to some data that lives in Oracle and other data that lives in a SQL Server 2000 database. For various reasons these live on different sides of a firewall. Now we're looking at doing an export/import from sql server to oracle and I'd like some advice on the best way to go about it... The procedure will need to be fully automated and run nightly, so that excludes using the SQL developer tools. I also can't make a live link between databases from our (oracle) side as the firewall is in the way. The data needs to be transformed in the process from a star schema to a de-normalised table ready for reporting.
What I'm thinking about is writing a monster query for SQL Server (which I mostly have already) that will denormalise and read out the data from SQL Server into a flat file using the sql server equivalent of sqlplus as a scheduled task, dump into a Well Known Location, then on the oracle side have a cron job that copies down the file and loads it with sql loader and rebuilds indexes etc.
This is all doable, but very manual. Is there one or a combination of FOSS or standard oracle/SQL Server tools that could automate this for me? the Irreducible complexity is the query on one side and building indexes on the other, but I would love to not have to write the CSV dumping detail or the SQL loader script, just say dump this view out to CSV on one side, and on the other truncate and insert into this table from CSV and not worry about mapping column names and all other arcane sqlldr voodoo...
best practices? thoughts? comments?
edit: I have about 50+ columns all of varying types and lengths in my dataset, which is why I'd prefer to not have to write out how to generate and map each single column...
"The data needs to be transformed in the process from a star schema to a de-normalised table ready for reporting."
You are really looking for an ETL tool. If you have no money in the till, I suggest you check out the Open Source Talend and Pentaho offerings.
