How to link Essbase in SQL Server 2014 - sql-server

I need to join SQL Server data with some data from Essbase cube. Result will be in SQL Server. Is it possible to create linked essbase cubu in SQL Server 2014 to query data? Or any other way how to get data physically from essbase to SQL Server not using export files? Something like direct connect.

There aren't any native ways to implement what your want. Setting this up will typically require some sort of automation to extract the data in the cube to a CSV file, then loading that data using SSIS or your preferred ETL tool. The automation to extract data will frequently be a combination of batch file, MaxL and report script or a calc script with a data export command.


Bulk load of tables from SQL Server into snowflake

I want to copy tables in various schemas from SQL Server to snowflake. I understand that snowflake COPY works well to load huge amount of data into snowflake, provided I have CSV data as input.
However, I am unable to figure out an efficient way to export SQL Server data in CSV format. I went through some of the threads in this forum on this topic and found that PowerShell tool export-csv is a good option. But does it work well with thousands of tables in SQL Server?
If not, what other option should I try to move the data from SQL Server to snowflake? Please note that this is not a one time data load. I am looking for a process that can run daily to load data from SQL Server to snowflake.
Thanks in advance!
P.S: I tried the SQL Server bcp tool. But it doesn't generate a standardized CSV file.

Copy data from MS Access to SQL Server

Is there a way to copy for example one column from MS Access to SQL Server or just a part of the column? I need to copy some rows of one column to SQL Server table just a way I would do this in the MS Excel. There is a great tool for manipulating data for Oracle, named PL/SQL Developer but I haven't found something similar for SQL Server.
Using ETL tools you can achieve your result. If you need opensource ETL tool then you can go ahead with Pentaho PDI. It's free.

Bulk export of data from SQL Server 2008 into XML file (without using BCP)

I have a requirement whereby I need to refresh databases on Server A with data from Server B (the schemas will always be the same) with subsets of data
Unfortunately, due to the way the servers have been set up and are run (hosted), the option of using BCP is not available to me. Also, the servers may not be able to see each other/are linked so a SP on Server B will not be able to access Server A directly.
Because of this, my plan is to run an export procedure on Server A to create a file (XML?) which is placed on to a location available to Server B. I would then create a procedure on Server B to consume the data into the database
My question is: without the use of BCP, what options are available to me for the bulk exporting of data (with selection criteria) from my source server? And does my plan sound sensible? Am I missing any obvious approach/have others solved this problem before?
Helo Mike,
have you considered using of SQL Server Integration Services? You could export your data by dynamic SELECT statemenet save them into binary file and transfer them (FTP) to the second locality for loading.

How do I convert my SQL SERVER data into a SAS Table?

I am using Enterprise Miner 6.2 and want to create a data source but my option is a SAS Table. How do I go about exporting SQL Server or Excel data into a SAS table?
SAS has many ways of connecting to and/or reading data from disparate sources. I haven't used Enterprise Miner, so I'm not sure which of SAS' methods are available to you directly from within EM, but it's likely there will be someone at your site who has some interface to Base SAS and who can help you/advise what data access products are installed and how you can use them.
For SQL Server data, SAS/Access to SQL Server or SAS/Access to OLE DB will allow you to read directly from SQL Server tables in place. Alternatively, someone could provide you with a dump of the data you need from the SQL Server database.
For Excel data, there are also SAS/Access products, but SAS also has native capabilities to read in the data if saved as, for example, a .csv or .txt file.
To help answer you further, perhaps can you come back with some details about what SAS products/interfaces are available to you?

How can I migrate database from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2000

I am replacing an Access application with a web app, but the client is using SQL Server 2000, and I am using SQL Server 2008.
So, I have the database redesigned, with foreign keys, but now I need to get the data on the client's system.
Part of the problem is that they have images that are over 32k, so osql failed as the command buffer filled up.
I should be able to use osql to import the new schema at least, and perhaps all of the data except for the images.
The Export wizard just wouldn't work, even though I tried the Native SQL Driver and the OLE DB Sql Driver.
Flat files seems like a bad choice, as I don't know if it can do the images.
So, what is a good way to copy a 330M database from 2008 -> 2000?
Not sure about performance or time needed, but you could always try a tool like
Red-Gate SQL Compare / SQL Data Compare
Apex SQL Diff / SQL Data Diff
These will allow you to compare both the schema of two databases, as well as the data, and allow you to create synchronization scripts, or synchronize online.
I set the image column to null, which reduced the size of the insert statements.
This enabled me to import the data into the target database.
