Antd Table render properties inside and array of objects - reactjs

I have an Antd Table, with data coming from axios API
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Package 1",
"services": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Evaluation Core",
"id": 2,
"name": "Package 2",
"services": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Evaluation BizCore",
"id": 2,
"name": "Certification Fizz"
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"per_page": 20,
"total": 2,
"total_results": 2
In this Table I'm rendering one column with the name of the Package, and the second column I need to render any name property inside the Services array. That columns has this dataindex:
dataIndex: ['services', 'name'],
If there is more then one property name, should be render separated with ",". I tried differents approaches,but nothing seems to work.

If I understand correctly you want to render a Services column where each package may have a different amount of services. Each service has a name and you want to display the name property of all services for package aggregated. e.g. Package has Service 1 and Service 2 and it should be displayed Service 1,Service 2.
The simple answer is to use render. The column for Services can look like.
title: "Services",
dataIndex: "services",
render: (services) => =>,
key: "services"
Please comment if this was not the intended result.


How to add child entities without id to parent in state normalized with normalizr

I've recently started using normalizr with zustand in a new React app. It's been a very good experience so far, having solved most of the painful problems I've had in the past.
I've just bumped into an issue I can't think of a clean way of solving for the past few days.
Imagine I have a normalizr-normalized state looking like:
"entities": {
"triggers": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"value": "TRY"
"2": {
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"value": "GBP"
"3": {
"id": 3,
"enabled": true,
"value": true
"campaigns": {
"19": {
"id": 19,
"name": "Some campaign name",
"triggers": [
"result": 19
And we have a page that allows a user to add one or more triggers to the campaign and then save them. The problem is that at the time of adding these triggers, they do not have an id until the user clicks the Save button (ids are generated by the database). When the Save button is clicked, the state is being denormalized (via normalizr's denormalize function) and sent as payload to the backend looking like the following:
"id": 19,
"name": "Some campaign name",
"triggers": [
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"value": "TRY"
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"value": "GBP"
"id": 3,
"enabled": true,
"value": true
The problem is that if the user adds an entity to the triggers, it does not have an id as ids are generated by the database and I cannot find a proper way to add it to the state (due to the id-based nature of normalized states).
The only workaround I can think of is generating some temporary IDs (e.g. uuid) when a trigger is added on the front-end but is not yet saved and then going over each entity upon denormalization, doing something like if (isUuid( delete, which seems too tedious and workaroundish.
Appreciate your help.
P.S. There is something similar explained here. The problem is that in our case the generateId('comment') logic is happening on the backend.
A simple solution is to split.
The create trigger API call and the add trigger to campaign API call.
Do the first, then save the trigger into the normalized store with the id generated by the backend.
Then add it to the campaign.

How to Join Multiple Arrays inside filter function of Arrays in Typescript

I am using Typescript in an Angular/Ionic project. I have an array of users that contain an array of skills. I have to filter users based on their online status as well as skills.
"id": 1,
"name": "Vikram Shah",
"online_status": "Online",
"skills": [{
"id": 2,
"title": "CSS"
"id": 3,
"title": "JavaScript"
"id": 4,
"title": "Python"
"id": 1,
"name": "Abhay Singh",
"online_status": "Online",
"skills": [{
"id": 1,
"title": "HTML"
"id": 2,
"title": "CSS"
"id": 3,
"title": "JavaScript"
"id": 4,
"title": "Python"
"id": 1,
"name": "Test Oberoi",
"online_status": "Online",
"skills": [{
"id": 1,
"title": "HTML"
"id": 2,
"title": "CSS"
"id": 3,
"title": "JavaScript"
"id": 4,
"title": "Python"
This is how all skills look like
this.skill_types = [
{"id":8,"title":"Cleaner", checked:false},
{"id":7,"title":"Painter", checked:false},
{"id":6,"title":"Plumber", checked:false},
{"id":5,"title":"Carpenter", checked:false},
{"id":4,"title":"Advisor", checked:false},
{"id":3,"title":"Team Leader", checked:false},
{"id":2,"title":"Management", checked:false},
{"id":1,"title":"Administrator", checked:false}
This array contains the IDs of skills that I want to filter
filterArr = [1, 3, 6];
This solution is almost working as expected. It is filtering well based on two criteria together.But not sure how to add condition for second filtering. The second filter should apply only if filterArr is not empty.
return this.items = this.items.filter((thisUser) => {
return thisUser.online_status.toLowerCase().indexOf(onlineStatus.toLowerCase()) > -1 &&
thisUser.skills.some(c => this.filterArr.includes(
The issue I am facing with code above is When there is no skill selected in the filter criteria, I would like to display all users. But it is not working that way. The logic here is to not apply any filter when the size of selected skills (filter condition) is greater than zero. So I tried this way....which looks similar to the way above...but this makes everything worse.
let filteredByStatus = [];
filteredByStatus = this.items.filter((thisUser) => {
return thisUser.online_status.toLowerCase().indexOf(onlineStatus.toLowerCase()) > -1
//Condition can be applied if filtering is separated
let filteredBySkills = [];
filteredBySkills = this.items.filter((thisUser) => {
return thisUser.skills.some(c => this.filterArr.includes(
//Expecting to join results from multiple filters
return this.items = filteredByStatus.concat(filteredBySkills);
But this is not working at all. Not sure what wrong is there. I am looking for a solution that enables to join arrays of similar objects without duplicating them.
Don't think you need to join arrays for your filtering. You can use something like rxjs filter.
return from(this.items)
filter(user => {
return user.online_status.toLowerCase().indexOf(onlineStatus.toLowerCase()) > -1
&& user.skills.some(c => filterArr.includes(;
Or if you like to split it up you can just change it to like:
return from(this.items)
filter(user => user.online_status.toLowerCase().indexOf(onlineStatus.toLowerCase()) > -1),
filter(user => user.skills.some(c => filterArr.includes(
You can tweak your condition a bit and place !this.filterArr.length in your condition (in terms of OR condition AND with user status) to make your whole condition gets true so that user gets filter.

JDL: Multiple Menu

I trying to create multiple menu category using JDL. In one CategoryItem have parentID.
I already created JDL like:
microservice * with Category
entity CategoryItem{
name String required
relationship ManyToOne{
CategoryItem{parrent} to CategoryItem
service * with serviceClass
paginate CategoryItem with pagination
If the client calls a method findAll. Can I return JSON format like that:
"id": 1,
"name": "car",
"CategoryItem": [
"id": 2,
"name": "red car"
"id": 3,
"name": "blue car"
"id": 4,
"name": "bike",
"CategoryItem": []

CakePHP 3. Containable select

I have a many to many relation where TrainingPrograms can contain many Exercises. They are a linked via the linktable ExercisesTrainingPrograms.
I want to select certain fields from my exercises:
$trainingPrograms = $this->TrainingPrograms->find()
->contain(['Exercises' => function ($q) {
return $q
->where(['user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')]);
The result i get looks like so:
"trainingPrograms": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Monday Madness",
"description": "hes",
"exercises": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Barbell Bench Press",
"description": "Medium grip ",
"exercise_categories_id": 2,
"exercise_difficulties_id": 1,
"created": "2015-09-16T07:07:01+0000",
"modified": "2015-09-16T07:07:01+0000",
"_joinData": {
"exercise_id": 2,
"id": 28,
"training_program_id": 1,
"created": "2015-10-07T15:45:49+0000"
"id": 2,
"name": "Barbell Bench Press",
"description": "Medium grip ",
"exercise_categories_id": 2,
"exercise_difficulties_id": 1,
"created": "2015-09-16T07:07:01+0000",
"modified": "2015-09-16T07:07:01+0000",
"_joinData": {
"exercise_id": 2,
"id": 35,
"training_program_id": 1,
"created": "2015-10-07T19:58:12+0000"
As you can see i get all the fields of my exercises table, rather than the fields that i asked for. Why is that, what am I doing wrong?
belongsToMany associations do enable Query::autoFields() in case no fields have been defined via the fields option. This is necessary as the foreign key (exercise_id) is being added to the SELECT clause, which would otherwise cause no other fields to be selected (not sure in which context this is actually required).
See Source > \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany::_buildQuery()
The callbacks for the contained associations are being invoked at a later point, so that you'll have to disable autoFields() in order to be able restrict the selected fields via the query builder.
->contain(['Exercises' => function ($q) {
return $q
I can't really tell whether this is the intended behavior. You may want to open an issue over at GitHub for clarification, or ask on IRC.

ExtJs Menu Binding from database

Please provide some sample code or idea about , How to bind menu dynamically from Json results
I get results from database as json ,so how to bind menu from json (Parent and childs)
Thanks in advance
Its pretty easy actually. When you return the data from the server all you need to do is include a metaData field in your JSON that defines the record structure.
See this documentation:
The example from the docs is as follows:
metaData: {
"idProperty": "id",
"root": "rows",
"totalProperty": "results"
"successProperty": "success",
"fields": [
{"name": "name"},
{"name": "job", "mapping": "occupation"}
// used by store to set its sortInfo
"field": "name",
"direction": "ASC"
// paging data (if applicable)
"start": 0,
"limit": 2,
// custom property
"foo": "bar"
// Reader's configured successProperty
"success": true,
// Reader's configured totalProperty
"results": 2000,
// Reader's configured root
// (this data simulates 2 results per page)
"rows": [ // *Note: this must be an Array
{ "id": 1, "name": "Bill", "occupation": "Gardener" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Ben", "occupation": "Horticulturalist" }
