Issue relating to deactivation of css theme capability in Codename One Preferences - codenameone

I have activated and then deactivated css theme capability. Post the fact, the css file was still there and when the project is run, it still tries to load from the css file. Should not have been removed?

I'm not sure if the file is explicitly deleted on the toggle off. Deleting user code (e.g. CSS) is sometimes scary so we leave it to you. Make sure the operation succeeded before deleting the file and keep a backup.


How to prevent deletion of old hashed build files and merge them instead

When building an adapter-static project inside build/_app/immutable there are some folders containing .css and .js files all with a hash like _page-65dc5ef0.css
Is there a way to prevent the deletion of these files and add the newly built ones instead?
I found the emptyOutDir flag, but setting it vite.config or svelte.config.js doesn't seem to have an effect.
There are two reasons I would like to keep the old files
older session recordings won't be displayed correctly if the corresponding .css file isn't available anymore
additional files are fetched when the user navigates on the site. As I understand these files might be deleted because of the new build and lead to errors. I assume this might be solved by watching the version number and do a full-page navigation after a change, but since the initial load of the page is quite big, this wouldn't go unnoticed for the user and I would like to avoid that.

Why is VSCode creating a history file?

VSCode keeps creating a history file even after I delete it. If I don't delete it, it accumulates to over 5000+ pending changes in my source control tab, and I don't know what I did with my settings for it to keep recreating the history folder. How can I delete this for good? I don't know if it affects my other files, and based on my history of deleting it, I don't think it does.
you can always add a .gitignore file and add the following line in it. This way your git engine won't pick them up.
It just means you have a lot of vscode settings in your local, you can ignore them or delete them if you don't want to keep these editor settings. These settings won't affect any other files or other people's computer, as long as they don't get committed into the code repository.

Indesign real-time package for collaboration

I manage a team of designers working on Indesign.
When we work on a project, it often happens that a designer has to work on the project of another. We work with Dropbox for Business.
But when we take the work of another designer, there is often missing links and fonts.
Is there a plugin or a way to develop a plugin that would allow, when we create a new indd file (or for the protection of the same file):
Automatically create a "Links" folder and another "Document fonts" at side of the indd file
Systematically add a new link or new typography in the corresponding folder?
To simplify: each action on font or on a link, make a kind of "Indesign Package" in real time?
If this is not a solution, do you have any solutions to meet this need?
I don't know of a specific script or plugin that does this.
However, it should be possible to write a script with an eventhandler with a beforeClose event that runs certain script commands every time a user closes a document (or even every time a user adds, changes or deletes a link). At this point the script could run some copyLink commands on all the images and fonts (?) placing them all in the folders next to the document.
The whole script could be made a startup script, so it becomes active anytime any user runs InDesign.
(I'm actually not sure, if fonts can be copied so easily. Worst case scenario would be that the script would need to run some packaging command to gather the fonts somewhere, copy them over to where you need them and then delete the rest of the temporary package.)
Did you consider Creative Cloud Libraries ? They are meant to allow sharing assets within a team. Apart form that, you users would need to have a same access to the file system (a common drive letter for the network path for example).
Another solution would be to use a DAM solution so users would link files from the DAM.
Eventually, you could sure think of a script as mdomino offered.

Aggregate and compress CSS files on Responsive Site

What is the best practice for aggregating and compressing CSS files on a responsive site. When I select the Aggregate and Compress CSS files option in Drupal 7 under performance and look at the site on a mobile device it is using the style sheet from the main site not the specified one for that device. I am using AdaptiveTheme.
Your site performance wouldn't be slow down. It is somewhere other things rather than CSS minification. Online YUI Compressor minifies properly and rather than slowed down your page load speed, it enhances page speed.
Well according to the documentation
You need to turn on Production mode
Any additional changes you make you need to resave the theme (so that it can be rendered properly again)
All responsive themes are placed into one complete file
Also highly advisabled to install AT Tools as it has additional features that help you out with regards to this
Responsive Styles - Production mode
When in production mode all the responsive stylesheets are aggregated into one file and use embedded #media queries. AT Core will automatically aggregate the CSS from each of the development mode stylesheets and wrap it in the right media query. This reduces the number of HTTP requests from 5 to 1.
This file is always called: ThemeName.responsive.styles.css
By default will find this file at: ~/[public files]/adaptivetheme/[ThemeName]/ThemeName.responsive.styles.css
However you can choose where to save AT's generated files, for example you can save them directly to your theme or enter a custom directory path - see File Generation System.
NOTE: please see the section below titled "Relative Paths in Responsive Styles".
Ref: Referencing AdaptiveThemes documentation

What are your recommendations for reducing the number of resources (JavaScript and CSS) that DotNetNuke loads?

The home page for DotNetNuke 5.2 is around 252.6KB. It uses 15 JavaScripts and 8 CSS files. The number of resources DotNetNuke uses seems excessive to me. I am looking for best practices creating DotNetNuke skins that limit the JavaScript and CSS resources.
You can use the Unload CSS Skin Object to remove links to some of the CSS files loaded by the framework (like Default.css, portal.css & any module-specific CSS files). You can then move all of those styles into the skin (or portal stylesheet, whichever is your preference), so that there's only one stylesheet that gets loaded.
I don't know of any solutions for combining JavaScript resources or reducing the number of scripts that DNN requires.
From 6.1 onward, the Client Resource Management component is the solution for this. It automatically combines all your files, cleaning them up, removing comments, and minifying if desired.
It takes a little getting used to, but the control is quite nice. You can decide which order they'll go in, you can group the files in bunches if you don't want one big single file - maybe you want certain bunches of scripts together but not all.
One thing to remember is that when you're doing development (as noted by the comment below, which I've since edited this post), you should always use debug=true in the web.config, otherwise if you are using Resource Mgmt and change your source files, you'll constantly need to regenerate the combined files by going into Site Settings, Client Resource Management, and increment the version. It's kind of a protection to keep anything from altering your clients' browser caches without intent (that's the message box that pops up to let you know when you do it). I'm sure if you have a zillion users this might make a difference.
Part of that is just the dynamic nature of DNN - there are some good resources that R2i has published about combining javascript and CSS
One concrete suggestion is to combine all your skin and contianer css in one file and if you have full control of the site to combine the css from the modules you use into that same file.
I know with the addition of the Telerik controls there is some abilities to combine resource files
Another thing that helps is to combine graphics into a single file and use CSS (the sprite technique) to cut down number of files loaded and calls to the sever
Like it was stated above, it's the nature of the beast. Each module will have at least 1 css file included. You can check out PageBlaster from, I believe it will do what you are looking for.
