Environment is not configured correctly after restart? - mobile

Working on a Nativescript Angular project from a Windows computer, I managed to get to a point where I would get errors from gradle (since I'm working behind a proxy that does not like gradle) however after a restart I can no longer run the project since even running "ns doctor" will tell me there is an issue with the environment that it is not set up correctly.
Tried restarting the entire process and setup on a colleagues laptop and we've hit the exact same issue after a restart.
Nothing seems to have changed in the Environmental Variables so I can't tell what's going on or what is the issue


'clarinet integrate' quickly fails and nothing is logged to console?

Following https://docs.hiro.so/smart-contracts/devnet I can't get the command clarinet integrate to work. I have installed Docker on my mac and am running version 0.28.0 of clarinet. Running command within 'my-react-app/clarinet' where all clarity related files live (contracts, settings, tests, and Clarinet.toml).
My guess is it could be an issue with Docker?
The issue was that I downloaded my Devnet.toml file from a repo that was configured incorrectly. The configuration I needed was:
name = "devnet"
I increased the CPU and Memory in Docker as well.
There is an issue when the command attempts to spin up the stacks explorer, but I was informed that there are several existing issues with the stacks explorer from clarinet integrate at the moment.
Depending on how the last devnet was terminated, you could have some containers running. This issue should be fixed in the next incoming release, meanwhile, you'd need to terminate this stale containers manually.
Apart from Ludo's suggestions, I'd also look into your Docker resources. The default CPU/memory allocation should allow you to get started with Clarinet, but just in case, you could alter it to see if that makes a difference. Here's my settings for your reference:
Alternatively, to tease things out, you could reuse one of the samples (eg: hirosystems/stacks-billboard) instead of running your project. See if the sample comes up as expected; if it does, there could be something missing in your project.

same-site-by-default-cookies alternative for Chrome

I am writing to ask about --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies feature which was part of chrome earlier.
I am working with IT MNC and recently we promoted very important functionality to Production. We have started charging customer for this. It is legacy application .
This application can't be tested locally anymore! Earlier we could point out application to lower environment with custom settings in project's config.js file and disabling #same-site-by-default-cookies in Chrome and application could be tested locally. But now we can't!
We tried many different settings and debugged but it could not help !!
It is noted that these settings no longer work in Chrome 94+. These flags are removed entirely.
As per my analysis it is found that application still can be tested locally if we get the portable Chrome. Or older version of Chrome installed in our System. However as per the compliance policy of company and client, we can't get old or portable chrome in system. We have latest version only.
Earlier we used to perform following to run it locally:
Open CMD
cd to Chrome path ( Till Application )
Fire the following command:
chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=C:\XXXX\XXXX\localwlp --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies"
This would open a new window of Chrome ( Close all before firing the command) and then we could test the application locally.
Anybody is aware about the alternative for this? That would be really helpful. We can't test the application locally so for even small changes, we require to deploy on lower environments which takes a lot of time and also code will work or not can't say.
I look forward to hearing from you all guys.
Kailash Nirmal.

Why my react native debugger is not working?

The react-native debugger was working perfectly fine for the very first time. But later on, when I opened my pc and tried to run my current project, the debugger was not working. I tried everything on my own up to the extent but was totally frustrated with this issue. Cleared my node modules for several times, thought that the error was with the version of node and installed several old versions of node but all my efforts went on vain. At last, I am here seeking help from all the react-native experts out there. Hope you will resolve my problem.
Make sure it is enabled JS debugging on the device is enabled.
Close the app on the phone but make sure the local server is running.
Manually open Chrome and go to link: http://localhost:19001/debugger-ui
Be sure to change the port to the correct one for you.
Once the debugger opens, open the app on the device.
I had a same issue yesterday and this fixed it for me. Just had to open the debugger first then run the app.
Fistly check if you have enabled the debugging mode in your app, if not then ctrl+m and enable 'remote JS debugging'. If your app is in debugging mode and still you cant find the debugger check all the tabs of your browser is open, it must be open somewhere (this happens in mac).
Try to turn off and then turn on again wifi on your computer

Keil UV5.23/24/25 crashes on a 2nd start of debug session on Emulator

I have encountered a problem with uVision and Hitex emulator (Tanto2) on a Win10 laptop (fresh install).
My initial setup was UV5.23, I updated to 5.24 and made tentative with 5.25 on Keil's request.
I have a dedicated SDK release for UV5.23, I switched to a new one for UV5.24.
Firmware emulator was reflashed when I was using SDK for UV5.23, and updated when moving to UV5.24
What I can do:
- start UV5, open my project,
- start a debug session on the emulator, load my project, make the first run and stop debug session.
Whatever the release I use, the problem appears when I want to start a second debug session on the emulator. Once I click on the Start Debug, UV5 crashes with this message:
"uVision IDE has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will ..."
I need to relaunch UV5 to run a new debug session.
The setup using Keil 5.23 and its dedicated SDK release was OK till the end of March.
Since the end of March, the Windows updates that have appeared are: KB4088776, KB4093110, KB4093112, KB890830, KB4099989.
I tried uninstalling KB4099989, but there was no change, the problem is still present.
Is there a link with these updates?
If someone encounters the same problem and was able to solve it, I hear you :-)
The same problem appears on the laptop of my colleague whereas it is working fine before the last Windows update.
Thank you in advance for your help.
This is because of the below issue. If there is a crash in application during dll unload, windows adds an entry in registry to ignore a future unload dll request. So if the application tries to load the dll again within the same session, then the application crashes.
As a workaround goto the below location in registry,
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
and delete the unload registry path. Everytime if there is a new crash then the dll will be added back which needs to be removed.
[work around]
I also get crashes when entering debugger session, however I noticed that it occurs only if I click the debugger icon and then leave the pointer over that icon. I have never had it crash if I click and immediately move the pointer away.

Debugging Silverlight applications with IE9 beta

I spent some time debugging a SL3 application with VS 2010 in IE9 beta today and noticed a few quirks. Sometimes when launching the Silverlight app in VS it fails to load in the browser, but refreshing with F5 tends to fix the problem. Also, there are sporadic scripting errors that pop up a debug dialog - these also seem to be fixed by refreshing the page. Has anyone run into these problems and found a fix?
EDIT: My most prevalent error is:
Error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.
I don't understand why, but someone without a name at the Silverlight forums has found a solution that worked for me:
Just add or uncomment this entry to your hosts file (%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts): localhost
I noticed this as well with Silverlight 4, but also when I start a simple web project.
IE9 has a shorter startup time that IE8. Debugging a Silverlight application starts the development web server to host the http:// site. The time that it took to start up the web server was less than the time to start up IE8 and greater than the time it takes to start up IE9.
#Michael S. Scherotter - It can't be because of the shorter startup time because making the host file change which fixed it for me would have zero impact on app startup time. Something else must be causing the browser and Cassini to not talk to each other correctly.
One other fix, related to the others is to change the StartURL to launch to the loop back address directly, rather than editing the hosts file. So, in one app, I've got this as the start URL:
Of course, to make this work consistently, I've selected a "specific port" in configuration, as 60525 in this case.
(the trailing . after the loop back address is to allow Fiddler to do its magic).
