How to achive gradient in #react-native-community/slider - reactjs

I m using this package for the slider and I want to achieve gradient within the slider as shown in the image below how do I get this?

Firstly you cont pass gradient color as props. But you can pass component as the slider pip so
Create react native component from svg image by convert it using any online converter and push it as props.


Add shape within another shape using React konva

I am using react konva to create shapes for a fill-the-missing-shape game. I would like to add shapes within a rectangle. How can I achieve it using react konva?
Example image is as follows

How to change colour from Lottie animation by identify layers name in react JS

I have one Lottie file and I want to change colour of that Lottie animation dynamically. For change the colour I get layer name and which colour should i put from API so how can I do that i explore on web to change colour of Lottie I found one package named lottie-colorify But I am not getting any reference how to change that according to layers name please help me.

How to create image slider with webgl textures in react three fiber

I am currently trying to transition through an array of images using webgl shaders and react three fiber and I am stuck. Trying to use buttons to navigate through rather than just clicking on the canvas. Unsure how to pass / change imageOne and imageTwo with left and right arrow. Is this possible?
I'm aware how to do an image slider in react alone but confused with the two image properties for the glsl mix property. All help is appreciated.

How to achieve a gaussian blur with React Native?

I know there are some packages that let you create a blur view, but they all have sharp edges. There is also a blurRadius prop for the Image component, but it also renders an image with sharp edges.
How can I achieve a blurred image without sharp edges?
So I can achieve an effect like:

React-Leaflet React Component as Marker

I've recently gotten into React Leaflet and from what I've gathered from the docs, it is not possible to add a custom React Element (Component or pure functional) as a marker.
What I want to achieve is to be able to use my React Element which is an SVG icon as the marker. This would be useful because I'll need to display several different color icons and it's way more convenient to pass the color as props and let React create the marker.
Am I right in assuming this isn't possible?
You are incorrect! :) React-leaflet allows the creation of custom components. Also, you should check out react-leaflet-div-icon since it seems like it's exactly what you need.
