React native screens not re-rendering when custom hook state got changed - reactjs

I am using a custom hook in app purchases.
const useInAppPurchase = () => {
const context = useContext(AuthGlobal)
const [isFullAppPurchased, setIsFullAppPurchased] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
console.log(`InAppPurchase useEffect is called`)
return async () => {
try {
await disconnectAsync()
} catch (error) {}
}, [])
When I used this hook at AccountScreen (where I do the purchase) Account screen is getting re-rendered once the payment is done.
i.e. isFullAppPurchased is changing from false -> true
const AccountScreen = (props) => {
const width = useWindowDimensions().width
const {
} = useInAppPurchase()
return (
// value is true after the purchase
But I am using the same hook in CategoryList screen and after the payment is done when I navigate to the CategoryList screen, The values (isFullAppPurchased) is not updated (still false).
But when I do the re-rendering manually then I get isFullAppPurchased as true.
const CategoryList = (props) => {
const navigation = useNavigation()
const { isFullAppPurchased } = useInAppPurchase()
return (
// still value is false
What is the reason for this behaviour ? How should I re-render CategoryList screen once the payment is done ?
Thank you.

I see hook make API request only on mount, if whole parent component didn't unmount and rendered a new, value of hook stays same.
E.g. dependencies array is empty - [] so hook doesn't request data again.
Probably better idea is to pass isFullAppPurchased via context or redux from top level.
And put state and function to update that state in same place.


React - Updated prop in custom hook

I have a custom hook that gives me a certain percentage of the scroll. I takes the values from the state-management solution Zustand. I'm using it inside a component to update some styles on elements on the page.
The problem is that I only want to update these elements on a certain condition passed as prop of my component. And these conditions are not updated in my hook.
I don't know how I should change it in order to get the updated condition.
import create from 'zustand'
const useStore = create(() => {
scroll: 0
const useScroll = (callback: (scroll: number) => void): null => {
const subscribe = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
if (subscribe & subscribe.current) {
// Unsubscribe
subscribe.current = useStore.subscribe(() => {
}, [subscribe])
return null
const myComponent = (condition: Boolean) => {
console.log(condition) // gives the updated value of the prop
useScroll(() => {
console.log(condition) // is not updated
My guess is that you need to add the callback parameter to the list of properties useEffect is watching:
useEffect(() => {
}, [subscribe, callback])
That way, whenever the function callback changes because of a new condition, the useEffect will re-run.

Custom React-native Hook runs the component that calls it twice. I don't understand why

I am trying to learn to work with custom Hooks in React-native. I am using AWS Amplify as my backend, and it has a method to get the authenticated user's information, namely the Auth.currentUserInfo method. However, what it returns is an object and I want to make a custom Hook to both returns the part of the object that I need, and also abstract away this part of my code from the visualization part. I have a component called App, and a custom Hook called useUserId. The code for them is as follows:
The useUserId Hook:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Auth } from "aws-amplify";
const getUserInfo = async () => {
try {
const userInfo = await Auth.currentUserInfo();
const userId = userInfo?.attributes?.sub;
return userId;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to get the AuthUserId", e);
const useUserId = () => {
const [id, setId] = useState("");
const userId = getUserInfo();
useEffect(() => {
userId.then((userId) => {
}, [userId]);
return id;
export default useUserId;
The App component:
import React from "react";
import useUserId from "../custom-hooks/UseUserId";
const App = () => {
const authUserId = useUserId();
However, when I try to run the App component, I get the same Id written on the screen twice, meaning that the App component is executed again.
The problem with this is that I am using this custom Hook in another custom Hook, let's call it useFetchData that fetches some data based on the userId, then each time this is executed that is also re-executed, which causes some problems.
I am kind of new to React, would you please guide me on what I am doing wrong here, and what is the solution to this problem. Thank you.
The issue is likely due to the fact that you've declared userId in the hook body. When useUserId is called in the App component it declares userId and updates state. This triggers a rerender and userId is declared again, and updates the state again, this time with the same value. The useState hook being updated to the same value a second time quits the loop.
Bailing out of a state update
If you update a State Hook to the same value as the current state,
React will bail out without rendering the children or firing effects.
(React uses the comparison algorithm.)
Either move const userId = getUserInfo(); out of the useUserId hook
const userId = getUserInfo();
const useUserId = () => {
const [id, setId] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
userId.then((userId) => {
}, []);
return id;
or more it into the useEffect callback body.
const useUserId = () => {
const [id, setId] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
getUserInfo().then((userId) => {
}, []);
return id;
and in both cases remove userId as a dependency of the useEffect hook.
Replace userId.then with to getUserId().then. It doesn't make sense to have the result of getUserId in the body of a component, since it's a promise and that code will be run every time the component renders.

Update React context from child component

I am not able to update my context object from child component. Here is my provider file for creating react context and that component is wrapped over whole application in root app.tsx file.
I can fetch context in child components but I am not sure how to update it.
const CorporateContext = React.createContext(undefined);
export const useCorporateContext = () => {
return useContext(CorporateContext);
export const CorporateProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [corporateUserData, setCorporateUserData] = useState(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
const localStorageSet = !!localStorage.getItem('corporateDetailsSet');
if (localStorageSet) {
setCorporateUserData({corporateId: localStorage.getItem('corporateId'), corporateRole: localStorage.getItem('corporateRole'), corporateAdmin: localStorage.getItem('corporateAdmin'), corporateSuperAdmin: localStorage.getItem('corporateSuperAdmin')});
} else {
(async () => {
try {
const json = await
if (json.success !== true) {
console.log('json invalid');
setCorporateUserData({corporateId:, corporateRole:, corporateAdmin: == 'Admin', corporateSuperAdmin:});
} catch (e) {
}, []);
return (
<CorporateContext.Provider value={corporateUserData}>
export default CorporateProvider;
Update: Here is what I changed and context seems to be updated (at least it looks updated when I check in chrome devtools) but child components are not re-rendered and everything still stays the same:
I changed react context to:
const CorporateContext = React.createContext({
corporateContext: undefined,
setCorporateContext: (corporateContext) => {}
Changed useState hook in a component:
const [corporateContext, setCorporateContext] = useState(undefined);
Passed setState as property to context:
<CorporateContext.Provider value={{corporateContext , setCorporateContext}}>
You can also pass in setCorporateUserData as a second value to the provider component as such:
return (
<CorporateContext.Provider value={{corporateUserData, setCorporateUserData}}>
You can then destructure it off anytime you want using the useContext hook.
How I resolved this issue:
Problem was that I have cloned corporateContext object and changed property on that cloned object and then I passed it to setCorporateContext() method. As a result of that, context was updated but react didnt noticed that change and child components were not updated.
let newCorporateContext = corporateContext; = newValue;
After that I used javascript spread operator to change the property of corporateContext inside setCorporateContext() method.
setCorporateContext({...corporateContext, property: newValue);
After that, react noticed change in hook and child components are rerendered!

Using React hook to run Mobx method before initial render of component

As the title suggests, i have my state inside a Mobx store. I have an async method (action) that fetches the data and stores it in a property inside the store, from where i will access it in the necessary component.
Problem is, currently the property will be undefined on the initial component render - resulting in an error in the component.
How do i make use of useEffect() so that it runs an async method once and only once - and before the initial component render, ensuring the state will be available for return()? Something like this:
const Workflow = () => {
const store = useContext(WorkflowContext)
useEffect(async () => {
await store.getWorkflow()
}, [])
You can check if the property in the store is undefined and return null from the component if that is the case.
const Workflow = () => {
const store = useContext(WorkflowContext);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (store.someProperty === undefined) {
return null;
return <div>{store.someProperty}</div>;

getSnapshotBeforeUpdate using react hooks

How can I implement the same logic that getSnapshotBeforeUpdate gives me using react hooks?
As per the React Hooks FAQ, there isn't a way to implement getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and ComponentDidCatch lifecycle method with hooks yet
Do Hooks cover all use cases for classes?
Our goal is for Hooks to cover all use cases for classes as soon as
possible. There are no Hook equivalents to the uncommon
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and componentDidCatch lifecycles yet, but we
plan to add them soon.
It is a very early time for Hooks, so some integrations like DevTools
support or Flow/TypeScript typings may not be ready yet. Some
third-party libraries might also not be compatible with Hooks at the
We cannot get the snapshot data in any of the hooks (useLayoutEffect or useEffect) as both will give the updated DOM values by the time they are triggered, the best place to capture the data is just before the setting the state. for example here I am capturing the scroll position before setting the state.
function ChatBox(props){
const [state, setState] = useState({chatFetched:[],isFetching:false});
const listRef = useRef();
const previousScrollDiff = useRef(0);
// on mount
const chatFetched = [...state.chatFetched,...resp];
// use the captured snapshot here
listRef.current.scrollTop = listRef.current.scrollHeight - previousScrollDiff.current;
// don't use captured snapshot here ,will cause jerk effect in scroll
const onScroll = (event) => {
const topReached = ( === 0);
if(topReached && !state.isFetching){
setState({...state, isFetching:true});
const chatFetched = [...resp,...state.chatFetched];
// here I am capturing the data ie.., scroll position
previousScrollDiff.current = listRef.current.scrollHeight -listRef.current.scrollTop;
setState({chatFetched, isFetching:false});
return (
<div className="ui container">
className="ui container chat list"
style={{height:'420px', width:'500px',overflow:'auto'}}
return <ChatLi data ={message} key ={message.key}></ChatLi>
we can also useMemo to capture the data before dom update happens,
function ChatBox(props){
const [state, setState] = useState({chatFetched:[],isFetching:false});
const listRef = useRef();
const previousScrollDiff = useRef(0);
// on mount
const chatFetched = [...state.chatFetched,...resp];
// use the captured snapshot here
listRef.current.scrollTop = listRef.current.scrollHeight - previousScrollDiff.current;
// don't use captured snapshot here ,will cause jerk effect in scroll
useMemo(() => {
// caputure dom info in use effect
previousScrollDiff.current = scrollUl.current.scrollHeight - scrollUl.current.scrollTop;
}, [state.chatFetched]);
const onScroll = (event) => {
const topReached = ( === 0);
if(topReached && !state.isFetching){
setState({...state, isFetching:true});
const chatFetched = [...resp,...state.chatFetched];
setState({chatFetched, isFetching:false});
return (
<div className="ui container">
className="ui container chat list"
style={{height:'420px', width:'500px',overflow:'auto'}}
return <ChatLi data ={message} key ={message.key}></ChatLi>
In the above examples I am trying to do the same that is shown here in the getSnapshotBeforeUpdate react doc
You can use useMemo() instead of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(). Read more here about how to memoize calculations with React Hooks.
Here a simple example:
It always that the user types (onChange) an irrelevant state in point of view of the List Component is changed and because of this it re-rendering and can re-rendering more than 50 times it depends on the user typing, so it's used useMemo() to memoize the List Component and it stated that just todoList listens.
import List from './List'
const todo = (props) => {
const [inputIsValid, setInputIsValid] = useState(false)
const inputValidationHandler = (event) => {
if( === '') {
} else {
return <React.Fragment>
useMemo(() => (
<List items={todoList} onClick={todoRemoveHandler} />
), [todoList])
export default todo
Short answer: There isn't a react hook for it! But we can create a custom one!
That's using useEffect() and useLayoutEffect()! As they are the key elements!
The final example is all last! So make sure to check it (Our custom hooks equivalent).
useEffect() and useLayoutEffect()
useEffect => useEffect runs asynchronously and after a render is painted to the screen.
You cause a render somehow (change state, or the parent re-renders)
React renders your component (calls it)
The screen is visually updated
THEN useEffect runs
useEffect() => render() => dom mutation => repaint => useEffect() [access dom new state] (changing dom directly) => repaint
==> Meaning useEffect() is like comonentDidUpdate()!
useLayoutEffect => useLayoutEffect, on the other hand, runs synchronously after a render but before the screen is updated. That goes:
You cause a render somehow (change state, or the parent re-renders)
React renders your component (calls it)
useLayoutEffect runs, and React waits for it to finish.
The screen is visually updated
useLayoutEffect() => render => dom mutation [detached] => useLayoutEffec() [access dom new state] (mutate dom) => repaint (commit, attach)
===> Meaning useLayoutEffect() run like getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()
Knowing this! We can create our custom hooks that allow us to do things like with getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() and didComponentUpdate().
Such an example would be updating the scrolling for auto update in chat applications!
Similar to the usePrevious() hook mentionned in "how to get previous prop and state"
Here an hook implementation for saving and getting previous props and state!
const usePrevPropsAndState = (props, state) => {
const prevPropsAndStateRef = useRef({ props: null, state: null })
const prevProps = prevPropsAndStateRef.current.props
const prevState = prevPropsAndStateRef.current.state
useEffect(() => {
prevPropsAndStateRef.current = { props, state }
return { prevProps, prevState }
We can see how we need to pass the props and state object!
What you pass is what you get! So it's easy to work with! An object will do well!
useGetSnapshotBeforeUpdate & useComponentDidUpdate
Here the total solution or implementation
const useGetSnapshotBeforeUpdate = (cb, props, state) => {
// get prev props and state
const { prevProps, prevState } = usePrevPropsAndState(props, state)
const snapshot = useRef(null)
// getSnapshotBeforeUpdate (execute before the changes are comitted for painting! Before anythingg show on screen) - not run on mount + run on every update
const componentJustMounted = useRef(true)
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (!componentJustMounted.current) { // skip first run at mount
snapshot.current = cb(prevProps, prevState)
componentJustMounted.current = false
// ________ a hook construction within a hook with closure __________
const useComponentDidUpdate = cb => {
// run after the changes are applied (commited) and apparent on screen
useEffect(() => {
if (!componentJustMounted.current) { // skip first run at mount
cb(prevProps, prevState, snapshot.current)
// returning the ComponentDidUpdate hook!
return useComponentDidUpdate
You can notice how we constructed the hook within the other hook! Make use of closure! And accessing elements directly! And linking the two hooks!
pre-commit phase and commit phase (and effects hooks)
I used those terms! What does it actually means ?
class example
From the doc
class ScrollingList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.listRef = React.createRef();
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
// Are we adding new items to the list?
// Capture the scroll position so we can adjust scroll later.
if (prevProps.list.length < this.props.list.length) {
const list = this.listRef.current;
return list.scrollHeight - list.scrollTop;
return null;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) {
// If we have a snapshot value, we've just added new items.
// Adjust scroll so these new items don't push the old ones out of view.
// (snapshot here is the value returned from getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
if (snapshot !== null) {
const list = this.listRef.current;
list.scrollTop = list.scrollHeight - snapshot;
render() {
return (
<div ref={this.listRef}>{/* ...contents... */}</div>
Our custom hooks equivalent
const App = props => {
// other stuff ...
const useComponentDidUpdate = useGetSnapshotBeforeUpdate(
(prevProps, prevState) => {
if (prevProps.list.length < props.list.length) {
const list = listRef.current;
return list.scrollHeight - list.scrollTop;
return null;
useComponentDidUpdate((prevProps, prevState, snapshot) => {
if (snapshot !== null) {
const list = listRef.current;
list.scrollTop = list.scrollHeight - snapshot;
// rest ...
useEffectLayout() in useGetSnapshotBeforeUpdate hook will execute first!
useEffect() in useComponentDidUpdate will execute after!
As just was shown in the lifecyle schema!
