Using React hook to run Mobx method before initial render of component - reactjs

As the title suggests, i have my state inside a Mobx store. I have an async method (action) that fetches the data and stores it in a property inside the store, from where i will access it in the necessary component.
Problem is, currently the property will be undefined on the initial component render - resulting in an error in the component.
How do i make use of useEffect() so that it runs an async method once and only once - and before the initial component render, ensuring the state will be available for return()? Something like this:
const Workflow = () => {
const store = useContext(WorkflowContext)
useEffect(async () => {
await store.getWorkflow()
}, [])

You can check if the property in the store is undefined and return null from the component if that is the case.
const Workflow = () => {
const store = useContext(WorkflowContext);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (store.someProperty === undefined) {
return null;
return <div>{store.someProperty}</div>;


React - set state doesn't change in callback function

I'm not able to read current state inside refreshWarehouseCallback function. Why?
My component:
export function Schedules({ tsmService, push, pubsub }: Props) {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState<any>(initialState);
useEffect(() => {
.then((warehouses) =>
getCurrentWarehouseData(warehouses) // inside of this function I can without problems set myState
.catch(() => catchError());
const pushToken = push.subscribe('public/ttt/#');
const pubSubToken = pubsub.subscribe(
refreshWarehouseCallback // HERE IS PROBLEM, when I try to read current state from this function I get old data, state changed in other functions cannot be read in thi function
return () => {
}, []);
function refreshWarehouseCallback(eventName: string, content: any) {
const {warehouseId} = myState; // undefined!!!
case pushEvents.ramp.updated: {
return (
I have to use useRef to store current state additionally to be able to rerender the whole component.
My question is - is there any other solution without useRef? Where is the problem? Calback function doesn't work with useState hook?
Your pub/sub pattern does not inherit React's states. Whenever subscribe is triggered, and your callback function is initialized, that callback will not get any new values from myState.
To be able to use React's states, you can wrap refreshWarehouseCallback into another function like below
//`my state` is passed into the first function (the function wrapper)
//the inner function is your original function
const refreshWarehouseCallback =
(myState) => (eventName: string, content: any) => {
const { warehouseId } = myState;
//your other logic
And then you can add another useEffect to update subscribe after state changes (in this case, myState updates)
//a new state to store the updated pub/sub after every clean-up
const [pubSubToken, setPubSubToken] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
//clean up when your state updates
if (pubSubToken) {
const updatedPubSubToken = pubsub.subscribe(
refreshWarehouseCallback(myState) //execute the function wrapper to pass `myState` down to your original callback function
//update new pub/sub token
return () => {
//add `myState` as a dependency
}, [myState]);
//you can combine this with your previous useEffect
useEffect(() => {
const pushToken = push.subscribe("public/ttt/#");
return () => {
}, []);

React native screens not re-rendering when custom hook state got changed

I am using a custom hook in app purchases.
const useInAppPurchase = () => {
const context = useContext(AuthGlobal)
const [isFullAppPurchased, setIsFullAppPurchased] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
console.log(`InAppPurchase useEffect is called`)
return async () => {
try {
await disconnectAsync()
} catch (error) {}
}, [])
When I used this hook at AccountScreen (where I do the purchase) Account screen is getting re-rendered once the payment is done.
i.e. isFullAppPurchased is changing from false -> true
const AccountScreen = (props) => {
const width = useWindowDimensions().width
const {
} = useInAppPurchase()
return (
// value is true after the purchase
But I am using the same hook in CategoryList screen and after the payment is done when I navigate to the CategoryList screen, The values (isFullAppPurchased) is not updated (still false).
But when I do the re-rendering manually then I get isFullAppPurchased as true.
const CategoryList = (props) => {
const navigation = useNavigation()
const { isFullAppPurchased } = useInAppPurchase()
return (
// still value is false
What is the reason for this behaviour ? How should I re-render CategoryList screen once the payment is done ?
Thank you.
I see hook make API request only on mount, if whole parent component didn't unmount and rendered a new, value of hook stays same.
E.g. dependencies array is empty - [] so hook doesn't request data again.
Probably better idea is to pass isFullAppPurchased via context or redux from top level.
And put state and function to update that state in same place.

How can we get the updated props in the same function, in a react functional component?

I'm using redux to manage my state. After making an API call, I would update my redux store, the component would receive the updated props from redux and I would handle update the state based on the props.
With class components I currently have a method that does this:
onEdit = async () => {
if(!this.props.item) {
await this.props.fetchItem();
item: this.props.item
The updated props would be used in the setState.
Here is an example of something similar with a functional component:
const Component = (item) => {
const onEdit = async () => {
if(!item) {
await this.props.fetchItem();
setState(item) // this doesn't work
Obviously the above doesn't work since item uses the same props as before.
I recognize that useEffect is probably the solution most people would go for, but I was just wondering if there was a similar solution to the class component method above, since the syntax is very nice.
Put the item into state instead of props, and use props as the parameter to the Component instead of item:
const Component = (props) => {
const [item, setItem] = useState();
const onEdit = () => {
if(!item) {
// ...

I cannot collect data from API using Axios + React

I'm beginner with React. I have 2 different cases where I'm using React Hooks which I cannot receive the data from my local API properly.
Case 1:
export const RegisterT = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState()
const addrState = {}
axios.get('', { addrState })
.then(res => {
It works with the state test displaying correctly the content from the API but I don't know why/how the Axios continues calling the API infinity - endless. (Ps: the very first call it returns undefined, then the next ones it works) What am I doing wrong?
To fix this I've tried to use useEffect like this (Case 2):
export const RegisterT = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState()
const addrState = {}
useEffect(() => {
axios.get('', { addrState })
.then(res => {
}, [])
Now the Axios works only once but no data is coming from the API. Maybe I should use async/wait for this case but I cannot make it work. Does anyone know how to fix that (Case 1 or/and Case 2)?
Updating the state is an asynchronous operation. So the state is not really updated until the next time the component gets rendered. If you want to capture the correct state, you can either console.log( or wrap that inside the useEffect hook with test as dependency.
export const RegisterT = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState()
const addrState = {}
// effect only runs when component is mounted
useEffect(() => {
axios.get('', { addrState })
.then(res => {
}, []);
// effect runs whenever value of test changes
useEffect(() => {
}, [test]);
That way it is guaranteed that the console.log runs when the value of test is updated.
Also the reason the API request is invoked once is you have not mentioned anything in the dependency array. [] empty dependency array runs the effect when the component is mounted for the first time.
async/await is just a wrapper around Promise object. So they would behave similarly.
The solution with useEffect is good. If you don't use it each render will call the request. This is the same if you put there console.log with any information. The reason why you don't see the data in the useEffect is that the value of the state is not updated in current render but in the next which is called by setter of the state. Move the console.log(test); after useEffect to see the data. On init it will be undefined but in the next render, it should contain the data from the request.

useEffect lazy created cleanup function

I'm trying to create hook that is is using an effect in which side effect function returns the cleanup callback. However I want to call it only when component is unmounted, not on the rerender.
Normal approach when you call useEffect with empty deps array won't work here as the cleanup function is created only once, on the first call of the hook. But my clean up is created later, so there is no way to change it.
function useListener(data) {
const [response, updateResponse] = useState(null);
() => {
if (data) {
const removeListener = callRequest(data, resp => {
return removeListener;
return response;
This comes down to a following problem: In normal class component, the willComponentUnmount could make a decision based on a current component state but in case of useEffect, state is passed via closure to the cleanup and there is no way to pass the information later if the state has changed
You can use useRef to save and update your callback function
The useRef() Hook isn’t just for DOM refs. The “ref” object is a generic container whose current property is mutable and can hold any value, similar to an instance property on a class. more
function useListener(data) {
const [response, updateResponse] = useState(null);
const cleanUpCallbackRef = useRef(() => {});
() => {
if (data) {
cleanUpCallbackRef.current = callRequest(data, resp => {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return response;
I create a simple example here
