Where are Chat messages stored ? Is it in some database on phone or some file?
Please help me with path to db or file.
this is the path
I have installed Telegram on MacOS.
"~/Library/Group Containers/XXXXXXXX.en.keepcoder.Telegram/" this folder contains the db_sqlite, db_sqlite-wal files. I can't open them via SQLiteBrowser, when i try to do this i get this message:
How to read data from these files?
I would like to create a java program that would get only the body/message of the mail, the mails are in .eml format and the mails are placed locally in my machine. The problem is when I try to look for ways to do this I'm still lead to use the Folder class which requires an active mail server. Now, my question is, is there any way I can extract the message part of an e-mail using the Javamail API without the need to connect to a server? Because doing the extraction of the message part of an e-mail without including its headers is nearly impossible with filestream.
Thanks for the help.
You can use a "local store provider" for JavaMail, but perhaps the simplest approach for you is to just use the MimeMessage that takes an InputStream. Give it a (buffered) FileInputStream and it will parse the message for you.
I want to emded SQLite database (*.db file) to the AIR app, like images, mp3 etc.
This is to ensure that it was impossible to copy my database for other users.
No, you can't. And even if you could package it, the data wouldn't really be protected: since an .air package is in essence nothing more than an enhanced .zip archive, anyone could just extract the database from the .air file.
What you have to do is encrypt your database and protect it with a password so that only authorized users can access the database.
There's ample documentation on how to do this. Here's a tutorial from Adobe to get you started: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/flex/quickstart/articles/encrypted_database.html
I think this is not possible. If you embed it to the air file andinstall the AIR app the db will be copied to the installation folder.
You could create the database in the user storage location
var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("name.db");
Users could still navigate in explorer to the file. It will be stored under /users/username/appdata/appname/Local Store
AppData is a hidden folder.
How are police officers and emergency workers sending details of a situation with a location on the map?
I'm developing a WCF service that recieves data with location details from a client with an android app. So I thought that an android app can send a KML file as the data with location details of a situation (pinpointed on a map from android app). Then this KML file is recieved by the WCF service which stores it in file system with its file path referenced in a database.
Not sure if this is the best way to go about it. This is a question at the high level. Once I get replies about a sensible way of doing this, I will ask more specific coding questions.
If you can get latitude & longitude out of the KML file and you're using SQL Server 2008+, you can store the information in a column with the Geography data type. You can also store the KML file itself in a Filestream column. Or both!
I developed a small cakephp website on local machine. When I upload to my host server, I realize that I must use their prefix for the database name and database user. So, I go and create new database name and new user. When I visit the site, it has this:
Warning (2): mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'old_name'#'localhost' (using password: YES) [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php, line 552]
I am 100% sure, I already change the name to "new_name", it runs on my local machine, but I dont know why it still load the old name. I go to ftp, and download the database config file, it clearly stated that, the database user is "new_name", i dont understand why when I go to the site, it loads the old database config. I am new to cakephp, please help.
try to clear the files from your app/tmp directory and tripple check the configuration.
Sometimes it can take a while for files to become live. One host I use has a folder for upload and then they transfer to the live folder from there automatically. Could it be something like this?
You possibly need to specify an IP for the database instead of localhost. Often the database is hosted on a different server to the code.