SWAR byte counting methods from 'Bit Twiddling Hacks' - why do they work? - c

Bit Twiddling Hacks contains the following macros, which count the number of bytes in a word x that are less than, or greater than, n:
#define countless(x,n) \
#define countmore(x,n) \
However, it doesn't explain why they work. What's the logic behind these macros?

Let's try for intuition on countmore.
First, ~0UL/255*(127-n) is a clever way of copying the value 127-n to all bytes in the word in parallel. Why does it work? ~0 is 255 in all bytes. Consequently, ~0/255 is 1 in all bytes. Multiplying by (127-n) does the "copying" mentioned at the outset.
The term ~0UL/255*127 is just a special case of the above where n is zero. It copies 127 into all bytes. That's 0x7f7f7f7f if words are 4 bytes. "Anding" with x zeros out the high order bit in each byte.
That's the first term (x)&~0UL/255*127). The result is the same as x except the high bit in each byte is zeroed.
The second term ~0UL/255*(127-(n)) is as above: 127-n copied to each byte.
For any given byte x[i], adding the two terms gives us 127-n+x[i] if x[i]<=127. This quantity will have the high order bit set whenever x[i]>n. It's easiest to see this as adding two 7-bit unsigned numbers. The result "overflows" into the 8th bit because the result is 128 or more.
So it looks like the algorithm is going to use the 8th bit of each byte as a boolean indicating x[i]>n.
So what about the other case, x[i]>127? Here we know the byte is more than n because the algorithm stipulates n<=127. The 8th bit ought to be always 1. Happily, the sum's 8th bit doesn't matter because the next step "or"s the result with x. Since x[i] has the 8th bit set to 1 if and only if it's 128 or larger, this operation "forces" the 8th bit to 1 just when the sum might provide a bad value.
To summarize so far, the "or" result has the 8th bit set to 1 in its i'th byte if and only if x[i]>n. Nice.
The next operation &~0UL/255*128 sets everything to zero except all those 8th bits of interest. It's "anding" with 0x80808080...
Now the task is to find the number of these bits set to 1. For this, countmore uses some basic number theory. First it shifts right 7 bits so the bits of interest are b0, b8, b16... The value of this word is
b0 + b8*2^8 + b16*2^16 + ...
A beautiful fact is that 1 == 2^8 == 2^16 == ... mod 255. In other words, each 1 bit is 1 mod 255. It follows that finding mod 255 of the shifted result is the same as summing b0+b8+b16+...
Yikes. We're done.

Let's analyse countless macro. We can simplify this macro as following code:
#define A(n) (0x0101010101010101UL * (0x7F+n))
#define B(x) (x & 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL)
#define C(x,n) (A(n) - B(x))
#define countless(x,n) (( C(x,n) & ~x & 0x8080808080808080UL) / 0x80 % 0xFF )
A(n) will be:
A(0) = 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F
A(1) = 0x8080808080808080
A(2) = 0x8181818181818181
A(3) = 0x8282828282828282
And for B(x), each byte of x will mask with 0x7F.
If we suppose x = 0xb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7 and n = 0, then C(x,n) will equals to 0x(0x7F-b0)(0x7F-b1)(0x7F-b2)...
For example, We suppose x = 0x1234567811335577 and n = 0x50. So:
B(0x1234567811335577) = 0x1234567811335577
C(0x1234567811335577, 0x50) = 0xBD9B7957BE9C7A58
~(0x1234567811335577) = 0xEDCBA987EECCAA88
0xEDCBA987EECCAA88 & 0x8080808080808080UL = 0x8080808080808080
C(0x1234567811335577, 0x50) & 0x8080808080808080 = 0x8080000080800000
(0x8080000080800000 / 0x80) % 0xFF = 4 //Count bytes that equal to 0x80 value.


Rotate bits in cryptography

I need explanation what exaclty means this operation in C language.
I know this is doing a bit shift to left by n, but I don't understand this code:
| (a >> (32 - n)).
This is full code below:
uint32_t rot_l(uint32_t a, uint8_t n)
return (a << n) | (a >> (32 - n));
Please help me understand this.
Given a sample 32 bit integer a:
a << n will shift the entire sequence to the left by n bits. Any bits that are shifted to the left of the first bit are removed. Any new bits added on the right are 0. So, say we shift this by n = 3, we'll get:
Then, a >> (32 - n) will shift a to the right by 32 - n. Note that 32 is the size in bits of a, so 32 - n will shift all the bits that didn't get truncated to the right. For n = 3 again, we'll get:
(the 110 is the first 3 most significant bits of n)
Finally, the | is the bitwise or operator, and this will compute the result of every using or on every bit in the two results.
================================ |
So what happens is, first the bits of a are shifted to the left by n. This results in the n most significant bits being truncated. Then these n most signifcant bits are shifted all the way to the right, to fill up the space that was originally filled with 0 from the left shift.
The result is then combined using the |. This simulates the entire string of bits in the integer being rotated to the left. This makes sense given the name of the function is rot_l :)

C expression that sets the last n bits of int variable to zero

In other words, sets the last 5 bits of integer variable x to zero, also it must be in a portable form.
I was trying to do it with the << operator but that only moves the bits to the left, rather than changing the last 5 bits to zero.
11001011 should be changed to 11000000
Create a mask that blanks out that last n integers if it is bitwise-ANDed with your int:
x &= ~ ((1 << n) - 1);
The expression 1 << n shifts 1 by n places and is effectively two to the power of n. So for 5, you get 32 or 0x00000020. Subtract one and you get a number that as the n lowest bits set, in your case 0x0000001F. Negate the bits with ~ and you get 0xFFFFFFE0, the mask others have posted, too. A bitwise AND with your integer will keep only the bits that the mask and your number have in common, which can only bet bits from the sixth bit on.
For 32-bit integers, you should be able to mask off those bits using the & (bitwise and) operator.
x & 0xFFFFFFE0.
You can use bitwise and & for this
int x = 0x00cb;
x = x & 0xffe0;
This keeps the higher bits and sets the lower bits to zero.

bitwise operationd to write individual byte of an integer

How do I set the nth byte of an 64 bit unsigned integer regardless of endian type in c ? One of the possible methods I tried is set each bit in a loop.
Assuming n = 0 is the least significant byte, why can't you just do the following:
x |= (0xffull << (n * 8));
If x = 0 and n = 2 this sets x to 0x0ff0000. Unless I am missing something? I don't see what endian-ness has to do with the problem.

Next set of n elements in set using bitwise operators

Reading the book "C - A reference manual (Fifth Edition)", I stumbled upon this piece of code (each integer in the SET is represented by a bit position):
typedef unsigned int SET;
#define emptyset ((SET) 0)
#define first_set_of_n_elements(n) (SET)((1<<(n))-1)
/* next_set_of_n_elements(s): Given a set of n elements,
produce a new set of n elements. If you start with the
result of first_set_of_n_elements(k)/ and then at each
step apply next_set_of_n_elements to the previous result,
and keep going until a set is obtained containing m as a
member, you will have obtained a set representing all
possible ways of choosing k things from m things. */
SET next_set_of_n_elements(SET x) {
/* This code exploits many unusual properties of unsigned arithmetic. As an illustration:
if x == 001011001111000, then
smallest == 000000000001000
ripple == 001011010000000
new_smallest == 000000010000000
ones == 000000000000111
returned value == 001011010000111
The overall idea is that you find the rightmost
contiguous group of 1-bits. Of that group, you slide the
leftmost 1-bit to the left one place, and slide all the
others back to the extreme right.
(This code was adapted from HAKMEM.) */
SET smallest, ripple, new_smallest, ones;
if (x == emptyset) return x;
smallest = (x & -x);
ripple = x + smallest;
new_smallest = (ripple & -ripple);
ones = ((new_smallest / smallest) >> 1) -1;
return (ripple | ones);
I'm lost at the calculation of 'ones', and it's significance in the calculation. Although I can understand the calculation mathematically, I cannot understand why this works, or how.
On a related note, the authors of the book claim that the calculation for first_set_of_n_elements "exploits the properties of unsigned subtractions". How is (2^n)-1 an "exploit"?
The smallest computation gets the first non-0 bit of your int. How does it works ?
Let n be the bit length of your int. The opposite of a number x (bits bn-1...b0) is computed in a way that when you sum x to -x, you will get 2n. Since your integer is only n-bit long, the resulting bit is discarded and you obtain 0.
Now, let b'n-1...b'0 be the binary representation of -x.
Since x+(-x) must be equal to 2n, when you meet the first bit 1 of x (say at position i), the related -x bit will also be set to 1 and when adding the numbers, you'll get a carry.
To obtain the 2n, this carry must propagate through all the bits until the end of the bit sequence of your int. Thus, the bit of -x at each position j with i < j < n follows the properties below :
bj + b'j + 1 = 10(binary)
Then, from the above we can infer that :
bj = NOT(b'j) and thus, that bj & b'j = 0
On the other hand, the bits b'j of -x located at a position j such that 0 <= j < i are ruled by what follows :
bj + b'j = 0 or 10
Since all the related bj are set to 0, the only option is b'j = 0
Thus, the only bit that is 1 in both x and -x is the one at position i
In your example :
x = 001011001111000
-x = 110100110001000
Thus, AND
The ripple then turns every contiguous "1" after position i (bit i included) to 0, and the first following 0 bit to 1 (due to the carry propagation). That's why you ripple is :
r(x) =
Ones is computed as the division of smallest(r(x)) over smallest(x). Since smallest(x) is an integer with only a single bit set to 1 at position i, you have :
(smallest(r(x)) / smallest(x)) >> 1 = smallest(r(x)) >>(i+1)
The resulting integer has also only one bit set to 1, at say index p, thus, substract -1 to this value will get you an integer ones such that :
For each j such that 0 <= j < p,
onesj = 1
For each j such that p <= j < n,
onesj = 0
Finally, the return value is the integer such that :
The first subsequence of 1-bit of the argument is set to 0.
All the 0-bit before the subsequence are set to 1.
The first 0-bit after the subsequence is set to 1.
The remaining bits are left unchanged
Then, I can't explain the remaining part since I did not understand the sentence :
a set is obtained containing m as a member
First of all, this code is rather obscure and doesn't look like anything worth spending time pondering upon, it will only yield useless knowledge.
The "exploit" is that the code relies on implementation-defined behavior of various arithmetric rules.
001 0110 0111 1000 is a 15-bit number. Why the author uses 15 bit numbers instead of 16, I
don't know. Seems like a typo remaining even after 5 editions.
If we put a minus sign in front of that binary number on a two's complement system (explanation of two's complement here), it will turn into 1110 1001 1000 1000. Because the compiler will preserve the decimal presentation of the number (5752) and translate it to its negative equivalent (-5752). (However, the actual data type will remain unsigned int, so if you tried to print it you would get the garbage number 59784.)
0001 0110 0111 1000
AND 1110 1001 1000 1000
= 0000 0000 0000 1000
The C standard does not enforce two's complement, so the code in that book is not portable.
It's a little misleading, because it actually exploits 2's complement. First, the calculation of smallest:
In 2's complement representation, for the x in the comments -x is 110100110001000. Focus on the least significant bit of x that is a one; since two's complement is essentially 1's complement plus 1, that bit will be set in both x and -x and no other bit position after it (on the way to the LSB) will have that property. That's how you get the smallest bit set.
ripple is pretty straightforward and is named as such because it propagates ones to the MSB, and smallest_ripple follows from the description above.
ones is the number we should add to the ripple in order to continue choosing n elements, picture it below:
ones: 11 next set: 100011
ones: 1 next set: 100101
ones: 0 next set: 100110
Running it will indeed show you all the ways of choosing n bits out of CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) - 1 items (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) bits are needed because -x of an n-bit number needs at worst n+1 bits to be represented).
First, here a exemple of the output we can get with n=4. The idea is that we start with 'n' LSB set to '1', and then we iterate through all the combinations of numbers with the same count of bits set to '1':
101110 (*)
It is working the following way. I will use the number with the star above as an exemple:
We get the LSB set to '1' as clearly explained in other answers.
& 010011
= 000010
We "move" the LSB one position to the left by adding it to the original number. If the bit immediately on the left is '0', this is easy to understand, as the subsequent operations will do nothing. If this left bit is '1', we get a carry which will propagate to the left. The problem with this last case is that the numbers of '1' will change, so we have to set back some '1' to keep their count constant.
+ 000010
= 110000
To do so, we retrieve the LSB of the new result, and by dividing it with the previous LSB, we get the number of bits over which the carry has propagated. This is converted to plain '1' at the lowest positions with the '-1',
/ 000010
= 001000
>> 1
- 1
= 000011
We finally OR the result of the addition and the ones.
I would say that the "exploit" is on the unsigned change of sign, in the operation (x & -x).

Homework - C bit puzzle - Perform % using C bit operations (no looping, conditionals, function calls, etc)

I'm completely stuck on how to do this homework problem and looking for a hint or two to keep me going. I'm limited to 20 operations (= doesn't count in this 20).
I'm supposed to fill in a function that looks like this:
/* Supposed to do x%(2^n).
For example: for x = 15 and n = 2, the result would be 3.
Additionally, if positive overflow occurs, the result should be the
maximum positive number, and if negative overflow occurs, the result
should be the most negative number.
int remainder_power_of_2(int x, int n){
int twoToN = 1 << n;
/* Magic...? How can I do this without looping? We are assuming it is a
32 bit machine, and we can't use constants bigger than 8 bits
(0xFF is valid for example).
However, I can make a 32 bit number by ORing together a bunch of stuff.
Valid operations are: << >> + ~ ! | & ^
return theAnswer;
I was thinking maybe I could shift the twoToN over left... until I somehow check (without if/else) that it is bigger than x, and then shift back to the right once... then xor it with x... and repeat? But I only have 20 operations!
Hint: In decadic system to do a modulo by power of 10, you just leave the last few digits and null the other. E.g. 12345 % 100 = 00045 = 45. Well, in computer numbers are binary. So you have to null the binary digits (bits). So look at various bit manipulation operators (&, |, ^) to do so.
Since binary is base 2, remainders mod 2^N are exactly represented by the rightmost bits of a value. For example, consider the following 32 bit integer:
This has the two's compliment value of 3461525. The remainder mod 2 is exactly the last bit (1). The remainder mod 4 (2^2) is exactly the last 2 bits (01). The remainder mod 8 (2^3) is exactly the last 3 bits (101). Generally, the remainder mod 2^N is exactly the last N bits.
In short, you need to be able to take your input number, and mask it somehow to get only the last few bits.
A tip: say you're using mod 64. The value of 64 in binary is:
The modulus you're interested in is the last 6 bits. I'll provide you a sequence of operations that can transform that number into a mask (but I'm not going to tell you what they are, you can figure them out yourself :D)
00000000000000000000000001000000 // starting value
11111111111111111111111110111111 // ???
11111111111111111111111111000000 // ???
00000000000000000000000000111111 // the mask you need
Each of those steps equates to exactly one operation that can be performed on an int type. Can you figure them out? Can you see how to simplify my steps? :D
Another hint:
00000000000000000000000001000000 // 64
11111111111111111111111111000000 // -64
Since your divisor is always power of two, it's easy.
uint32_t remainder(uint32_t number, uint32_t power)
power = 1 << power;
return (number & (power - 1));
Suppose you input number as 5 and divisor as 2
`00000000000000000000000000000101` number
`00000000000000000000000000000001` divisor - 1
`00000000000000000000000000000001` remainder (what we expected)
Suppose you input number as 7 and divisor as 4
`00000000000000000000000000000111` number
`00000000000000000000000000000011` divisor - 1
`00000000000000000000000000000011` remainder (what we expected)
This only works as long as divisor is a power of two (Except for divisor = 1), so use it carefully.
