Remove object from array with mongoose 5.12 ($pull not working) - arrays

I have a problem with mongoose 5.12.
"_id": {
"$oid": "60db70c9956a6c4d0645d447"
"articles": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "60db8764da322a23e787ca3d"
"type": "Déssert",
"name": "dfd",
"description": "",
"price": 0,
"tag": "",
"picture": "noarticle.jpg"
"editor": 27,
My restaurant document contains articles (object array)
And I want to remove an article from it.
I'm using this:
const deletedArticle = await this.restaurantModel.findOneAndUpdate(
{ editor: userId },
{ $pull: { articles: articleId } },
{ multi: true, new: true, useFindAndModify: true },
// userId -> 27 and articleId --> "60db8764da322a23e787ca3d"
But nothing changes.
Is this an _id type problem? Or anything else?
(The $push option work)

You did wrong in the line:
{ $pull: { articles: articleId } }
It should be:
{ $pull: { articles: { _id : articleId } } }
{ $pull: {"articles._id" : articleId } }


Retrieving related elements from MongoDB

I have the following data in MongoDB. Based alone on an id that I have available how can I retrieve all other entries where the player matches the player for my current id.
For example : find who the player for id 12 is, search all other entries that match that player name and return a list of all of them.
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043964c', id: '12', player: 'David Beckham', team: 'Manchester United'},
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043965c', id: '17', player: 'Cristiano Rolando', team: 'Manchester United'},
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043966c', id: '22', player: 'Cristiano Rolando', team: 'Juventus'},
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043967c', id: '42', player: 'David Beckham', team: 'Real Madrid'},
This is the code that I'm using to retrieve the one single entry that matches a specific id and then I'd also like to get the related entries.
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
const jerseyA = await db
.find({ id: params.jersey })
const jersey = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jerseyA))[0];
return { props: { jersey } };
Now that you know the name, do another fetch like .find({player: jersey.player})
I'm not sure of the output format you want, but here's one way to return all documents that match the "player" name of the given "id".
"$match": {
// your id goes here
"id": "17"
"$lookup": {
"from": "Jerseys",
"localField": "player",
"foreignField": "player",
"as": "docs"
{"$unwind": "$docs"},
{"$replaceWith": "$docs"}
Example output:
"_id": "62ecdf342f1193134043965c",
"id": "17",
"player": "Cristiano Rolando",
"team": "Manchester United"
"_id": "62ecdf342f1193134043966c",
"id": "22",
"player": "Cristiano Rolando",
"team": "Juventus"
Try it on
Just an addition to #rickhg12hs solution, to ignore the first record. You can use the following query to ignore the first record (where the id also matched) and the others.
"$match": {
"id": "12"
"$lookup": {
"from": "Jerseys",
"localField": "player",
"foreignField": "player",
"as": "docs"
"$unwind": "$docs"
"$replaceWith": "$docs"
"$match": {
"id": {
"$not": {
"$eq": "12"
A possible javascript translation of it, should be,
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
const { jersey: id } = params;
const jerseyA = await db
"$match": {
"$lookup": {
"from": "Jerseys",
"localField": "player",
"foreignField": "player",
"as": "docs"
"$unwind": "$docs"
"$replaceWith": "$docs"
"$match": {
"id": {
"$not": {
"$eq": id
const jersey = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jerseyA))[0];
return { props: { jersey } };

How to delete all sub array

In my MongoDB database, I have a collection 'produits' with documents like this
"_id": {
"$oid": "6048e97b4a5f000096007505"
"modeles": [
"id": "OppoA3",
"pieces": [
"id": "OppoA3avn"
"id": "OppoA3bat"
"id": "OppoA1",
"pieces": [
"id": "OppoA1avn",
"id": "OppoA1batt",
How can I delete all modeles.pieces from all my documents.
I managed to delete with a filter on but with that code but not on all the collection
{marque_id:'OPPO', '':'RENOZ'},
'modeles.$.pieces': []
, { multi : true }
I would like all documents like this finally
"_id": {
"$oid": "6048e97b4a5f000096007505"
"modeles": [
"id": "OppoA3",
"pieces": []
"id": "OppoA1",
"pieces": []
Thank you for your help.
I have done a javascript loop like this, but i think it's not best practice
async removePieces(){
var doc
try {
doc = await produitModel.find()
for (var produit of doc) {
for (var modele of produit.modeles) {
const filter = {'marque_id': produit.marque_id, '':}
const set = {
$set: {
'modeles.$.pieces': []
await db.collection('produits').updateOne(filter, set)
console.log('removePieces() ==> Terminé')
} catch(err) {
modeles: {//This is because your second document will create failure otherwise
$exists: true
$set: {
"modeles.$.pieces": []
multi: true

How do I sort this array by date?

I'm trying to sort the dates from this external API in my latestResults array by latest on top to oldest on bottom but can't seem to figure out how.
Right now they're displayed with the oldest date first and it's working fine, but it's in the wrong order for me.
I tried using result in latestResults.reverse() but that just reverses the 7 items currently in the array.
<div v-for="result in latestResults" v-bind:key="result.latestResults">
<small">{{ result.utcDate }}</small>
import api from '../api'
export default {
data () {
return {
latestResults: [],
limit: 7,
busy: false,
loader: false,
methods: {
loadMore() {
this.loader = true;
this.busy = true;
.then(response => { const append =
this.latestResults.length + this.limit,
this.latestResults.sort((b, a) => {
return new Date(b.utcDate) - new Date(a.utcDate);
setTimeout(() => {
this.latestResults = this.latestResults.concat(append);
this.busy = false;
this.loader = false;
}, 500);
created() {
The JSON where I'm getting matches like this that has utcDate:
"count": 205,
"filters": {
"status": [
"competition": {
"id": 2021,
"area": {
"id": 2072,
"name": "England"
"name": "Premier League",
"code": "PL",
"plan": "TIER_ONE",
"lastUpdated": "2021-02-01T16:20:10Z"
"matches": [
"id": 303759,
"season": {
"id": 619,
"startDate": "2020-09-12",
"endDate": "2021-05-23",
"currentMatchday": 22
"utcDate": "2020-09-12T11:30:00Z",
"status": "FINISHED",
"matchday": 1,
"stage": "REGULAR_SEASON",
"group": "Regular Season",
"lastUpdated": "2020-09-13T00:08:13Z",
"odds": {
"msg": "Activate Odds-Package in User-Panel to retrieve odds."

How to create nested array in realm without key(React Native)

"a": [
"_id": "57e55b64016c3551c025abc1",
"title": "Main Campus"
"_id": "5810e2e27064497f74ad4874",
"title": "Ahm Campus"
"_id": "5d5d2633a1d0680620ac3cce",
"title": "Baroda"
"_id": "5d5d3af3a1d0680620ac3ef8",
"title": "India"
"_id": "57e55b64016c3551c025abc1",
"title": "Main Campus"
"_id": "5810e2e27064497f74ad4874",
"title": "Ahm Campus"
"_id": "5d5d2633a1d0680620ac3cce",
"title": "Baroda"
"_id": "5d5d3af3a1d0680620ac3ef8",
"title": "India"
How to create the schema in the realm(React native) for this type of JSON object. I tried all possible ways but did not found any specific solution. Basically, it is a nested array where the second array does not have any specific key(I tried with key it works fine but I want to do it without adding key).
You can use something like:
const ParentSchema = {
name: "parent",
properties: {
key: "string",
values: "Value[]"
const ValueSchema = {
name: "Value",
embedded: true,
properties: {
_id: "string",
title: "string"
You can insert objects like:
realm.write(() => {
realm.create("Parent", { key: "a", values: [
{ _id: "57e55b64016c3551c025abc1", title: "Main Campus" },
{ _id: "5810e2e27064497f74ad4874", title: "Ahm Campus" }
As of now there is no way to insert direct value in Realm database without key so for now we need to modify data and then we can store in following schema.
const ParentSchema = {
name: "parent",
properties: {
a: "level[]"
const level = {
name: 'level',
properties: {
level: 'sites[]'
const sites = {
name: 'sites',
properties: {
sites: 'site[]'
const site = {
name: 'site',
properties: {
title: 'string?',
_id: 'string?',
version: 'int?',
Data modification need to done like following.
var a = {
level: []
}, index) => {
const sites = [] => { sites.push(s)})

Query nested arrays of subdocuments

EDIT: The query should not user the '&" characters. Those or for updates.
ANSWER: Courtesy of Gibbs
const result : any = await mongoose.model('Events').update(
_id: eventId,
"groups._id": groupId,
"groups.users._id": userId
const result: any = await mongoose.model('Events').findOne(
_id: eventId,
"groups._id": "5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e",
"groups.$.users": { _id: '5f270877b4942d2528885dbd' }
// OR:
_id: eventId,
"groups._id": "5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e",
"groups.$.users._id" : '5f270877b4942d2528885dbd',
With only the first two predicates,(eventId and groups [$_id]) it returns the event. But the third breaks.
Does anybody know why this returns null (object ids are copied directly from the db)
"_id": ObjectId("5f270416e7964b20d6f8953d"),
"lastRounds": [],
"name": "EpicFest",
"start": 1596392488896.0,
"end": 1596392500896.0,
"groups": [
"_id": ObjectId("5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e"),
"name": "Vossius",
"users": [
"created": 1596393590778.0,
"sessionId": null,
"feedBack": {
"messagesSent": 0,
"messagesSentLiked": 0,
"messagesReceived": 0,
"messagesReceivedLiked": 0,
"userFeedbackReceived": [],
"chatFeedbackReceived": [],
"_id": ObjectId("5f270877b4942d2528885dbe")
"_id": ObjectId("5f270877b4942d2528885dbd"),
"image": "someAvatr",
"name": "hans",
"groupId": "5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e",
"results": []
"_id": ObjectId("5f270416e7964b20d6f8953f"),
"users": [],
"name": "Ignatius"
"results": [],
"theses": [],
"rounds": 10,
"schedule": [],
"__v": 4
Use the aggregate pipeline to fetch based on the inner sub-document.
In the first match stage, filter by eventId and do a $elemMatch on the inner groupId.
Next, unwind the group and groups.user.
Post unwinding you will have a flat object structure that you can again apply filter upon and, just apply a match stage on groups.user._id now.
const pipeline = [
$match: {
_id: eventId,
groups: {
$elemMatch: mongoose.Types.ObjectId('5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e')
$unwind: '$groups'
$unwind: '$groups.users'
$match: {
'$groups.users._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId('5f270877b4942d2528885dbd')
const result: any = await mongoose.model('Events').aggregate(pipeline).exec();
Mongo Play
_id: ObjectId("5f270416e7964b20d6f8953d"),
"groups._id": ObjectId("5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e"),
"groups.users._id": ObjectId("5f270877b4942d2528885dbd")
You tried to use String "5f270416e7964b20d6f8953e". It should be ObjectId
You can use . notation to access a nested element or $elemMatch
