Selecting a Menu Item with Hammerspoon - hammerspoon

I try to use Hammerspoon to open a new window in Firefox with the following script:
function newWindow()
local app = hs.application.find("Firefox")
local item = app:findMenuItem("File")
hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', newWindow)
While the script is able to find Firefox, it is not able to find the menu item I am looking for. But at the same time, I am able to use app:getMenuItems() to retrieve the whole menu structure.
Does anyone have an idea why or an working example for any application?
I am using MacOS Big Sur 11.2.3

I think what you are looking for is the app:selectMenuItem() method:
function newWindow()
local app = hs.application.find("Firefox")
app:selectMenuItem({"File", "New Window"})
hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', newWindow)
From the docs:
hs.application:selectMenuItem(menuitem[, isRegex]) -> true or nil
Selects a menu item (i.e. simulates clicking on the menu item)
menuitem - The menu item to select, specified as either a string or a table. See the menuitem parameter of hs.application:findMenuItem() for more information.
isRegex - An optional boolean, defaulting to false, which is only used if menuItem is a string. If set to true, menuItem will be treated as a regular expression rather than a strict string to match against
True if the menu item was found and selected, or nil if it wasn't (e.g. because the menu item couldn't be found)
Depending on the type of menu item involved, this will either activate or tick/untick the menu item
-- EDIT --
To avoid multiple language menu structure you can also open the new window using the keyboard shortcut for that:
function newWindow()
local app = hs.application.find("Firefox")
hs.eventtap.keyStroke({'cmd'}, 'N', nil, app)
hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', newWindow)


How to set nodes in a treeview to start off checked if a checkbox on a previous window is selected

First time Posting on this site. I hope I have the information formatted correctly.
I am designing a simple windows form to help create change control forms to track employee access. It is a 2 part form. The main form asks for some user input and there is a checkbox at the bottom that they can select if they are requesting a standard user setup. When they click next in the main form a child form window pops up that contains a treeview and a comments section for any special notes. What I am trying to do is have some nodes automatically checked if the 'Standard Setup' box is checked in the main form.
When I run the code I get a error stating "Method invocation failed because First[System.Windows.Forms.TreeView] does not contain a method named 'checknode'."
My standard setup box is $checkboxStandardSetup and if it has been checked then I want to have it place a checkbox next to these nodes in the treeview. If it isn't checked no other modification need to be made in the treeview. Here is a snippet of what I have.
if ($checkboxStandardSetup.Checked)
I have also tried to use
if ($checkboxStandardSetup.Checked)
But to no avail. The function below works to parse through and then output a list of the checked nodes but I can't get the standard setup box to apply those checks.
Function Get-CheckedNodes
param (
foreach ($Node in $NodeCollection)
if ($Node.Checked)
Get-CheckedNodes $Node.Nodes $CheckedNodes
To call the function I use
$checkedNodes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Get-CheckedNodes $treeview1.Nodes $CheckedNodes
foreach ($node in $CheckedNodes)
Write-Output $node.text | Out-File -append C:\Change\UserForm$(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yy').csv
I expected the treeview list to have a checkbox next to the nodes that I coded but instead I get the above error. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Any advice appreciated!

How to move an application between monitors in Hammerspoon?

At work I have a 3 monitor setup. I would like to move the current application to a second or a third monitor with a key binding. How to do that?
I use the following script to cycle the focused window through the screens.
-- bind hotkey
hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', function()
-- get the focused window
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
-- get the screen where the focused window is displayed, a.k.a. current screen
local screen = win:screen()
-- compute the unitRect of the focused window relative to the current screen
-- and move the window to the next screen setting the same unitRect
win:move(win:frame():toUnitRect(screen:frame()), screen:next(), true, 0)
The screen library helps finding the right "display". allScreens lists the displays in the same order as they are defined by the system. The hs.window:moveToScreen function moves to a given screen, where it's possible to set the UUID.
The following code works for me.
Hitting CTRL+ALT+CMD+ 3 moves the currently focused window to display 3, same as if you would choose "Display 3" in the Dock's Option menu.
function moveWindowToDisplay(d)
return function()
local displays = hs.screen.allScreens()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
win:moveToScreen(displays[d], false, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "1", moveWindowToDisplay(1))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "2", moveWindowToDisplay(2))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "3", moveWindowToDisplay(3))
I've answered this in Reddit post here, but in case anyone comes across this question here's the answer:
The Hammerspoon API doesn't provide an explicit function for doing this, so you gotta roll out with a custom implementation to achieve this:
-- Get the focused window, its window frame dimensions, its screen frame dimensions,
-- and the next screen's frame dimensions.
local focusedWindow = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local focusedScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():frame()
local nextScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():next():frame()
local windowFrame = focusedWindow:frame()
-- Calculate the coordinates of the window frame in the next screen and retain aspect ratio
windowFrame.x = ((((windowFrame.x - focusedScreenFrame.x) / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w) + nextScreenFrame.x)
windowFrame.y = ((((windowFrame.y - focusedScreenFrame.y) / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h) + nextScreenFrame.y)
windowFrame.h = ((windowFrame.h / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h)
windowFrame.w = ((windowFrame.w / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w)
-- Set the focused window's new frame dimensions
Wrapping the snippet above in a function and binding it to a hotkey should cycle the currently focused application across your different monitors.
Not exactly the answer to OP but leaving this here for others who also want to cycle through monitors and maximize on each screen:
local app = hs.window.focusedWindow()
You can put this in a function and bind it to Ctrl + Alt + n like so:
function moveToNextScreen()
local app = hs.window.focusedWindow()
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt"}, "n", moveToNextScreen)

Display automatically input panel, and keep the entry focused on tizen

What i'm trying to achieve is that when a popup is displayed, the input panel (keyboard) appears as well, and when the user start typing it also update the entry content that is on the panel content.
Unfortunately this appear to be quite complex in Tizen.
What I obtained so far is that the popup is displayed, the kepad too, but when I press buttons on the keypad they are not updating the entry.
In order to start real typing even if the keypad is displayed, i have to tap on the entry.
I did many different tries, without success. The following is the first version of the code and i try to list all the changes i tested:
Evas_Object *popup, *layout;
popup = elm_popup_add(parent);
elm_popup_align_set(popup, ELM_NOTIFY_ALIGN_FILL, 1.0);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(popup, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_object_part_text_set(popup, "title,text", "Use energy");
layout = elm_layout_add(popup);
elm_layout_theme_set(layout, "layout", "drawer", "panel");
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(layout, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_object_content_set(popup, layout);
Evas_Object *entry = elm_entry_add(layout);
set_number_on_entry(entry, 0);
elm_entry_input_panel_layout_set(entry, ELM_INPUT_PANEL_LAYOUT_NUMBERONLY);
elm_object_part_content_set(layout, "elm.swallow.content" , entry);
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, APP_TAG, elm_entry_entry_get(entry));
container->entry = entry;
Evas_Object *button1;
button1 = elm_button_add(popup);
elm_object_text_set(button1, "OK");
elm_object_part_content_set(popup, "button1", button1);
elm_object_style_set(button1, "popup");
evas_object_smart_callback_add(button1, "clicked", ok_pressed_energy, container);
/* Add a "Cancel" button to popup */
button1 = elm_button_add(popup);
elm_object_text_set(button1, "Cancel");
elm_object_part_content_set(popup, "button2", button1);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(button1, "clicked", dismissed_cb, popup);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(popup, "dismissed", dismissed_cb, NULL);
container->popup = popup;
elm_object_focus_set(entry, EINA_TRUE);
The first version of the code (the one above) was trying to display the panel while the popup was still creating. So maybe the show call could have impacted on the focus status for the entry.
The following are the changes i tried in order:
I tried to explicitly allow the focus on the entry using:
elm_object_focus_allow_set(entry, EINA_TRUE);
without luck. I also tried to explicitly give the focus to the entry just after the focus allow was set to true, again no success.
I tried to show the panel after the entry was focused (then after the show function for popup was called. Again not working.
elm_entry_input_panel_enabled_set(entry, EINA_TRUE);
The documentation for that function says:
If true, the input panel is appeared when entry is clicked or has a focus.
Not working
Tried to display the code using the context obtained from the entry with the following code:
Ecore_IMF_Context *imf_context = (Ecore_IMF_Context*)
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, APP_TAG , "Imf context");
I tried to post the question also on the Tizen foru, but i still didn't get an answer that solve my problem, this is the link:
What i'm doing wrong? I tried everything but at the moment with no luck. And unfortunately the documentation is not covering this use case (that i think is quite common).
Any help?

RPS, windows Form & Revit API (Python)

I've been trying to build a form to create and delete Revit print Sets.
I've 2 main issues:
1) I'm able to create a print set but I cannot access its content unless I restart the Form. I get the errors below (depending if I'm defining the view_set variable or not)
This is the code of the function to display the sheets of the selected Print Set
def DisplaySheetsInSet (self, sender, args):
self.curItem = CurrentSetsListBox.SelectedItem
for i in PrintSetForm.ViewSets:
if i.Name == str(self.curItem):
view_set = i
Sheets=[sheet.Name for sheet in view_set.Views]
for sheet in Sheets:
except Exception as e:
popup (str(e)
2) I'm able to delete print sets once. If I try do delete another one I get the following error and I need to restart the form ( code for the function that deletes the print sets shown below)
def DelPrintSet(self, sender, args):
self.curItem = CurrentSetsListBox.SelectedItems
t = Transaction (doc, 'Delete printset')
for viewset in PrintSetForm.ViewSets:
if viewset.Name in [str(item) for item in self.curItem]:
I've tried to build a function to restart/refresh the Form but it doesn't work (code below):
global PrintSetForm_Load
def PrintSetForm_Load(self, sender):
sd = PrintSetForm()
This gif shows the form in action:
Manage Print Sets
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you.
3) If I try to populate the SheetsLb with a DataSource, just the first set clicked is shown.
Sheets=[sheet.Name for sheet in view_set.Views]
SheetNumber=[sheet.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NUMBER).AsString() for sheet in view_set.Views]
SheetsLb.DataSource = None
for number,name in zip(SheetNumber,Sheets):
UpdatedList.append(number+" - "+ name + " [ ] ")
1) See if this works:
It would be worth checking that there is something selected in self.viewSetsLb. Ive added a check to the code below
The view_set variable could be initialised as a boolean instead of a list
Using break in the for loop keeps things a little snappier
Ive used the more pythonic for view in PrintSetForm.viewSets rather than for i in PrintSetForm.viewSets - keeping it nice and clear
This code works for me:
self.curItem = self.viewSetsLb.SelectedItem
if not self.viewSetsLb.SelectedItem:
print 'No Printset selected!'
view_set = False
for view in PrintSetForm.viewSets:
if view.Name == str(self.curItem):
view_set = view
Sheets=[sheet.Name for sheet in view_set.Views]
for sheet in Sheets:
2) Its because the data in your PrintSetForm.ViewSets list is out of date. Every time you change something (ie delete a viewset), repopulate this list:
PrintSetForm.ViewSets = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(ViewSheetSet).ToElements()
Also, you shouldnt need to build a refresh button, perhaps have a class function that repopulates the Printset list and ListBox, and clears the Sheet ListBox that you call after every action?
Sounds like youre having fun mate!
It sounds as if you have an issue with the scoping and lifetime of variables. For instance, some variables may have a lifetime limited to the form display, and therefore cannot be accessed after the form is closed. You could change the lifetime of these variables, e.g., by making them static class variables instead of local instance variables. I suggest you read up on .net static class variable scope.

Clicking checkbox on web page using Applescript

I'm somewhat new to Applescript, and I am trying to make Applescript check a checkbox to select it. I want the checkbox to be clicked regardless of whether or not it's already checked. Here is the checkbox's location according to the Accessibility Inspector:
<AXApplication: “Safari”>
<AXWindow: “Studio”>
<AXScrollArea: “”>
<AXWebArea: “”>
<AXGroup: “”>
<AXCheckBox: “”>
AXRole: “AXCheckBox”
AXSubrole: “(null)”
AXRoleDescription: “check box”
AXChildren: “<array of size 0>”
AXHelp: “”
AXParent: “<AXGroup: “”>”
AXPosition: “x=1104 y=825”
AXSize: “w=18 h=19”
AXTitle: “”
AXDescription: “”
AXValue: “0”
AXFocused (W): “0”
AXEnabled: “1”
AXWindow: “<AXWindow: “Studio”>”
AXSelectedTextMarkerRange (W): “<AXTextMarkerRange 0x101937860 [0x7fff76e43fa0]>{startMarker:<AXTextMarker 0x1019378b0 [0x7fff76e43fa0]>{length = 24, bytes = 0xac01000000000000c0366e23010000001700000001000000} endMarker:<AXTextMarker 0x101938030 [0x7fff76e43fa0]>{length = 24, bytes = 0xac01000000000000c0366e23010000001700000001000000}}”
AXStartTextMarker: “<AXTextMarker 0x101938030 [0x7fff76e43fa0]>{length = 24, bytes = 0xa00000000000000098975e0d010000000000000001000000}”
AXEndTextMarker: “<AXTextMarker 0x1019378b0 [0x7fff76e43fa0]>{length = 24, bytes = 0xa200000000000000405e7812010000000000000001000000}”
AXVisited: “0”
AXLinkedUIElements: “(null)”
AXSelected: “0”
AXBlockQuoteLevel: “0”
AXTopLevelUIElement: “<AXWindow: “Studio”>”
AXTitleUIElement: “(null)”
AXAccessKey: “(null)”
AXRequired: “0”
AXInvalid: “false”
AXARIABusy: “0”
AXPress - press
AXShowMenu - show menu
I've tried multiple methods to get this to work, and I haven't been able to. Any help is appreciated.
Your question with the Accessibility Inspector info is not very helpful I am afraid.
It would help if we could see the actual elements of the web page,
Have a look at this page which I found that shows check boxes and the code that makes it up.
Each element has a name and maybe within some other element.
on the page I can use this Applescript/Javascript to check the check1 checkbox.
Hopefully this will give you an idea of how to go about it.
But remember this code snippet is tailored to this page.
Open the web page and run this applescript
tell application "Safari"
set doc to document 1
do JavaScript "document.forms['testform']['check1'].checked = true" in doc
end tell
Update: Applescript GUI
Update:2 take into account "clicked regardless of whether or not it's already checked"
Taking a punt with your Accessibility Inspector. Which is a bit useless (not your fault)
activate application "Safari"
tell application "System Events"
set theCheckbox to (checkbox 1 of group 3 of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of group 2 of window 1 of application process "Safari")
set isEnabled to value of theCheckbox as boolean
if not isEnabled then
click theCheckbox
end if
end tell
