How to move an application between monitors in Hammerspoon? - hammerspoon

At work I have a 3 monitor setup. I would like to move the current application to a second or a third monitor with a key binding. How to do that?

I use the following script to cycle the focused window through the screens.
-- bind hotkey
hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', function()
-- get the focused window
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
-- get the screen where the focused window is displayed, a.k.a. current screen
local screen = win:screen()
-- compute the unitRect of the focused window relative to the current screen
-- and move the window to the next screen setting the same unitRect
win:move(win:frame():toUnitRect(screen:frame()), screen:next(), true, 0)

The screen library helps finding the right "display". allScreens lists the displays in the same order as they are defined by the system. The hs.window:moveToScreen function moves to a given screen, where it's possible to set the UUID.
The following code works for me.
Hitting CTRL+ALT+CMD+ 3 moves the currently focused window to display 3, same as if you would choose "Display 3" in the Dock's Option menu.
function moveWindowToDisplay(d)
return function()
local displays = hs.screen.allScreens()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
win:moveToScreen(displays[d], false, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "1", moveWindowToDisplay(1))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "2", moveWindowToDisplay(2))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "3", moveWindowToDisplay(3))

I've answered this in Reddit post here, but in case anyone comes across this question here's the answer:
The Hammerspoon API doesn't provide an explicit function for doing this, so you gotta roll out with a custom implementation to achieve this:
-- Get the focused window, its window frame dimensions, its screen frame dimensions,
-- and the next screen's frame dimensions.
local focusedWindow = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local focusedScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():frame()
local nextScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():next():frame()
local windowFrame = focusedWindow:frame()
-- Calculate the coordinates of the window frame in the next screen and retain aspect ratio
windowFrame.x = ((((windowFrame.x - focusedScreenFrame.x) / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w) + nextScreenFrame.x)
windowFrame.y = ((((windowFrame.y - focusedScreenFrame.y) / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h) + nextScreenFrame.y)
windowFrame.h = ((windowFrame.h / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h)
windowFrame.w = ((windowFrame.w / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w)
-- Set the focused window's new frame dimensions
Wrapping the snippet above in a function and binding it to a hotkey should cycle the currently focused application across your different monitors.

Not exactly the answer to OP but leaving this here for others who also want to cycle through monitors and maximize on each screen:
local app = hs.window.focusedWindow()
You can put this in a function and bind it to Ctrl + Alt + n like so:
function moveToNextScreen()
local app = hs.window.focusedWindow()
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt"}, "n", moveToNextScreen)


problem knowing the data of a particular camera

I am making a practice simple app as I am learning swiftUI. My current problem seems to lie in this function:
#State var cameras: [Camera] = []
#State var angle: Double = 0.0
func fetchAngle(){
COLLECTION_CAMERAS.whereField("active", isEqualTo: true).addSnapshotListener { snapshot, _ in
self.cameras = snapshot!.documents.compactMap({ try? $ Camera.self)})
self.angle = cameras[0].angle
There can only be one active camera out of the three.
I know its bad practice but all the program is in the MainView() for simplicity, after I finish debugging I will use MVVM.
The angle variable is #Published, because I want to redraw the user interface when its updated.
The there is a set of 3 buttons and each time I press one of them, successfully update in firebase the active field to true or false.
As there are three cameras I fetch the collection and wish to only get the camera where the active field is true. So far so good, my problem starts (I think) with this code self.angle = cameras[0].angle. What I wish to achieve is to be able to set self.angle with the angle of the only camera that has active == true.

Codename One: how to get the width in millimeters of a component?

I created an app to calculate the sizes of a multi-image, in order to use them in the Codename One designer.
As you can see in the screenshot below, my app has a slider and I get the width (in millimeters) of it. The problem is that the value of the selected width is incorrect. I tested the app on two Android devices and the measured lengths are different from the ones reported by the app.
You can see the full source code, however the relevant code is the following:
Label value = new Label("Move the cursor on the slider...");
Style thumbStyle = new Style();
thumbStyle.setFont(Font.createSystemFont(Font.FACE_MONOSPACE, Font.STYLE_BOLD, Font.SIZE_LARGE), true);
Slider slider = new Slider();
slider.setProgress(20); // Set the starting value
slider.setThumbImage(FontImage.create("|", thumbStyle));
slider.setEditable(true); // to it works as a slider instead of a progress bar
slider.addActionListener(e -> {
Integer valueSelected = slider.getProgress();
Integer sliderWidth = slider.getWidth();
Double inch = sliderWidth.doubleValue() / (slider.getMaxValue() - slider.getMinValue()) * valueSelected / 100.0;
Integer millimeters = Double.valueOf(inch * 25.4).intValue();
value.setText("Value selected: " + millimeters.toString() + " mm");
Thank you very much for any help
Millimeter measures aren't accurate. A device can return different values or ratios for the convert method than the value it returns for the density flag.
Unfortunately, Googles test suite to certify a device as "good" doesn't actually cover these things. There isn't much we can do about that.

Position two Terminal windows

I'd like to start two Terminals and put them at specific positions on my screen. I know how to do this with one Terminal but what do I have to do to open a second Terminal and position it next to the first one?
Here is the code for one Terminal:
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "2", function()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local f = win:frame()
local screen = win:screen()
local max = screen:frame()
f.x = max.x
f.y = max.y
f.w = 960
f.h = 540
So this potentially gets quite complex, but what I would do is have the hotkey check to see if Terminal is already running. If not, launch it and put it in position 1. If it is already running, focus it, activate the menu item to open a new window, and put it in position 2.

Windows Form "Jumps" when clicked

This question is regarding a Windows form built in PowerShell using System.Windows.Forms - I intend to convert it to C# at some point, just hasn't happened yet. C# contextual answers welcomed.
So in order to make this tool appear more like an "app" verses another WPF thing, the control boxes were removed, along with the title. In doing so, we lose the ability to move the form. So I decided to write a nice little number to handle that, which you all may agree or disagree with. Anyhow, it works great on my workstation, laptop, and a remote session to a few random terminal servers. However, when testing with a user, the app experiences a "jump" when clicked on where this bit of code might be picking up on the mouse click. The form's icon still shows in the toolbar, but it's obvious that the form has gone way off screen, and cannot be pulled back to center. I am not 100% sure if it's the code, but I have a feeling. I cannot reproduce this on my machines. Please don't tell me how to get the form back on the screen, that is just a workaround. I appreciate any ideas.
$GLOBAL:ButtonDown = 0
function handler_Form_MouseUp{$GLOBAL:ButtonDown = 0}
function handler_Form_MouseDown{
$GLOBAL:FX = $Form.Location.X
$GLOBAL:MX = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
$GLOBAL:FY = $Form.Location.Y
$GLOBAL:MY = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y
$GLOBAL:ButtonDown = 1
function handler_Form_MouseMove{
#write-host ("X:"+ ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X) + " || Y:" + ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y))
$newX = $GLOBAL:FX + ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X - $GLOBAL:MX)
$newY = $GLOBAL:FY + ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y - $GLOBAL:MY)
$Form.SetDesktopLocation($newX, $newY)
$GLOBAL:FX = $Form.Location.X
$GLOBAL:MX = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
$GLOBAL:FY = $Form.Location.Y
$GLOBAL:MY = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y

Custom segue with left to right animation going diagonal instead

I'm building an app where the first view has a menu panel, and I want this panel to stick around for the life of the app. The only places the user can "go" are reachable via buttons on this panel (a UICollectionView). In case it matters, this app is landscape-only, and iOS 6-only.
In order to make this work I created a custom segue, which removes everything from the view except for the menu panel, then adds the new view controller's view as a subview, sets the new view's frame to the bounds of the superview, and sends the new view to the back (so it's behind the menu panel). I call viewWill/DidDisappear from prepareForSegue, because otherwise they don't get called.
It may sound kludgy (it does to me), but it works fine except for one thing - the new view comes up from the bottom. It looks funny.
I then tried adding my own animation block - I initially locate the view off to the left, then animate it into place. I send it to the back in the completion block for the animation. This seems perfectly logical, and the frame values are all what they should be. But this one is worse - the view comes in from the lower left corner.
Can anyone suggest a way to make this work? Here's my current perform method:
- (void)perform {
MainMenuViewController *sourceVC = (MainMenuViewController *)self.sourceViewController;
UIViewController *destinationVC = (UIViewController *)self.destinationViewController;
for (UIView *subview in [sourceVC.mainView subviews]) {
// don't remove the menu panel or the tab
if (![subview isKindOfClass:[UICollectionView class]] && [subview.gestureRecognizers count] == 0) {
[subview removeFromSuperview];
[sourceVC.mainView addSubview:destinationVC.view];
CGRect finalFrame = sourceVC.mainView.bounds;
CGRect frame = finalFrame;
frame.origin.x = finalFrame.origin.x - finalFrame.size.width;
destinationVC.view.frame = frame;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
destinationVC.view.frame = finalFrame;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
// make sure it ends up behind the main menu panel
[sourceVC.mainView sendSubviewToBack:destinationVC.view];
It turned out to be a simple error - I needed to set destinationVC's frame before calling addSubview. Setting it afterwards was triggering the unwanted animation.
