Position two Terminal windows - hammerspoon

I'd like to start two Terminals and put them at specific positions on my screen. I know how to do this with one Terminal but what do I have to do to open a second Terminal and position it next to the first one?
Here is the code for one Terminal:
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "2", function()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local f = win:frame()
local screen = win:screen()
local max = screen:frame()
f.x = max.x
f.y = max.y
f.w = 960
f.h = 540

So this potentially gets quite complex, but what I would do is have the hotkey check to see if Terminal is already running. If not, launch it and put it in position 1. If it is already running, focus it, activate the menu item to open a new window, and put it in position 2.


How to move an application between monitors in Hammerspoon?

At work I have a 3 monitor setup. I would like to move the current application to a second or a third monitor with a key binding. How to do that?
I use the following script to cycle the focused window through the screens.
-- bind hotkey
hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', function()
-- get the focused window
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
-- get the screen where the focused window is displayed, a.k.a. current screen
local screen = win:screen()
-- compute the unitRect of the focused window relative to the current screen
-- and move the window to the next screen setting the same unitRect
win:move(win:frame():toUnitRect(screen:frame()), screen:next(), true, 0)
The screen library helps finding the right "display". allScreens lists the displays in the same order as they are defined by the system. The hs.window:moveToScreen function moves to a given screen, where it's possible to set the UUID.
The following code works for me.
Hitting CTRL+ALT+CMD+ 3 moves the currently focused window to display 3, same as if you would choose "Display 3" in the Dock's Option menu.
function moveWindowToDisplay(d)
return function()
local displays = hs.screen.allScreens()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
win:moveToScreen(displays[d], false, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "1", moveWindowToDisplay(1))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "2", moveWindowToDisplay(2))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "3", moveWindowToDisplay(3))
I've answered this in Reddit post here, but in case anyone comes across this question here's the answer:
The Hammerspoon API doesn't provide an explicit function for doing this, so you gotta roll out with a custom implementation to achieve this:
-- Get the focused window, its window frame dimensions, its screen frame dimensions,
-- and the next screen's frame dimensions.
local focusedWindow = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local focusedScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():frame()
local nextScreenFrame = focusedWindow:screen():next():frame()
local windowFrame = focusedWindow:frame()
-- Calculate the coordinates of the window frame in the next screen and retain aspect ratio
windowFrame.x = ((((windowFrame.x - focusedScreenFrame.x) / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w) + nextScreenFrame.x)
windowFrame.y = ((((windowFrame.y - focusedScreenFrame.y) / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h) + nextScreenFrame.y)
windowFrame.h = ((windowFrame.h / focusedScreenFrame.h) * nextScreenFrame.h)
windowFrame.w = ((windowFrame.w / focusedScreenFrame.w) * nextScreenFrame.w)
-- Set the focused window's new frame dimensions
Wrapping the snippet above in a function and binding it to a hotkey should cycle the currently focused application across your different monitors.
Not exactly the answer to OP but leaving this here for others who also want to cycle through monitors and maximize on each screen:
local app = hs.window.focusedWindow()
You can put this in a function and bind it to Ctrl + Alt + n like so:
function moveToNextScreen()
local app = hs.window.focusedWindow()
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt"}, "n", moveToNextScreen)

Creating a visible timer on experiment stimulus in psychopy

New to the forum, thanks in advance for any help you could provide.
I have a series of .jpgs that are being presented to users as they study the info contained within. Instructions state that each jpg can be studied for a max of 120secs. I've already coded it such that the jpg will advance after the 120sec limit:
RespKey= []
RT = []
t1example = myClock.getTime()
t2example = t1example
while t2example < (t1example+120): # value added to t1 here is timeout value;
RespKey = event.getKeys(keyList=["space"], timeStamped=myClock) # they are told to press space bar when done studying
if len(RespKey) > 0:
RT = RespKey[0][1]
Resp = RespKey[0][0].lower()
print Resp
print RT
t2study = myClock.getTime() # end of timeout loop
The problem is, I don't know how to make the Clock/ Timer/ Stopwatch function visible to the user while studying the jpg. Is there a way to superimpose a visible clock onto the stimulus so nobody is surprised when the study time comes to an end?
Note: New to coding, please couch jargon in layman speak if at all possible.
Thank you!
Yes. Before the loop (and before re-setting the clock), create a text stimulus like this:
clockText = visual.TextStim(myWin) # include other parameters if you want to change the default size, font, etc
Then on every frame, you will update the content of that stimulus. i.e. just prior to the myWin.flip() call, do this:
clockText.setText(str(t2study)) # you can format/round this as required
Check the face_jpg.py Coder demo for an example of displaying text like this on every frame.

image array creating unwanted image in top corner

I have this set up in my main.lua file
images = {
display.newImageRect("images/player3.png", 45,35),
display.newImageRect("images/player4.png", 45,35),
display.newImageRect("images/player5.png", 45,35)
and call it from my game.lua file with this code:
bird = images[math.random(1,3)]
bird.x, bird.y = -80, 140
bird.name = "bird"
physics.addBody( bird, "static")
bird.isFixedRotation = true
birdIntro = transition.to(bird,{time=1000, x=100, onComplete= birdReady})
A random image spawns (where it should, in the middle) but the issue is that a second image spawns and sits in the top left corner of the screen (slightly off screen). I can't seem to remove it and keep the one correct image only, any solutions?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
I think the problem is your images array. I've found by calling the display.newImageRect it will create the object and plop it on the screen. Even if you don't want it to show the object right then. Usually I see this when I should be putting it in a display group (not sure if you are doing that).
I think the solution might be to have the array of images be the image paths and then you can set bird equal to a new image rect at that point, thus only creating 1 image rectangle instead of 3.
images = {
bird = display.newImageRect(images[math.random(1,3)],45,35)
Let me know if that works.

Printing text in Silverlight that measures larger than page

I have a silverlight application that allows people to enter into a notes field which can be printed, the code used to do this is:
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
Viewbox box = new Viewbox();
TextBlock txt = new TextBlock();
txt.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
Paragraph pg = new Paragraph();
Run run = new Run();
pg = (Paragraph)rtText.Blocks[0];
run = (Run)pg.Inlines[0];
txt.Text = run.Text;
pd.PrintPage += (s, pe) =>
double grdHeight = pe.PrintableArea.Height - (pe.PageMargins.Top + pe.PageMargins.Bottom);
double grdWidth = pe.PrintableArea.Width - (pe.PageMargins.Left + pe.PageMargins.Right);
txt.Width = grdWidth;
txt.Height = grdHeight;
pe.PageVisual = txt;
This simply prints the content of the textbox on the page however some of the notes are spanning larger than the page itself causing it to be cut off. How can I change my code to measure the text and add more pages OR is there a better way to do the above where it will automatically create multiple pages for me?
There are several solutions to your problem, all of them under "Multiple Page Printing Silverlight" on Google. I was having a similar problem and tried most of them. The only one that worked for me was this one:
But honestly you should look at Google first and see whether there are better solutions to your specific problem.
Answering your question, there is a flag called HasMorePages that indicates you need a new page. Just type pe.HasMorePages and you will see.
Hope it helps
First you need to work out how many pages are needed
Dim pagesNeeded As Integer = Math.Ceiling(gridHeight / pageHeight) 'gets number of pages needed
Then once the first page has been sent to the printer, you need to move that data out of view and bring the new data into view ready to print. I do this by converting the whole dataset into an image/UI element, i can then adjust Y value accordingly to bring the next set of required data on screen.
transformGroup.Children.Add(New TranslateTransform() With {.Y = -(pageIndex * pageHeight)})
Then once the number of needed pages is reached, tell the printer to stop
'sets if there is more than 1 page to print
If pagesLeft <= 0 Then
e.HasMorePages = False
Exit Sub
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
Or if this is too much work, you can simply just scale all the notes to fit onto screen. Again probably by converting to UI element.
Hope this helps

Set X11 cursor to arrow

I attempted the following in a call to XCreateWindow():
unsigned long ctt_attribute_mask = CWWinGravity | CWCursor;
ctt_attributes->win_gravity = NorthEastGravity;
ctt_attributes->cursor = XC_arrow;
ctt_window = XCreateWindow(dpy, parent, ctt_xpos, ctt_ypos,
ctt_xy_size, ctt_xy_size, ctt_border,
ctt_depth, ctt_class, ctt_visual,
ctt_attribute_mask, ctt_attributes);
This creates the window, but it doesn't affect the pointer when it rolls over the window.
I want to use the user's desktop environment's standard pointer cursor when the mouse appears over my window.
Xlib is required, because this is a toolkit-agnostic program.
ETA: Additional context is available; see create_ctt_window starting on line 35 in the source file.
ctt_attributes->cursor = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_arrow);
This is not the desktop environment's standard pointer cursor, this is the X11 rather ugly bitmapped cursor. If you want themed cursors, use libXcursor. I have no experience with it.
Here's the example from The Xlib Programming Manual, vol 1, p 182.
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
int cursor_shape = XC_arrow;
Window window;
Cursor cursor;
cursor = XCreateFontCursor(display, cursor_shape);
XDefineCursor(display, window, cursor);
/* Now cursor will appear when pointer is in window */
So it looks like n.m. is spot-on. You need to call XCreateFontCursor to translate XC_arrow (which is just an integer that designates the cursor's location in the font's encoding vector) into a Cursor resource. I think the Cursor resource is just an integer, too. That's why you get no compile error. But you do indeed have a type mismatch.
