How to Create Scroll Transition? - reactjs

I want to add a transition of this type on a website I creating on React. Can some please guide me on how I can achieve this or is there any lib that I can refer?
Scroll Transition

you can use react-scroll for scrolling and effect


Mantine ScrollArea With React Infinite Scroll

I am currently building an app which uses Mantine components. I have a list which I am paginating, and rendering using React-Infinite-Scroll-Component. I want to change the style of the scrollbar of the InfiniteScroll component to look like the Mantine ScrollArea scroll bar, is there a way to use the ScrollArea component to wrap it? If not, how would I go about styling the scroll bar?
Have a look at this CodeSandboxLink to see exactly what the difference is.

using a bottom tab bar from react navigation and move it to the side

Does anyone know how to use the react-navigation bottom tab and move it to the side? or if not, has anyone done that? what was the implementation you used? I'm trying to fix a side bar similar to a bottom tab bar but on the side. thanks
React navigation lets you create your own
Custom navigator bar.
They even have an example with most of the necessary code.
You just have to change the flex-direction of the container.

Material UI Drawer scrolls background page to top when opening

I am using material-ui as the UI package for an app.
In the app I'm using material-table with a custom infinite scroll.
When a row is clicked, a drawer opens from the right of the webpage.
Once the drawer opens, the background of the drawer (the infinite scroll table and general page) automatically scrolls back to the top of the page.
This makes this page very unfriendly to users.
I've tried the solutions that are mentioned here, but it doesn't seem to work.
I tried to use it like this:
<Drawer ModalProps={{disableRestoreFocus: true}} disableRestoreFocus>{content}</Drawer>
I couldn't find anymore information on material-ui github, or here on stack overflow.
Has anyone encountered this issue or know any other options I can try?
Thanks in advance.
For material-ui v4, you can add this attribute on the drawer component:

how to use Parent-child transitions with Material-ui on desktop

I have a list in a drawer that is docked to the browser screen (desktop) and I want to expand the content of the list item to fill the entire drawer when I click on it just like explained in this demo:
I could find ways of doing it using Android but not using react material-ui V1.0.
Has anyone already done something like it?

Change pages by swiping in React

Is there a way to swipe between pages in react?
Something like: but using swipe as a trigger.
For actual routing on page swipe, you would have to look at the routing library you use.
However if you want a quick one inside of a route, you can use a pagingEnabled attribute on a <ScrollView>:
<ScrollView horizontal pagingEnabled>
<View>page 1</View>
<View>page 2</View>
edit: my mistake, you are asking in react, i got confused by your react-native tag. please remove that if you do not want a react-native reply
