Mantine ScrollArea With React Infinite Scroll - reactjs

I am currently building an app which uses Mantine components. I have a list which I am paginating, and rendering using React-Infinite-Scroll-Component. I want to change the style of the scrollbar of the InfiniteScroll component to look like the Mantine ScrollArea scroll bar, is there a way to use the ScrollArea component to wrap it? If not, how would I go about styling the scroll bar?
Have a look at this CodeSandboxLink to see exactly what the difference is.


How to Create Scroll Transition?

I want to add a transition of this type on a website I creating on React. Can some please guide me on how I can achieve this or is there any lib that I can refer?
Scroll Transition
you can use react-scroll for scrolling and effect

React Native bottom drawer navigation with sub menus?

I am looking for a bottom navigator react native component that will allow me to have sub menus pop out of it?
I'm thinking of something that looks like this:
React Native Navigator
I have a hard time believing this doesn't exist. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I would really appreciate it.
I would suggest using something like createBottomTabNavigator from React Navigation
That allows for bottom navigation but would also also you to create more than one row like your mock. See this link for more info: How to create a bottom tab navigator with multiple rows?

side content bar material ui

I'm interested in creating a content nav bar, similar to this one
This screenshot is taken from Material UI's site, but I haven't been able to find a component inside the library that resembles it. Is there one? Is there a way repurpose either a Drawer of an App Bar to replicate it?
If it’s always visible on the page that is just a normal div really.
Set it up in your component (or wherever your routes are defined) so it is on every page

How can I fix scrolling and layout issues when using react navigation?

I am currently having an issue where using a StackNavigator (created using createStackNavigator) is messing up the layout of my component.
I have attached images to explain the problem! You can see, on the first run of the app, when I just directly render the view, the component renders fine. Then, when I change it to render my navigator (whose component is the same StartPartyPageView), the layout gets messed up.
Also, when rendering within a navigator, I am unable to scroll my scroll view.
Does anyone know what could be going on here?
This is where it is working:
This is where it is not working:

How to enable scrolling in CanvasJS charts on mobile?

I am using the ReactJS version of the CanvasJS library.
I have some charts laid out on the screen such that they take up close to 100% height and width on a mobile device.
When I place my fingers on the chart and drag (in order to scroll down the page), I am unable to scroll. This issue doesn't happen on other parts of the page where I don't have the chart.
Is there any way to get scrolling working properly when touching these charts on mobile?
Figured it out.
I had the CanvasJS component wrapped inside a div component.
This div component had the following CSS attributes applied to it:
Once I removed those CSS attributes (which didn't need to be there in the first place) I was able to touch-drag on the chart component on mobile.
