KIWI TCMS: How to set up source language - kiwi-tcms

The source language of framework is English.
After the installation, it seems like Crowdin integrated to KIWI, enables Russian language.
But I still need English. Disabling 'Translation mode' does not solve the issue.
How to turn on the source language?

The main language (aka server language) is controlled via the LANGUAGE_CODE setting, see for how to override those.
The Crowdin platform and the so called "Translation mode" makes it easier to update existing translations and/or add new languages by providing in-page editor, see, but has nothing to do with the language that is displayed to the user.
The language preference is actually taken from the browser settings and then falls back to the server language setting. If you want to disable this then remove LocaleMiddleware from your settings. See for more background.
Disclaimer: this answer has been provided to you by a Kiwi TCMS team member.


How to make React app that support multilanguage?

I have reacted app and there are many components, and I want that the text will support multiple languages,
I mean if the user wants English then all content of the component translates into English.
I try to add multilanguage in my react app using the i18next library but I found that I need to write all text in every language and store somewhere then use that.
But I want it when the user selects language and then it translates into the desired language without hard code.
like when we write anything in google translator then it translates all the page with the desired language.
If you want the content of your site to be machine translated on the go, then some browsers (if not all of them) have this built-in functions. Just right click and "translate" the page. So maybe you should just mention about this function somewhere on the page?)
But if you want the content of your site to be professionally translated, then you've got to store it in the db. And depending on the global language state (which could be managed with redux), the content in selected language will be rendered.
Live translation on your website is not a good idea.
Alternatively, checkout
like google translate but for i18next.

Show posts for default language if switched to language that has no posts added yet

I have a site that uses Polylang plugin for languages. I have two languages, one default and another. All posts currently are added using default language, but when I switch to another language, nothing has been showing up. I would like in this case show content from default language instead and use another language when it will be added. Is it possible to make this happen?
No, it is not possible to fallback to the default language using the Wordpress Polylang plugin. From :
This is not possible. There is no feature like this.
The only way to do this is to “translate” the post and page but to add the default language content instead of the translated content. So technically the post and page is “translated” but the content is still the same.
However, there seems to be a Wordpress plugin that does offer this functionality. The project is not very active, however. Perhaps you could pick up a clue on how to approach this problem from its source code.

How to know whether WinForms can render certain menu fonts?

I have a WinForms application written in Visual C++/CLR. I have a "Languages" menu which drops down to show the available languages and which one is currently selected. The languages are written in their native form, e.g. instead of "German" it shows "Deutsch".
Some of these languages are written in different alphabets/fonts, such as Russian and Traditional Chinese. On my machine, they render fine, but some users have reported to me that certain languages render as gibberish/garbage on their machines, as you can see here:
Is there a way to correct this, or at least detect it? Currently I load these language names from folder names (a language is supported and thus listed if a folder exists with certain data files inside it). Ideally I can do something to make it "just work" but I could live with detecting a missing font and falling back to a Romanized/English version if I have to.

Spell check is configured for English only

I'm writing test cases in Polish, but spell check is obviously configured for English. Can I switch to other language or disable spell checking, so it won't mark most of my text?
I couldn't find any entry for this in settings nor any config in docker files.
Automatic spell check is a browser/OS feature so Kiwi TCMS can't help you with that. For example as I type this answer I get every single word highlighted because my Linux desktop is configured for Bulgarian, not English.
Being a Django project Kiwi TCMS will try to translate the interface to the language detected by the browser. This affects display only, not input.
We do not have Polish translation so if this is something you would like to contribute to I will enable it in Crowdin (see documentation on how to contribute).
You can override the style in the file patternfly_override.css and mount it in docker. You have 2 templates CSS, but in your write:
.CodeMirror .cm-spell-error:not(.cm-url):not(.cm-comment):not(.cm-tag):not(.cm-word) {
background: rgba(255,0,0,0) !important; }
This will remove the error highlighting. I did this for the Russian language in the Google Chrome browser, in other browsers the localization was determined well and there was no red highlight.

Resource files not loaded properly in the silverlight client

I have a SL 4.0 application hosted on IIS with a possibility to change GUI language. The problem is that hosted on one machine , language functionality works and on the other machine not. Inside this piece of code:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(message.NewCulture);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(message.NewCulture);
on Windows7 it does update UICulture with correct resource file and on Windows Server 2008 it does not. IIS settings on both systems seem to be the same. Any suggestions where to look?
You might want to take a look at the Blog entry made by Tim Heuer on the subject.
Using this blog post, I was able to get Globalization/Localization implemented in a short amount of time and minimal effort.
It sounds like you need to take a look at the Access Modifier section in the designer. You'll need to set this to Public in order to use it in XAML binding. Also check that all the RESX files are marked as Embedded Resource in the properties for the files.
Additionally make sure your string resource dictionaries have extensions to something similar:
P.S. I hope you'll read Tim's blog entry, he goes into a lot more detail than what I've explained. Also from my personal experience, I wasn't able to dynamically reload the language on the fly until I took a look the section on the blog post titled "Public modifier workaround and dynamically setting the culture".
R-Click the assembly(ies) containing your localized files, select unload project and then edit the project file(s). The project files are in XML format. Look for a XML tag related to SupportedCultures (or something like that). Make sure that your cultures are in the list.
Localization didn't want to kick in for me until I got that resolved.
