Extracting information from C headers (functions, structs, ...) - c

I would love to write more software with V but having to painstakingly copytype the APIs I would love to use really sucks. So I have been looking into how to change that. One option is SWIG, but just for grabbing the definitions of functions, structs/unions and globals, it's quite over-the-top, since I only need the tool to generate something akin to a V source file.
So I was thinking of just using a C99 compliant parser like TinyCC and seeing if I could extract an AST out of that. Unfortunately, this has not been as easy as I was hoping it would be because TinyCC doesn't just parse C into an AST, it already prepares information for compilation. So hacking the parser out of it is tricky, at best.
Since there are tools that are meant to statically analyze code coverage or aid in IDE support, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had done something similar already, even if it is just to jump to a definition at the very least.
Hence, my question: Would it be safe to parse C with a parser library like MPC? Or is there a better, more forward alternative that you can suggest?


Is it possible to see the macros of a compiled C program?

I am trying to learn C and I have this C file that I want view the macros of. Is there a tool to view the macros of the compiled C file.
No. That's literally impossible.
The preprocessor is a textual replacement that happens before the main compile pass. There is no difference between using a macro and putting the code the macro expands to in its place.*
*Ignoring the debugger output. But even then you can do it if you know the right #pragma to tell it the file and line number.
They're always defined in the header file(s) that you've imported with #include, or that those files in turn #include.
This may involve a lot of digging. It may involve going into files that make no sense to you because they're not written for casual inspection.
Any macros of any importance are usually documented. They may use other more complex implementation-specific macros that you shouldn't concern yourself with ordinarily, but if you're curious how they work the source is all there.
That being said, this is only relevant if you have the source and more specifically a complete build environment. Once compiled all these definitions, like the source itself, do not appear in the executable and cannot be inferred directly from the executable, especially not a release build.
Unlike Java or C#, C compiles directly to machine code so there's no way to easily reverse that back to the source. There are "decompilers" that try, but they can only really guess as to the original source. VM-based languages like Java and C# only lightly compile the code, sot here are a lot of hints as to how that code was generated and reversing it is an easier process.

From Assembler to C-Compiler

i designed a small RISC in verilog. Which steps do I have to take to create a c compiler which uses my assembler-language? Or is it possible to modify a conventional compiler like gcc, cause I don't want to make things like linker, ...
You need to use an unmodified C lexer+parser (often called the front end), and a modified code generation component (the back end) to do that.
Eli Bendersky's pycparser can be used as the front end, and Atul's mini C compiler can be used as inspiration for the code generating back end: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~varmaa/mini_c/
With Eli Bendersky's pycparser, all you need to do is convert the AST to a Control Flow Graph (CFG) and generate code from there. It is easier to start with supporting a subset of C than the full shebang.
The two tools are written in Python, but you didn't mention any implementation language preferences :)
I have found most open sourcen compilers (except clang it seems) too tightly coupled to easily modify the back end. Clang and especially GCC are not easy to dive into, nowhere NEAR as easy as the two above. And since Eli's parser does full C99 (it parses everything I've thrown at it) it seem like a nice front end to use for further development.
The examples on the Github project demonstrates most of the features of the project and it's easy to get started. The example that parses C to literal English is worth taking a look at, but may take a while to fully grok. It basically handles any C expression, so it is a good reference for how to handle the different nodes of the AST.
I also recommended the tools above, in my answer to this question: Build AST from C code

Turning strings into code?

So let's say I have a string containing some code in C, predictably read from a file that has other things in it besides normal C code. How would I turn this string into code usable by the program? Do I have to write an entire interpreter, or is there a library that already does this for me? The code in question may call subroutines that I declared in my actual C file, so one that only accounts for stock C commands may not work.
Whoo. With C this is actually pretty hard.
You've basically got a couple of options:
interpret the code
To do this, you'll hae to write an interpreter, and interpreting C is a fairly hard problem. There have been C interpreters available in the past, but I haven't read about one recently. In any case, unless you reallY really need this, writing your own interpreter is a big project.
Googling does show a couple of open-source (partial) C interpreters, like picoc
compile and dynamically load
If you can capture the code and wrap it so it makes a syntactically complete C source file, then you can compile it into a C dynamically loadable library: a DLL in Windows, or a .so in more variants of UNIX. Then you could load the result at runtime.
Now, what normally would lead someone to do this is a need to be able to express some complicated scripting functions. Have you considered the possibility of using a different language? Python, Scheme (guile) and Lua are easily available to add as a scripting language to a C application.
C has nothing of this nature. That's because C is compiled, and the compiler needs to do a lot of building of the code before the code starts running (hence receives a string as input) that it can't really change on the fly that easily. Compiled languages have a rigidity to them while interpreted languages have a flexibility.
You're thinking of Perl, Python PHP etc. and so called "fourth generation languages." I'm sure there's a technical term in c.s. for this flexibility, but C doesn't have it. You'll need to switch to one of these languages (and give up performance) if you have a task that requires this sort of string use much. Check out Perl's /e flag with regexes, for instance.
In C, you'll need to design your application so you don't need to do this. This is generally quite doable, as for its non-OO-ness and other deficiencies many huge, complex applications run on well-written C just fine.

Detecting/Listing variable declarations in C

I would like to list all the variables that have been declared in my C program for analysis. Is there an easy way I can do this? I would think that building a lexer just for this purpose would be cumbersome. Is there another way?
Well, I think I have to be more clear :-). I intend to analyse a lot of C files using a C library that I intend to write, which needs to have this functionality. Hence, it'd be great if I can do this using C (since it can integrate with my library). However I can pre-process in any other language as well. But it'd increase dependencies.
You're probably going to have to write a pretty powerful parser anyway, if you want to handle typedefs and so on. You might want to look at using clang/llvm - you can probably modify it to output the data you want pretty easily.
cscope (http://cscope.sourceforge.net/) can identify and index all symbols in your program and has a command line mode to query the symbol database from command line or GUI tools.
Doing the job properly requires a significant chunk of the C preprocessor and a lexical analyzer, which is quite a lot of a C compiler.
Doing the job ad hoc is easier - but you get to choose how ad hoc you're going to be.

How would I implement something similar to the Objective-C #encode() compiler directive in ANSI C?

The #encode directive returns a const char * which is a coded type descriptor of the various elements of the datatype that was passed in. Example follows:
struct test
{ int ti ;
char tc ;
} ;
printf( "%s", #encode(struct test) ) ;
// returns "{test=ic}"
I could see using sizeof() to determine primitive types - and if it was a full object, I could use the class methods to do introspection.
However, How does it determine each element of an opaque struct?
#Lothars answer might be "cynical", but it's pretty close to the mark, unfortunately. In order to implement something like #encode(), you need a full blown parser in order to extract the the type information. Well, at least for anything other than "trivial" #encode() statements (i.e., #encode(char *)). Modern compilers generally have either two or three main components:
The front end.
The intermediate end (for some compilers).
The back end.
The front end must parse all the source code and basically converts the source code text in to an internal, "machine useable" form.
The back end translates the internal, "machine useable" form in to executable code.
Compilers that have an "intermediate end" typically do so because of some need: they support multiple "front ends", possibly made up of completely different languages. Another reason is to simplify optimization: all the optimization passes work on the same intermediate representation. The gcc compiler suite is an example of a "three stage" compiler. llvm could be considered an "intermediate and back end" stage compiler: The "low level virtual machine" is the intermediate representation, and all the optimization takes place in this form. llvm also able to keep it in this intermediate representation right up until the last second- this allows for "link time optimization". The clang compiler is really a "front end" that (effectively) outputs llvm intermediate representation.
So, if you want to add #encode() functionality to an 'existing' compiler, you'd probably have to do it as a "source to source" 'compiler / preprocessor'. This was how the original Objective-C and C++ compilers were written- they parsed the input source text and converted it to "plain C" which was then fed in to the standard C compiler. There's a few ways to do this:
Roll your own
Use yacc and lex to put together a ANSI-C parser. You'll need a grammar- ANSI C grammar (Yacc) is a good start. Actually, to be clear, when I say yacc, I really mean bison and flex. And also, loosely, the other various yacc and lex like C-based tools: lemon, dparser, etc...
Use perl with Yapp or EYapp, which are pseudo-yacc clones in perl. Probably better for quickly prototyping an idea compared to C-based yacc and lex- it's perl after all: Regular expressions, associative arrays, no memory management, etc.
Build your parser with Antlr. I don't have any experience with this tool chain, but it's another "compiler compiler" tool that (seems) to be geared more towards java developers. There appears to be freely available C and Objective-C grammars available.
Hack another tool
Note: I have no personal experience using any of these tools to do anything like adding #encode(), but I suspect they would be a big help.
CIL - No personal experience with this tool, but designed for parsing C source code and then "doing stuff" with it. From what I can glean from the docs, this tool should allow you to extract the type information you'd need.
Sparse - Worth looking at, but not sure.
clang - Haven't used it for this purpose, but allegedly one of the goals was to make it "easily hackable" for just this sort of stuff. Particularly (and again, no personal experience) in doing the "heavy lifting" of all the parsing, letting you concentrate on the "interesting" part, which in this case would be extracting context and syntax sensitive type information, and then convert that in to a plain C string.
gcc Plugins - Plugins are a gcc 4.5 (which is the current alpha/beta version of the compiler) feature and "might" allow you to easily hook in to the compiler to extract the type information you'd need. No idea if the plugin architecture allows for this kind of thing.
Coccinelle - Bookmarked this recently to "look at later". This "might" be able to do what you want, and "might" be able to do it with out much effort.
MetaC - Bookmarked this one recently too. No idea how useful this would be.
mygcc - "Might" do what you want. It's an interesting idea, but it's not directly applicable to what you want. From the web page: "Mygcc allows programmers to add their own checks that take into account syntax, control flow, and data flow information."
CocoaDev Objective-C Parsing - Worth looking at. Has some links to lexers and grammars.
Edit #1, the bonus links.
#Lothar makes a good point in his comment. I had actually intended to include lcc, but it looks like it got lost along the way.
lcc - The lcc C compiler. This is a C compiler that is particularly small, at least in terms of source code size. It also has a book, which I highly recommend.
tcc - The tcc C compiler. Not quite as pedagogical as lcc, but definitely still worth looking at.
poc - The poc Objective-C compiler. This is a "source to source" Objective-C compiler. It parses the Objective-C source code and emits C source code, which it then passes to gcc (well, usually gcc). Has a number of Objective-C extensions / features that aren't available in gcc. Definitely worth looking at.
You would implement this by implementing the ANSI C compiler first and then add some implementation specific pragmas and functions to it.
Yes i know this is cynical answer and i accept the downvotes.
One way to do it would be to write a preprocessor, which reads the source code for the type definitions and also replaces #encode... with the corresponding string literal.
Another approach, if your program is compiled with -g, would be to write a function that reads the type definition from the program's debug information at run-time, or use gdb or another program to read it for you and then reformat it as desired. The gdb ptype command can be used to print the definition of a particular type (or if that is insufficient there is also maint print type, which is sure to print far more information than you could possibly want).
If you are using a compiler that supports plugins (e.g. GCC 4.5), it may also be possible to write a compiler plugin for this. Your plugin could then take advantage of the type information that the compiler has already parsed. Obviously this approach would be very compiler-specific.
