Is it possible to see the macros of a compiled C program? - c

I am trying to learn C and I have this C file that I want view the macros of. Is there a tool to view the macros of the compiled C file.

No. That's literally impossible.
The preprocessor is a textual replacement that happens before the main compile pass. There is no difference between using a macro and putting the code the macro expands to in its place.*
*Ignoring the debugger output. But even then you can do it if you know the right #pragma to tell it the file and line number.

They're always defined in the header file(s) that you've imported with #include, or that those files in turn #include.
This may involve a lot of digging. It may involve going into files that make no sense to you because they're not written for casual inspection.
Any macros of any importance are usually documented. They may use other more complex implementation-specific macros that you shouldn't concern yourself with ordinarily, but if you're curious how they work the source is all there.
That being said, this is only relevant if you have the source and more specifically a complete build environment. Once compiled all these definitions, like the source itself, do not appear in the executable and cannot be inferred directly from the executable, especially not a release build.
Unlike Java or C#, C compiles directly to machine code so there's no way to easily reverse that back to the source. There are "decompilers" that try, but they can only really guess as to the original source. VM-based languages like Java and C# only lightly compile the code, sot here are a lot of hints as to how that code was generated and reversing it is an easier process.


Do any C-targeting compilers allow inline C?

Some C compilers emit assembly language and allow snippets of assembly to be placed inline in the source code to be copied verbatim to the output, e.g.
Some compilers for higher-level languages emit C, ranging from Nim which was to some extent designed for that, to Scheme which very definitely was not, and takes heroic effort to compile to efficient code that way.
Do any such compilers, similarly allow snippets of C to be placed inline in the source code, to be copied verbatim to the output?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "be copied verbatim to the output," but all C compilers (msvc, gcc, clang, etc...) have preprocessor directives that essentially allow snippets of code to be added to the source files for compilation. For example, the #include directive will pull in the contents the specified file to be included in compilation. An "effect" of this is that you can do weird things such as:
printf("My code: \n%s\n",
#include "/tmp/somefile.c"
Alternatively, creating macros with the #define directive allows you to supplant snippets of code by calling a macro name. This all happens at the preprocessor stage before turning into the compile "output."
Other languages, like c# with roslyn, allows runtime compilation of code. Of course, you can also implement the same within c by calling your compiler as via something like system() and then loading the resulting library with dlopen.
Now that I come back and think about this question, I should also note that python is one of those C-targeting "compilers" (I guess technically a interpreter on top of the python runtime). Python let's you use native C compiled code with some either some py API code to export functions or directly with some dlopen-like helpers. Take a look at the inlinec module that does what I described above (call the compiler then load the compiled code). I suppose you should have the ability to do similar functionality with any language that can call c compiled code (c#, java, etc...).

Expanding a C macro selectively [duplicate]

I was wondering if it is possible, and if yes how, can I run a C preprocessor, like cpp, on a
C++ source file and only process the conditional directives #if #endif etc. I would like other
directives to stay intact in the output file.
I'm doing some analysis on C# code and there is no C# pre-processor. My idea is to run a C preprocessor on C# file and process only conditionals. This way for example, the #region directive, will stay
in the file, but cpp appears to remove #region.
You might be looking for a tool like coan:
Coan is a software engineering tool for analysing preprocessor-based configurations of C or C++ source code. Its principal use is to simplify a body of source code by eliminating any parts that are redundant with respect to a specified configuration.
It's precisely designed to process #if and #ifdef preprocessor lines, and remove code accordingly, but it has a lot of other possible uses.
The linux unifdef command does what you want:
Even if you're not on linux, there is source available on the web.
BTW, this is a duplicate of another question: Way to omit undefined preprocessor branches by default with unifdef?
Oh, this is the same task as I had in the past. I've tried cpp unifdef and coan tools - all of them stumbled upon special C# preprocessor things like #region. In the end I've decided to make my own one:
The tool has a pretty simple set of options compared to the mentioned cpp tools but it is fully compatible with C# preprocessor syntax.
You can use g++ -E option to stop after preprocessing stage
-E -> stop after the preprocessing stage.The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to the standard output

Combining source code into a single file for optimization

I was aiming at reducing the size of the executable for my C project and I have tried all compiler/linker options, which have helped to some extent. My code consists of a lot of separate files. My question was whether combining all source code into a single file will help with optimization that I desire? I read somewhere that a compiler will optimize better if it finds all code in a single file in place of separate multiple files. Is that true?
A compiler can indeed optimize better when it finds needed code in the same compilable (*.c) file. If your program is longer than 1000 lines or so, you'll probably regret putting all the code in one file, because doing so will make your program hard to maintain, but if shorter than 500 lines, you might try the one file, and see if it does not help.
The crucial consideration is how often code in one compilable file calls or otherwise uses objects (including functions) defined in another. If there are few transfers of control across this boundary, then erasing the boundary will not help performance appreciably. Therefore, when coding for performance, the key is to put tightly related code in the same file.
I like your question a great deal. It is the right kind of question to ask, in my view; and, though the complete answer is not simple enough to treat fully in a Stackexchange answer, your pursuit of the answer will teach you much. Though you may not yet realize it, your question really regards linking, a subject every advancing programmer eventually has to learn. Your question regards symbol tables, inlining, the in-place construction of return values and several, other, subtle factors.
At any rate, if your program is shorter than 500 lines or so, then you have little to lose by trying the single-file approach. If longer than 1000 lines, then a single file is not recommended.
It depends on the compiler. The Intel C++ Composer XE for example can automatically optimize over multiple files (when building using icc -fast *.c *.cpp or icl /fast *.c *.cpp, for linux/windows respectively).
When you use Microsoft Visual Studio, or a derived product (like Atmel Studio for microcontrollers), every single source file is compiled on its own (i. e. one cl, icl, or gcc command is issued for every c and cpp file in the project). This means no optimization.
For microcontroller projects I sometimes have to put everything in a single file in order make it even fit in the limited flash memory on the controller. If your compiler/IDE does it like visual studio, you can use a trick: Select all the source files and make them not participate in the build process (but leave them in the project), then create a file (I always use whole_program.c, and #include every single source (i.e. non-header) file in it (note that including c files is frowned upon by many high level programmers, but sometimes, you have to do it the dirty way, and with microcontrollers, that's actually more often than not).
My experience has been that with gnu/gcc the optimization is within the single file plus includes to create a single object. With clang/llvm it is quite easy and I recommend, DO NOT optimize the clang step, use clang to get from C to bytecode, the use llvm-link to link all of your bytecode modules into one bytecode module, then you can optimize the whole project, all source files optimized together, the llc adds more optimization as it heads for the target. Your best results are to tell clang using the something triple command line option what your ultimate target is. For the gnu path to do the same thing either use includes to make one big file compiled to one object, or if there is a machine code level optimizer other than a few things the linker does, then that is where it would have to happen. maybe gnu has an exposed ir file format, optimizer, and ir to target tool, but I think I would have seen that by now. a number of my projects, although very simple programs, have llvm and gnu builds for the same source files, you can see where the llvm builds I make a binary from unoptimized bytecode and also optimized bytecode (llvm's optimizer has problems with small while loops and sometimes generates non-working code, a very quick check to see if it is you or them is to try the non-optimized llvm binary and the gnu binary to see if they all behave the same (you) or if only the optimized llvm doesnt work (them)).

Any good reason to #include source (*.c *.cpp) files?

i've been working for some time with an opensource library ("fast artificial neural network"). I'm using it's source in my static library. When i compile it however, i get hundreds of linker warnings which are probably caused by the fact that the library includes it's *.c files in other *.c files (as i'm only including some headers i need and i did not touch the code of the lib itself).
My question: Is there a good reason why the developers of the library used this approach, which is strongly discouraged? (Or at least i've been told all my life that this is bad and from my own experience i believe it IS bad). Or is it just bad design and there is no gain in this approach?
I'm aware of this related question but it does not answer my question. I'm looking for reasons that might justify this.
A bonus question: Is there a way how to fix this without touching the library code too much? I have a lot of work of my own and don't want to create more ;)
As far as I see (grep '#include .*\.c'), they only do this in doublefann.c, fixedfann.c, and floatfann.c, and each time include the reason:
/* Easy way to allow for build of multiple binaries */
This exact use of the preprocessor for simple copy-pasting is indeed the only valid use of including implementation (*.c) files, and relatively rare. (If you want to include some code for another reason, just give it a different name, like *.h or *.inc.) An alternative is to specify configuration in macros given to the compiler (e.g. -DFANN_DOUBLE, -DFANN_FIXED, or -DFANN_FLOAT), but they didn't use this method. (Each approach has drawbacks, so I'm not saying they're necessarily wrong, I'd have to look at that project in depth to determine that.)
They provide makefiles and MSVS projects which should already not link doublefann.o (from doublefann.c) with either fann.o (from fann.c) or fixedfann.o (from fixedfann.c) and so on, and either their files are screwed up or something similar has gone wrong.
Did you try to create a project from scratch (or use your existing project) and add all the files to it? If you did, what is happening is each implementation file is being compiled independently and the resulting object files contain conflicting definitions. This is the standard way to deal with implementation files and many tools assume it. The only possible solution is to fix the project settings to not link these together. (Okay, you could drastically change their source too, but that's not really a solution.)
While you're at it, if you continue without using their project settings, you can likely skip compiling fann.c, et. al. and possibly just removing those from the project is enough – then they won't be compiled and linked. You'll want to choose exactly one of double-/fixed-/floatfann to use, otherwise you'll get the same link errors. (I haven't looked at their instructions, but would not be surprised to see this summary explained a bit more in-depth there.)
Including C/C++ code leads to all the code being stuck together in one translation unit. With a good compiler, this can lead to a massive speed boost (as stuff can be inlined and function calls optimized away).
If actual code is going to be included like this, though, it should have static in most of its declarations, or it will cause the warnings you're seeing.
If you ever declare a single global variable or function in that .c file, it cannot be included in two places which both compile to the same binary, or the two definitions will collide. If it is included in even one place, it cannot also be compiled on its own while still being linked into the same binary as its user.
If the file is only included in one place, why not just make it a discrete compilation unit (and use its globals via extern declarations)? Why bother having it included at all?
If your C files declare no global variables or functions, they are header files and should be named as such.
Therefore, by exhaustive search, I can say that the only time you would ever potentially want to include C files is if the same C code is used in building multiple different binaries. And even there, you're increasing your compile time for no real gain.
This is assuming that functions which should be inlined are marked inline and that you have a decent compiler and linker.
I don't know of a quick way to fix this.
I don't know that library, but as you describe it, it is either bad practice or your understanding of how to use it is not good enough.
A C project that wants to be included by others should always provide well structured .h files for others and then the compiled library for linking. If it wants to include function definitions in header files it should either mark them as static (old fashioned) or as inline (possible since C99).
I haven't looked at the code, but it's possible that the .c or .cpp files being included actually contain code that works in a header. For example, a template or an inline function. If that is the case, then the warnings would be spurious.
I'm doing this at the moment at home because I'm a relative newcomer to C++ on Linux and don't want to get bogged down in difficulties with the linker. But I wouldn't recommend it for proper work.
(I also once had to include a header.dat into a C++ program, because Rational Rose didn't allow headers to be part of the issued software and we needed that particular source file on the running system (for arcane reasons).)

How does a macro-enabled language keep track of the source code for debugging?

This is a more theoretical question about macros (I think). I know macros take source code and produce object code without evaluating it, enabling programmers to create more versatile syntactic structures. If I had to classify these two macro systems, I'd say there was the "C style" macro and the "Lisp style" macro.
It seems that debugging macros can be a bit tricky because at runtime, the code that is actually running differs from the source.
How does the debugger keep track of the execution of the program in terms of the preprocessed source code? Is there a special "debug mode" that must be set to capture extra data about the macro?
In C, I can understand that you'd set a compile time switch for debugging, but how would an interpreted language, such as some forms of Lisp, do it?
Apologize for not trying this out, but the lisp toolchain requires more time than I have to spend to figure out.
I don't think there's a fundamental difference in "C style" and "Lisp style" macros in how they're compiled. Both transform the source before the compiler-proper sees it. The big difference is that C's macros use the C preprocessor (a weaker secondary language that's mostly for simple string substitution), while Lisp's macros are written in Lisp itself (and hence can do anything at all).
(As an aside: I haven't seen a non-compiled Lisp in a while ... certainly not since the turn of the century. But if anything, being interpreted would seem to make the macro debugging problem easier, not harder, since you have more information around.)
I agree with Michael: I haven't seen a debugger for C that handles macros at all. Code that uses macros gets transformed before anything happens. The "debug" mode for compiling C code generally just means it stores functions, types, variables, filenames, and such -- I don't think any of them store information about macros.
For debugging programs that use
macros, Lisp is pretty much the same
as C here: your debugger sees the
compiled code, not the macro
application. Typically macros are
kept simple, and debugged
independently before use, to avoid
the need for this, just like C.
For debugging the macros
themselves, before you go and use it somewhere, Lisp does have features
that make this easier than in C,
e.g., the repl and
macroexpand-1 (though in C
there is obviously a way to
macroexpand an entire file, fully, at
once). You can see the
before-and-after of a macroexpansion,
right in your editor, when you write
I can't remember any time I ran across a situation where debugging into a macro definition itself would have been useful. Either it's a bug in the macro definition, in which case macroexpand-1 isolates the problem immediately, or it's a bug below that, in which case the normal debugging facilities work fine and I don't care that a macroexpansion occurred between two frames of my call stack.
In LispWorks developers can use the Stepper tool.
LispWorks provides a stepper, where one can step through the full macro expansion process.
You should really look into the kind of support that Racket has for debugging code with macros. This support has two aspects, as Ken mentions. On one hand there is the issue of debugging macros: in Common Lisp the best way to do that is to just expand macro forms manually. With CPP the situation is similar but more primitive -- you'd run the code through only the CPP expansion and inspect the result. However, both of these are insufficient for more involved macros, and this was the motivation for having a macro debugger in Racket -- it shows you the syntax expansion steps one by one, with additional gui-based indications for things like bound identifiers etc.
On the side of using macros, Racket has always been more advanced than other Scheme and Lisp implementations. The idea is that each expression (as a syntactic object) is the code plus additional data that contains its source location. This way when a form is a macro, the expanded code that has parts coming from the macro will have the correct source location -- from the definition of the macro rather than from its use (where the forms are not really present). Some Scheme and Lisp implementations will implement a limited for of this using the identity of subforms, as dmitry-vk mentioned.
I don't know about lisp macros (which I suspect are probably quite different than C macros) or debugging, but many - probably most - C/C++ debuggers do not handle source-level debugging of C preprocessor macros particularly well.
Generally, C/C++ debuggers they don't 'step' into the macro definition. If a macro expands into multiple statements, then the debugger will usually just stay on the same source line (where the macro is invoked) for each debugger 'step' operation.
This can make debugging macros a little more painful than they might otherwise be - yet another reason to avoid them in C/C++. If a macro is misbehaving in a truly mysterious way, I'll drop into assembly mode to debug it or expand the macro (either manually or using the compiler's switch). It's pretty rare that you have to go to that extreme; if you're writing macros that are that complicated, you're probably taking the wrong approach.
Usually in C source-level debugging has line granularity ("next" command) or instruction-level granularity ("step into"). Macro processors insert special directives into processed source that allow compiler to map compiled sequences of CPU instructions to source code lines.
In Lisp there exists no convention between macros and compiler to track source code to compiled code mapping, so it is not always possible to do single-stepping in source code.
Obvious option is to do single stepping in macroexpanded code. Compiler already sees final, expanded, version of code and can track source code to machine code mapping.
Other option is to use the fact that lisp expressions during manipulation have identity. If the macro is simple and just does destructuring and pasting code into template then some expressions of expanded code will be identical (with respect to EQ comparison) to expressions that were read from source code. In this case compiler can map some expressions from expanded code to source code.
The simple answer is that it is complicated ;-) There are several different things that contribute to being able to debug a program, and even more for tracking macros.
In C and C++, the preprocessor is used to expand macros and includes into actual source code. The originating filenames and line numbers are tracked in this expanded source file using #line directives.
When a C or C++ program is compiled with debugging enabled, the assembler generates additional information in the object file that tracks source lines, symbol names, type descriptors, etc.
The operating system has features that make it possible for a debugger to attach to a process and control the process execution; pausing, single stepping, etc.
When a debugger is attached to the program, it translates the process stack and program counter back into symbolic form by looking up the meaning of program addresses in the debugging information.
Dynamic languages typically execute in a virtual machine, whether it is an interpreter or a bytecode VM. It is the VM that provides hooks to allow a debugger to control program flow and inspect program state.
