Expanding a C macro selectively [duplicate] - c

I was wondering if it is possible, and if yes how, can I run a C preprocessor, like cpp, on a
C++ source file and only process the conditional directives #if #endif etc. I would like other
directives to stay intact in the output file.
I'm doing some analysis on C# code and there is no C# pre-processor. My idea is to run a C preprocessor on C# file and process only conditionals. This way for example, the #region directive, will stay
in the file, but cpp appears to remove #region.

You might be looking for a tool like coan:
Coan is a software engineering tool for analysing preprocessor-based configurations of C or C++ source code. Its principal use is to simplify a body of source code by eliminating any parts that are redundant with respect to a specified configuration.
It's precisely designed to process #if and #ifdef preprocessor lines, and remove code accordingly, but it has a lot of other possible uses.

The linux unifdef command does what you want:
Even if you're not on linux, there is source available on the web.
BTW, this is a duplicate of another question: Way to omit undefined preprocessor branches by default with unifdef?

Oh, this is the same task as I had in the past. I've tried cpp unifdef and coan tools - all of them stumbled upon special C# preprocessor things like #region. In the end I've decided to make my own one:
The tool has a pretty simple set of options compared to the mentioned cpp tools but it is fully compatible with C# preprocessor syntax.

You can use g++ -E option to stop after preprocessing stage
-E -> stop after the preprocessing stage.The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to the standard output


Is it possible to see the macros of a compiled C program?

I am trying to learn C and I have this C file that I want view the macros of. Is there a tool to view the macros of the compiled C file.
No. That's literally impossible.
The preprocessor is a textual replacement that happens before the main compile pass. There is no difference between using a macro and putting the code the macro expands to in its place.*
*Ignoring the debugger output. But even then you can do it if you know the right #pragma to tell it the file and line number.
They're always defined in the header file(s) that you've imported with #include, or that those files in turn #include.
This may involve a lot of digging. It may involve going into files that make no sense to you because they're not written for casual inspection.
Any macros of any importance are usually documented. They may use other more complex implementation-specific macros that you shouldn't concern yourself with ordinarily, but if you're curious how they work the source is all there.
That being said, this is only relevant if you have the source and more specifically a complete build environment. Once compiled all these definitions, like the source itself, do not appear in the executable and cannot be inferred directly from the executable, especially not a release build.
Unlike Java or C#, C compiles directly to machine code so there's no way to easily reverse that back to the source. There are "decompilers" that try, but they can only really guess as to the original source. VM-based languages like Java and C# only lightly compile the code, sot here are a lot of hints as to how that code was generated and reversing it is an easier process.

Execute C Macro Function At Compile Time

Is it possible to run a c macro function at compile time.
for example writing something in a file each time code is compiled.
Yes; No.
The macros do execute at compile time but there isn't much you can do directly with them other than mix text into the code.
Now, taking the software tools approach that unix pioneered (after all) you could conditionally generate output with #warning and then catch this with some script via a pipe.
Then that script could do stuff.
But, you probably wouldn't want to do that. Once you are running a script you could just have that script do whatever you want. Also, #error and #warning don't macro-expand the error or warning text, so using them for I/O is problematic.
This is obvious, I suppose, but how about using Ruby, Python, or the shell to script some macro processing?
Macros in C are strictly a text substitution tool. The output of the preprocessor is a preprocessed file.
So no, you can't do additional tasks like that from the preprocessor.
If you really want to perform certain tasks at compile time, that's what make is for.

Can you add preprocessor directives in assembly?

I would like to execute some assembly instructions based on a define from a header file.
Let's say in test.h I have #define DEBUG.
In test.asm I want to check somehow like #ifdef DEBUG do something...
Is such thing possible? I was not able to find something helpful in the similar questions or online.
Yes, you can run the C preprocessor on your asm file. Depends on your build environment how to do this. gcc, for example, automatically runs it for files with extension .S (capital). Note that whatever you include, should be asm compatible. It is common practice to conditionally include part of the header, using #ifndef ASSEMBLY or similar constructs, so you can have C and ASM parts in the same header.
The C preprocessor is just a program that inputs data (C source files), transforms it, and outputs data again (translation units).
You can run it manually like so:
gcc -E < input > output
which means you can run the C preprocessor over .txt files, or latex files, if you want to.
The difficult bit, of course, is how you integrate that in your build system. This very much depends on the build system you're using. If that involves makefiles, you create a target for your assembler file:
assembler_file: input_1 input_2
gcc -E < $^ > $#
and then you compile "assembler_file" in whatever way you normally compile it.
Sure but that is no longer assembly language, you would need to feed it through a C preprocessor that also knows that this is a hybrid C/asm file and does the c preprocessing part but doesnt try to compile, it then feeds to to the assembler or has its own assembler built in.
Possible, heavily depends on your toolchain (either supported or not) but IMO leaves a very bad taste, YMMV.

Extending the C preprocessor to inject code

I am working on a project where I need to inject code to C (or C++) files given some smart comments in the source. The code injected is provided by an external file. Does anyone know of any such attempts and can point me to examples - of course I need to preserve original line numbers with #line. My thinking is to replace the cpp with a script which first does this and then calls the system cpp.
Any suggestions will be appreciated
Providing your modified cpp external program won't usually work, at least in recent GCC where the preprocessing is internal to the compiler (so is part of cc1 or cc1plus). Hence, there is no more any cpp program involved in most GCC compilations (but libcpp is an internal library of GCC).
If using mostly GCC, I would suggest to inject code with you own #pragmas (not comments!). You could add your own GCC plugin, or code your own MELT extension, for that purpose (since GCC plugins can add pragmas and builtins but cannot currently affect preprocessing).
As Ira Baxter commented, you could simply put some weird macro invocations and define these macros in separate files.
I don't exactly guess what precise kind of code injection you want.
Alternatively, you could generate your C or C++ code with your own generator (which could emit #line directives) and feed that to gcc

Is there any C preprocessor as an independent program?

I know that C preprocessor exists as part of compiler. But I'm looking for an independent program. Is there any such tool?
It's often called cpp. For example, on my Linux box:
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [-Umacro]
[-Idir...] [-iquotedir...]
[-M|-MM] [-MG] [-MF filename]
[-MP] [-MQ target...]
[-MT target...]
[-P] [-fno-working-directory]
[-x language] [-std=standard]
infile outfile
This particular one is part of gcc and is available for a wide variety of platforms.
From the homepage:
mcpp is a C/C++ preprocessor with the following features.
Implements all of C90, C99 and C++98 specifications.
Provides a validation suite to test C/C++ preprocessor's conformance and quality comprehensively. When this validation suite is applied, mcpp distinguishes itself among many existing preprocessors.
Has plentiful and on-target diagnostics to check all the preprocessing problems such as latent bug or lack of portability in source code.
Has #pragma directives to output debugging information.
Is portable and has been ported to many compiler-systems, including GCC and Visual C++, on UNIX-like systems and Windows.
Has various behavior modes.
Can be built either as a compiler-specific preprocessor to replace the resident preprocessor of a particular compiler system, or as a compiler-independent command, or >even as a subroutine called from some other main program.
Provides comprehensive documents both in Japanese and in English.
Is an open source software released under BSD-style-license.
You can also have a look at m4
What is m4?
M4 can be called a “template language”, a “macro language” or a “preprocessor language”. The name “m4” also refers to the program which processes texts in this language: this “preprocessor” or “macro processor” takes as input an m4 template and sends this to the output, after acting on any embedded directives, called macros.
I've used filepp for preprocessing files other than straight C. It's a Perl module, so it's pretty portable. It's handy in that you can use all the familiar idioms you are used to, and adds some useful features.
From the web site:
Why filepp and not plain old cpp?
cpp is designed specifically to
generate output for the C compiler.
Yes, you can use any file type with
it, but the output it creates includes
loads of blank lines and lines of the
# 1 "file.c"
Obviously these lines are very useful
to the C-compiler, but no use in say
an HTML file. Also, as filepp is
written in Perl, it is 8-bit clean and
so works on any character set, not
just ASCII characters. filepp is also
customisable and hopefully more user
friendly than cpp.
cpp is just one. It's a separated program called by gcc when compiling.
It is a part of the package, and usually called cpp (C PreProcessor).
which cpp
# /usr/bin/cpp
man cpp
