Is it possible with firebase to have a database for each downloaded application?
(A downloaded application = a user + its database)
Yes, but that is pointless. And expensive. Use Firebase where one user is one collection, in ONE SINGLE database.
To clarify my question, the idea and that a user enters data every day
(like a todolist for example) but that he is the only one to access it
From your above clarification, it looks like you want to protect each user's data from others.
Take a look at security rules:
Okay so I’m need guidance on where to start.
What I want to do is upon clicking a button in my web app which will be labelled “search” the web app will connect to my realism database and search the data base for the “search criteria” and the once found all matching cases it will create div blocks with the information inside it, in a list view and assign the ID of the div to the UID it gets back from the database.
--> Country
--------> Users informantion
Welcome to StackOverflow!
A great place to get started is the Firebase Realtime Database doocumentation or searching for Firecasts on YouTube (linked below).
As requested, here are some questions to ask yourself to get started and help scope out and define your new Firebase project.
What language are you going to use?
Are you planning on using any frameworks/libraries? e.g. For Javascript, these would include things like jQuery, Polymer, and React
What information are you storing in your database? e.g. user profiles, private user data/settings, public indexes, username lists, etc.
How is your database structured?
What data is being searched? The entire database? Values in a certain location?
What data needs to be displayed in your view?
Is the data accessible for just the current user or is it a public database that anyone can use?
What search criteria will be used? Is it just one filter at a time or many?
The answers to these questions aren't set in stone, but are to help you start thinking about the future of your project. They can be changed at any time as this isn't SQL where everything has to have its own schema.
If you intend on using "advanced searches" where you'll filter by multiple parameters at the same time, consider using Cloud Firestore instead.
I recommend looking at some Firecasts to help guide you through these questions. Here are some links to them:
Firebase YouTube Channel
Video: Getting Started with the Firebase Realtime Database on the Web
Playlist: Firebase on the Web
We now have one site running but we will need to build a branded site for our client soon. The client site will have exactly the same data set as our current site expect for the user data. The client site must have totally separated user info which allows only the client to use the site.
I don't see the need for setting up a new database or creating a new user table for the client. My tentative solution is add a "Company" column for the user table so that I can differ which site the user data row is on.
I do not know if this approach will work or not or if it is the best practice. Could anyone with experience like this shed some light on this question?
P.S. I use LAMP with AWS.
Using an extra column to store a company / entity id is a common approach for multitenant system. In general you will want to abstract the part that that verifies you can only retrieve data you're allowed to a piece that all queries go through, like your ORM. This will prevent people new to the project from exposing/using data that shouldn't be exposed/used.
I'm doing wordpress website. And what i wanna do is: when user send contact form ( include their information) or user register, their information is added to CRM directly.
What i wonder is :
1) I should write my own plugin to do these things? possible? Because I think it will get the problem of permission ( when access to CRM)
2) There is a contact plugin which data is saved to database. Can we do cron tab to add data every period of time?
Can I ask you guy:
Are 2 above ways possible?
Are there any easier and possible way to do?
Really appreciate your help.
It's quite possible for Smartsheet to receive such information through the Smartsheet API. To help you get started with connecting to the API with PHP, and sending data to your sheet, I recommend looking at the Smartsheet Platform PHP Samples.
For your particular situation I would look at the Sheet Structure sample.
This might be a very stupid question but I'll try it anyway. We currently have our company website TeamDeals Energie Collectief running on Drupal and next to that we have an access database with all our customer info. We would like to automatically import submitted forms from the website into our database. The problem is we have no idea if and how this could be accomplished.
You can setup a view exporting your form results in CSV (you can configure your view so it fetches only last days submissions or something like that) with, set a URL to this view, and have a daily cron job on your remote system (hosting your access database) like "wget". Maybe not very clean but it works (I saw this once).
You might have problems trying to get form submissions from a view. Assuming you're using webforms, have a look to this post.
You can (should ?) restrain your CSV view URL access to a IP array (on your view : Page settings -> Access permission -> PHP code :
return in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('your.remote.server.ip'));
I repeat, there is certainly a better / more secure solution, but it might be a starting point.
I have a webapp deployed on GAE and users can sign-in using OpenID. Once users are signed-in they can access the data store for their own data.
Now, if I want to establish a "shared data space", how can I achieve such a thing? Can I give access to user A to data from user B? We share entities? How can I overcome access restrictions?
Any help on this aspect will be greatly appreciated.
Not quite the BigTable expert. I'm not looking for magical kingdom solution, just pointer on how to tackle this problem (blog, article, tutorial, etc).
But if I get it right, data is accessible by anyone with access to the application (if access control is available). So if I give the a {KEY, entity} pair to user B from user A he will be able to access it no problem?
Maybe I'm just confusing concepts...
The GAE datastore is a database. Data stored in it is in no way restricted to a single user. BTW, you don't even have to sign in to use a GAE application. Just query for the data you want, and you'll get it, whether the current user stored it or anyone else is irrelevant.