Export Outlook Emails Into SQL (Vai ACCESS?) - sql-server

I have a email folder in Outlook that contains 100s of emails which record my discussions with a developer of some bespoke software. I want to import these into SQL to create a knowledge base of information that can be searched upon to extract all the decisions that we have made during the course of the 2 year project.
Having sreached the net, I found that it is very easy to dump the contents of an email folder into Access using the import data functionality. In fact I have linked the table and so believe (never used Access before!!) that I now have an Access table that is connected in 'real-time' to the Outlook folder. This is eactly what I want BUT in SLQ as this is something that I am very familiar with using.
So I have tried to import the Access database into SQL (which also appears to be relatively easy) but keep getting the message that 'The source database ...contains no visible tables or views'. Checking SQL pemissions, I am owner of this new databse.
Two questions please. First, cant believe that going through Access is the simplest way to do this and presume that I will loose the 'real-time' link - am I right? Second, given that I can see my Access database has a visible table, why am I getting the error?

The easiest and quickest way is to create a VBA macro where you can populate your SQL database from Outlook emails. You can build the table structure according to your needs and extract the required information from Outlook using VBA. I'd suggest processing emails in chunks using the Find/FindNext or Restrict methods of the Items class, so you will not reach the reference counter limit. The MailItem properties you may find described in MSDN.
BTW The internal store (if you use the cached mode) in Outlook acts like a database. So, why do you need to introduce yet a new database?


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 How to remove objects outside of license?

During an upgrade process from 2009 to 2016 I'm trying to remove objects relating to an old discontinued product. The objects are not within the range of or license and consists of both Forms, Tables and Reports. When deleting I'm faced with the well known error:
"You do not have permission to delete the '[object name]' Table."
I've tried with my developers license and the customers license with no luck. Since the product is no longer existing there is no use keeping these objects around and I need them gone for the upgrade process.
What is the best approach or technique when deleting objects that's not in the license?
UPDATE: How this issue was resolved?
I got in contact with the product owner and explained my problem. They sent me a neat PowerShell script to run. This worked like a charm. Reading through the script I can see that it's using the SQL cmdlets to select and delete relevant data from the following SQL tables:
Objects, Object Metadata, Object Metadata Snapshot, Object Tracking, Object Translation, Permission.
This was the preferred method of the product owner who used to develop this product. It should be applicable to all NAV objects. I have not yet successfully tried one of the answers below (more tries to come). Hopefully this new information will provide someone with enough knowledge to provide a good answer.
The way which was successfully used by several people but for sure cannot be recommended for production system is to simply delete these objects via SQL from Object and supplemental tables. In case of tables, you would need to manually delete the SQL table itself as well as its VSIFT views.
A bit more better (probably) way is to change the number of the object via SQL and then delete the object via NAV.
The best way is to use the functionality of "killer objects" - which allow to delete objects via FOB import:
If you find the partner who can provide you with such killer objects (they need to have a license to create objects in needed range), it solves you problem in a "clean" way.
If not, you may want to consider creating empty objects in 50000 range in some test DB, changing their number to obsolete range via SQL, exporting them as FOB, and then importing them to your target DB with "Delete" option.
Create new empty database, export only needed objects from old database, import them to new database.
In Nav 2016 application database can be separated from data containing database so (I assume) you could just unmount it from database with old objects and mount it to new application database. Not sure tbh.
It is due to the range of the license, for example your development license has a range of tables 7.000.000 - 7.000.200. If you want to delete a table with ID 20.000.000 you have that error.
The best solution is when you do the updrage do not you consider these objects you need to delete. Exports all objects except the objects you want to delete.

sql data base with pictures

I'm working on a SQL server database and I need to have pictures
its for a catalog and most pictures are 1-4 mbs I don't thing embedding the pictures in SQL will be a good idea
what the best solution
till now I used to use access
I would really like to make a wpf form
but when I make a data source I don't understand exactly how linked images work
my main point is that I need it to run really quick and print out a catalog with inventory info each day for thousands of items
I'm looking for a form to manage it
I have tried an access form but access doesn't handle good the linked pictures
Just store the path to the image in the database.
Or, if using SQL 2008 or higher, there is also a new table called FileTable that stores data in the file system directly.
"I need it to run really quick" If speed is a must, Access might not be a good choice for this.. You should use a more professional RDBMS, IMHO.
If this is a hobby project I'd suggest using sqlserver express (I assume you have microsoft knowledge) and either storing a link to an image on the file system/web server or storing the object in the db. For small data volumes either way is likely to perform fairly well.
It is all very easy in MS Access 2010, just bind an image control to a table of paths. For example, my table is called Pictures, with the following entries.
I now just need an image control on a report bound to the table Pictures with a control source set to PicturePath, the images will be displayed.

export image from lotus domino database

I'm a beginner with Lotus so I really need help about it.
my company gave me a database in lotus. This database include around 18,000 images which I must import in a new DB developed in MySQL.
When I tried to open it with notes designer/notes the fallowing message is showed:
You have insufficient access to perform this operation, I think there is a password that I
do not know.
for privacy reasons I can not post nothing about the db, sorry.
So, how can I export all images as easy way as possible?
First, you need to ensure you have sufficient access to the database. This means following:
If database resides on a server, ensure you are allowed to access the server and have Reader access to the database (you may need higher rights, see below for details);
If database resides on your workstation, you must ensure it's not locally encrypted by someone else or doesn't have Enforce ACL enabled;
With above in mind, exporting images from DB may require different approach depending on their location:
Are they stored as design elements (Image Resource), then all you have to do is to open the database in Domino Designer, go to Image Resources, select desired image resource and perform Resource -> Export;
Are they stored in documents, then this becomes a more complex task. You may use LotusScript or Java to iterate and process all documents containing images. For this, you would NotesRichTextItem class to retrieve NotesEmbedded object from each document. Alternative way would be to convert all rich-text field in document to MIME format using Call notesDocument.ConvertToMIME( conversionType, options) and process it after with NotesMIMEEntity class;
To access design of a database located on a Domino server you will need Designer rights.
Hopefully this will help.

How do I elegantly import an Excel file into Sql Server via a Coldfusion HTML form?

Does anyone have an elegant suggestion for how to get the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into SQL Server via a web form? I need to allow our clients to upload modest amounts of structured data, and I need that data to ultimately reside in a sql table. I really can't expect the clientele to produce anything but an Excel file, but I could require that it be an xlsx.
The web app is written in Coldfusion; it doesn't need to be able to handle huge numbers of simultaneous requests, but I don't want to consider some sort of server-side batch job processing or shunt the user to an asp.net page (which is what we are doing now).
Any recommendations (or examples of how others are successfully doing this) would be appreciated. Due to the sensitivity of the data, we really can't do anything to compromise the security of the web or sql servers.
If you are using CF9, then you could easily use the cfspreadsheet tag too. I mention this one specifically because Shawn's link did not (presumably due to its being relatively new on the CF scene). Here's the livedoc link: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec17cba-7f87.html
For full use, I would create a web form with a standard file upload field. On the backend handling the form submission, get a copy of the file with
<cffile action="upload" destination="uploaded.xls".....>
Then use:
<cfspreadsheet action="read" query="myExcelData" src="uploaded.xls" ...>
At which point, your spreadsheet content will be available as a query object. You can then loop over this query, running insert queries into your sql server each time you loop. That should do it.
Here are the most notable options to help point you in the right direction; choose what you are most comfortable with (Source: Charlie Arehart).
My personal recommendation is to go the CFX_Excel route. Although a commercial product, it will grant you the most functionality/flexibility of the options listed.

Access 2007 to SQL server file upload?

I have an Access 2007 database with an attachments facility. Currently the client may upload files locally but the files cannot be accessed elsewhere. I have been able to carry out a similar operation when developing on a web based system however I cannot seem to do it on an Access 2007 database and I am unsure as to whether it is even possible. Basically the system needs to connect to the SQL server online and upload the file although the database is not online itself. I would be grateful for any pointers!
I have faced this situation. Here are your choices:
Use Access attachment field in a shared ACCDB -- won't work "online" very well, but you could park the ACCDB on your LAN and make it a separate back-end ACCDB shared by all. Your post didn't say whether your users are either local or "online" -- and whether "online" meant web.
Use VarChar(Max) (aka BLOB) fields in SQL-Server to store the attachments. But, you can't populate these easily from Access. Assuming you control the server where SQL-Server is running, you can use ADO in Access to upload a VarChar(Max) using the bulkinsert T-SQL command. This works pretty well and it's easy.
Create an upload web page. Use iExplorer automation (i.e, create an iExplorer object) in VBA to navigate to that page, fill it in and press the upload button. For security reasons, you cannot use automation to fill in a file upload control, but you can use sendkeys. This doesn't work perfectly -- sometimes you have to repeat the process once or twice, but it works pretty well if it's invoked by a user who can validate it's working. This is what I did -- easiest solution.
Best solution probably is to create a web service using WCF to handle the upload. There are plenty of posts on how to encode and decode byte arrays to store files as VarChar(Max). It works extremely well. Unfortunately, Access cannot directly consume web services as far as I've been able to tell, so you would have to write a small vb.net program to do this and call it from Access.
You could store the files/attachments outside of SQL/Server - just on the server, and store only the links/URL's for those files in Access. You could make each one launchable. This is easy but harder to control the security.
You can use Sharepoint to store/share the attachments. That can work pretty well depending on the size of the attachments and your connectivity. It's built to support this.
Access allows multiple attachments in one record. SQL/Server doesn't support this. So, if you can split your ACCDB into a front-end for the programs only and back-end ACCDB that is sharable by your users to contain the data/attachments, that is by far the easiest answer.
