Export to HAR File unsuccessful: Error while processing HAR file: j.n.c.lllegalCharsetNameException: "utf-8" - gatling

while doing the contact us scenario on http://automationpractice.com/index.php in Chrome:
click Contact us button
Fill the form - Subject Heading - Webmaster, Email address, Order reference, Message
click Send button
click logo button (Your Logo a new experience)
Save all as HAR with content
When I try to import it via Gatling recorder I get the message:
Export to HAR File unsuccessful: Error while processing HAR file: j.n.c.lllegalCharsetNameException: "utf-8".
See logs for more information
Where are the logs to see more info about it?
Can someone help? What is the issue here? I couldn't find anything similar on the web.

This was a bug https://github.com/gatling/gatling/issues/4094
Stephane Landelle solved it, but I don't know when will it be released


I am getting error in console "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." react,js

When I right click to view the source code of the webpage, I am getting error in console "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." reactjs, what is the reason for this?enter image description here
That is not an error, it's just the text that react will show to your users if they don't have Javascript enabled.
Also, you are viewing the page source and not the console.
You can read more about that here.

Magento2 PWA Venia - Error Message not showing correctly

I have successfully installed Magento2 with PWA studio using the Venia theme. While playing around with the SignIn Component I have noticed that the error message is not showing properly with respect to detailed information. It is always showing the default error message Mostly: "An error has occurred. Please check the input and try again. "
I would like to show the graphql error message if any error is there. Screenshot for quick reference is attached. The console is showing the correct error message. I need to show the same above the form. Please guide.
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot of PWA

How do I create a share button on a website for Discord?

I mean, like a URL that a user can click to open the Discord app or website and prewrite a Discord message, ready to be sent.
I need something similar to mailto: links where I can set the message body text as a parameter or directly within the URL.
Does anything like this exist? Any help would be much appreciated.

How do I import contacts from MIT App Inventor into a database (tinydb or firebase)?

I currently have the capability to get contacts to show up one by one when I click the button text for button 2. How can I get contact information to automatically upload to a database (tinydb or firebase) with a button click? the ultimate goal is to eventually get this data into sqllite. Please see the screen shots below for reference.
you might want to try the Read Contact extension by Andres Daniel

Error occured in nintex workflow

am learning nintex and got a bit stuck.in the nintex workflow i drag and drop the Query BCS action. after that i try to configure, but one error popup display " An unexpected error is occured"
enter image description here
This has occasionally happened to me. Solution, close the browser or tab, and re load it. Make sure you save first.
