500 Internal Server Error - when I create new test plan - kiwi-tcms

in my product.py, I changed DEBUG=True. but in my browser, I still don't see error logs.
error screenshot
I'm able to login. but the site throws a 500 internal error when I create a test plan. Errors also got thrown when I open test plans - logs are linked below
500 11938 "https://kiwi.dev.identos.ca/plan/search/?author__username__startswith=admin" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36"
I realized the log is not very useful.
Can you please give me instructions on how to properly turn on debug mode. I'm new to this product. All docs I'm reading just said "change DEBUG to True", without any instruction of where and how to change it.
fyi, I'm using kiwitcms/kiwi:latest. The way I tried to turn on debug mode is - deploy and exec to docker image. and use vi to change DEBUG=True in product.py, but it didn't work.
Much Appreciated.

Can you please give me instructions on how to properly turn on debug
The official documentation should help:
The way I tried to turn on debug mode is - deploy and exec to docker
image. and use vi to change DEBUG=True in product.py, but it didn't
If you insist on editing the file in-place then you must know that the changes are:
Reflected in the top-most container layer, which is a copy-on-write layer. That gets discarded when you turn-off the container and
Kiwi TCMS needs to be restarted in order to reflect the new settings, see 1).
This can be overcome by committing the changes from the COW layer into same/new container image, see


CefNet on Linux w/o X server

After a lot work invested in getting CefNet to work on Windows, I wanted to port my NET 7 app to Linux (Ubuntu). To my understanding CefNet is the only implementation that will work on Linux.
I got to a point where I am getting the exception below. Spying on source code using DotPeek leaves me under the impression that CefNet won't work in "headless" mode but will require "X server". Not sure why this would be necessary for off-screen rendering.
Any insight is appreciated.
Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at CefNet.CefScreenInfo.GetPrimaryScreenInfo()
at CefNet.Internal.WebViewGlue.GetScreenInfo(CefBrowser browser, CefScreenInfo& screenInfo)
at CefNet.Internal.CefRenderHandlerGlue.GetScreenInfo(CefBrowser browser, CefScreenInfo& screenInfo)
at CefNet.CefRenderHandler.GetScreenInfoImpl(cef_render_handler_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, cef_screen_info_t* screen_info)

How to capture screenshot on KaiOS device (Nokia 8110 4G)

Does anyone know how to capture screenshot on Nokia 8110 4G (KaiOS)?
You may follow these steps to get screenshot via Firefox WebIDE.
On the device - dial *#*#33284#*#* to enable developer mode. There will be a bug icon on the status bar.
Download Firefox 58.
[Important] Disable your internet access, this is to prevent Firefox got updated to a newer version which might break the WebIDE functionality.
Launch Firefox 58 and disable auto update.
Resume your internet access.
Launch WebIDE in Tools > Web Developer > WebIDE.
Restart the WebIDE (because the ADB helper would be downloaded automatically, and need to restart it to take effect.)
Now you should be able to see Nokia 8110 detected under "USB devices" at the right panel. (if not, see below)
Click the device, "Nokia 8110", and then click Screenshot.
See here for a sample screenshot.
Troubleshooting if you failed to see Nokia 8110 detected:
I found it might fail if your Firefox got updated to a newer version automatically, in this case you might need to leverage creating new profile to start over again, see here for details.
If the Firefox version stays correctly at 58 but after you click the device, it shows an error saying "Failed to connect", try to reboot the phone and also restart the WebIDE as this post suggested.
EDIT: Yes it is - Joelbert W's answer worked and makes the other responses a bit silly by comparison, just * and # together :-)
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible :-(
It is possible either with WebIDE connection or with a custom ROM such as GerdaOS where you can make screenshots by pressing Power with half-open slide lid.
However, I'd only recommend installing custom ROMs for experienced users only since you can't use any official updates after installing them.
So I have a go flip 3, and i stumbled on if u press * and # almost simultaneously, it takes a screenshot.
I believe it's possible on certain devices and OS versions using the Screen Capture API as well.

pnp4nagios not logging performance data for new host

We've just updated Nagios from 3.5.x to the current version (4.0.7) and subsequently added a new host for monitoring.
The new host shows as 'Down' in Nagios, and this seems to be related to the fact that pnp4nagios is not logging performance data (the individual checks for users, http etc are all find).
Initially there was an error that the directory
that contains the xml setup and rrd files for the new host was missing), so I manually created this directory, but now it complains that the files are missing.
Does anyone know the appropriate steps to overcome this issue?
PS I'd tag this 'pnp4nagios', but that tag doesn't exist and I can't create them
It's possible that pnp4nagios is a red herring/symptom. Looking more closely I realise that Nagios actually believes the host is down, even though all services are up. The host status information is '(Host check timed out after 30.01 seconds)'...does this make any more sense?
It's indeed very unlikely that pnp4nagios has something to do with your host being down. pnp actually exports output and performance data to feed the rrd database and xml files (via npcd module or evenhandler command).
The fact that nagios reports the host check timed out after 30 sec means that :
- you have a problem with your host check command, please double-check the syntax
- this check command times out after a certain timelapse (most likely defined in nagios.conf) because the plugin was still running.
I'd recommend running this command from the server's prompt. You want to do something like :
/path/to/libexec/check_command -H ipaddress -args
For example:
/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_ping -H -w 200,40% -c 500,80% -timeout 120
See if something might be hanging. Having the output would be helpful.
Once your host check returns correct output and performance data to nagios, pnp will hopefuly do the rest.
In the unlikely event it helps anyone, pnp4nagios was indeed a red herring. The problem was that ping wasn't enabled for the host being checked, and this is the test for whether a host is up or not. Hence this was failing, despite other services being reported as working.

Cache Outgoing Data from browser

This might be a very broad question. But this is what i want. I open a website and enter some details in the website like my credentials to login or it may be any data that pass from my browser to the website. Now what i want is that i should cache ( write to a temp file ) whatever that i send to that website. How can this be done? I tried to extract the data present in the packets that are flowing out of my machine but i find only junk characters in that (may be header). any ideas are welcomed. I am using Ubuntu Linux and would like to achieve this using shell script/C/C++
One option would be to use the Fiddler Web Debugger which is scriptable (C#).
Although it's a Win32 program, it can act as a proxy for any Linux machine. See Debug traffic from another machine (even a Mac or Unix box) for details.
There's also a native Linux app called dsniff which can be used to log all HTTP traffic to a file.

How do I turn SQL logging on in Postgres 8.2?

I've got the following settings in my postgres conf:
log_destination = 'stderr'
redirect_stderr = on
log_directory = '/tmp/psqlog'
log_statement = 'all'
And yet no logs are logged. What am I missing here? There is reference on the internet to a variable called "logging_collector", but when I try and set that, postgres dies on startup with a FATAL: unknown variable.
This is on MacOS 10.4.
I believe that you need to change log_destination to "syslog" or a specific directory. Output that goes to stderr will just get tossed out. Here's the link to the doc page, but I'll see if I can find an example postgresql.conf somewhere http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/runtime-config-logging.html
This mailing list entry provides some info on setting up logging with syslog http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-admin/2004-03/msg00381.php
Also, if you're building postgres from source, you might have better luck using a os x package from Fink or MacPorts. Doing all of the configuration yourself can be tricky for beginners, but the packages normally give you a good base to work from.
