Elementor remove padding value - elementor

I have accidentally modified paddings of an element in responsive mode for mobile breakpoint only, and after I saved it I cannot unset the value anymore. All other breakpoints don't have any padding value set. All I can do from that Elementor customizer it to set it to some fixed value, but that's stupid. I need to UNSET ANY VALUE so that it will rely on paddings defined by theme. See screenshot
Is there any better way for me rather than removing it from DB?

I actually found a way how to unset the value. So I just changed the units to "%" and saved. Was an easy fix but not obvious


react-virtualized: scrollToIndex not working with CellMeasurer

I'm having an issue with CellMeasurer in conjunction with scrollToIndex on a List. If I set scrollToIndex to some large value (presumably any index corresponding to a row preceded by rows that haven't been measured yet), and then I scroll upwards, the scroll seems to reset back to it's original position repeatedly. Eventually it starts resetting higher and higher up, until eventually I've made my way back to the start of the list.
Relevant Plunker--it's a list with 300 elements (all the same static height so CellMeasurer isn't necessary but it illustrates my problem), and I set scrollToIndex to 150. Try scrolling upward.
Understandably the scroll might not be perfectly smooth since the calculations are based on predicted heights and they're not always going to be correct (in practice at least--in this case they will be correct), but this seems particularly bad/unintended. I suspect (and hope) that I'm doing something incorrectly here--would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.
On my MBP this happens in both Chrome and Firefox, though it looks slightly different depending on which browser I'm using. On Windows, using Chrome, there is some weird flashing of different rows while scrolling up, but it doesn't seem to reset back to 150 at least.
Here's a gif of the issue occurring - this is on Chrome 60.0.3112.113, Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6:
Seems to be a bug, filed here: https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized/issues/803.

How to change CodenameOne Floating Action Button size?

My app features a floating action button which size I would like to increase. I want it much bigger. Please note that I've already achieved to change its color by changing the background color of the style applied to the FAB. Unfortunatelly it does not yield the expected change with the following code :
Font fabFont = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Score").getFont();
fabFont.derive(Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(ParametresGeneraux.getFabSizeInMilli()), Font.STYLE_PLAIN);
The FAB size remains constant. What is the proper way to increase the FAB ?
Any help appreciated,
This seems to be hardcoded in the class, notice that what you see in the FAB is the icon not the text so increasing the text size will do nothing. I have two potential solutions.
First I'll add a method to set the default FAB icon size in millimeters:
The current default is 3.8f which we found consistent with native.
The second method is on a per instance basis and will work before the library update today:
FontImage image = FontImage.createMaterial(icon, "FloatingActionButton", 4);
You can obviously increase the padding as well in the UIID to make the whole thing even bigger...

Keeping a UILabel centered with changing contents and AutoLayout

I have 2 views. A MapKitView and a UILabel. Auto Layout is on.
I want the MKView to take up the whole screen (this seems to work fine) and the UILabel to remain the auto distance from the bottom of the screen but centered horizontally. The UILabel contents are changed programatically and afterwards I am calling sizeToFit.
After calling sizeToFit on the UILabel then it is no longer centered - the width seems to be adjusted only from the right hand side (trailing edge) keeping the left hand side in a constant position.
My understanding is that I should be able to achieve what I want only by setting the right constraints in IB?
The constraints I have applied to the label are:
Height Equals: 32
Width Equals: 166
Bottom Space to: Superview Equals: Default
Align Center X to: Map View
Only the last one, "Align Center X" is a user constraint - the rest being IB supplied.
I have tried a number of things, though none with much understanding (presumably my problem!).
I have called setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: NO on the label.
I have set the label's autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin. I have tried setting preferredMaxLayoutWidth to random values. Calling needsUpdateConstraints on the label. I tried putting the call to sizeToFit in viewDidLayoutSubviews.
I have come to the conclusion I need a little more understanding how I should be approaching this. Is sizeToFit not the thing to be calling when Auto Layout is on? Do I need to prod Auto Layout in some way after calling sizeToFit? I notice that rotating the simulator seems to center the label so prodding sounds a possibility?
I have re-read the Apple Auto Layout guide but I'm afraid I'm still not sure what I am doing wrong and the debugging tips suggested (visualizeConstraints etc) don't seem to work on iOS.
Thanks for any clue you can spare.
My idea about having to prod appears to be correct. After calling sizeToFit I needed to call [label.superview setNeedsLayout]. Whilst this works I'm not really sure why I need to do this manually rather than the label marking the layout as dirty when it's size changes.

superfish items ' width aren't correct in IE 6,7

I have installed superfish module in joomla 1.5 . I have a problem in IE 6,7 . the width of 'li' elements are not calculated correct and this causes some items fall down. unfortunately I am working on my pc and cann't uploaded it somewhere to show you the site, but I hope maybe it is a common problem and someone can help me.
How can I resolve it?
Common reasons why you might get width issues in IE6:
Quirks mode: Number one cause of layout glitches in IE. Make sure your <!DOCTYPE> is set correctly.
The floated margin bug: If you're using float in your CSS and those elements also have margin, you may find your margins getting doubled. The best work around for this is to use padding or border instead of margin. You may have to adjust your layout to deal with it.
max-width and min-width not supported: IE6 simply doesn't support these CSS features. It will break your layout. Not much you can do about it.
Floats with spaces between them: In some cases, floated elements may appear a few pixels further apart in IE6 than other browsers. IE is inserting spaces between them because it's in the HTML code (maybe they're on separate lines of code?). Remove the spaces and IE will render it correctly.
One of the has-layout bugs: IE has an internal flag called has-layout that has a number of rendering bugs associated with it. You can't set this flag manually; IE decides what it should be based on the other properties of the element. You can sometimes work around it by setting zoom:0; in the stylesheet for the element. But not always.
Further reading: http://www.virtuosimedia.com/dev/css/ultimate-ie6-cheatsheet-how-to-fix-25-internet-explorer-6-bugs

SSRS: Report label position dynamic

I have a report which displays customer address in multiple labels.
My customers use windowed envelopes for mailing. I need the address labels position to be configurable.
Something like, I'll have a database table which stores the Top/Left position of each label per customer. Based on this table, I need to position the address labels on my report.
I thought, it is doable by expressions, but Location property doesn't provides ability to set an expression and make the label's top and left dynamic.
Anybody, any ideas, on how to achieve this?
As you mentioned, you cannot set an expression for location property. I want to do this before but it seems that there is no solution for this work.
Sorry for the duplicate post
I had the same problem as you did. I got around the problem by using an old HTML trick. It involves using a transparent.gif in an image. You put your image (linked to the gif), then put your label on top. Using a parameter, you can toggle which item to appear by setting an expression in the hidden property for both controls.
As stated by others, it isn't supported. However, here are two ugly work around possible for basic reporting.
Work around with padding.
You can't set formula on the label's location, but you can use padding option instead.
So you can set the label as wide as the report and as tall as the region.
Also, set the label's horizontal alignment to "Left" and Vertical alignment to "Top".
Then, add a formula in left and top paddings to offset the text.
You can also achieve a right aligned offsetted label by setting the Horizontal alignment to "right" and using right padding instead of the left one to offset the field from the right. With the same recipe, you can offset from the bottom by using "bottom" vertical alignment and bottom padding.
The ugly side:
This method will create a mess in the report designer as all dynamic label will overlap each other and take all the space over static label. Also, please note that with this method, you won't be able to do fancy stuff like adding borders around the text and hyperlinks.
Work around with sub report.
If the number of different positions for the label(s) are really low. You can create a subreport for each possibility and use a formula to display the right subreport for the right case. Sadly, this doesn't work for labels in the header as subreport aren't allowed there.
No solution, as it is not supported!!!
From MS online community support...
"As far as I know, the position of the textbox in the report is static not dynamic, so it will not shift to left."
Reference: http://forums.asp.net/t/1433297.aspx
