Will AD B2C userflow roll over key to sign JWT? - azure-active-directory

I am using the predefined userflow and use the public key that AD B2C provides in jwks_uri to validate the token on my side. My question is whether that public key will be changed later?

Yes. As the official document states:
Azure AD B2C rotates the possible set of keys periodically. Your
application should be written to handle those key changes
automatically. A reasonable frequency to check for updates to the
public keys used by Azure AD B2C is every 24 hours. To handle
unexpected key changes, your application should be written to
re-retrieve the public keys if it receives an unexpected kid value.
The JSON document located at this URL contains all the public key
information in use at a particular moment.
So the keys will be changed periodically and you should handle those key changes automatically by always getting the latest signing keys using the OpenID Connect discovery document.


Deleting data from a Azure Ad user field doesn't trigger a provisioning change in SCIM

I have Scim provisioning setup and connected to azure ad using a custom application which isn't in the marketplace. Provisioning new users and changing data on existing appears to work fine. But when I delete data from a previously synched field, I'm not seeing any change to remove this data in the scim application.
I've tried all number of combinations and checking out documentation for this as a known issue, but have come up short. Does anyone know why this doesn't work?
Data deleted from provisioned user
Provisioning User on demand doesn't show any changes
Thank You user3269662 for sharing the right document it will help other member who is looking for the same, currently AAD Provisioning doesn't send null/empty values in almost all cases that is the reason empty/null value of phone number is not reflecting in SCIM application.You can update the value of phone number but can not pass null value, as Microsoft found this is special type of consideration and they are working on that. For knowing about progress on this you can comment on Same MS Q&A post.
WorkAround : You need to manually delete the attribute value from SCIM application if you set null value for any attribute of AAD

Where does AzureAD store the "id" attribute returned by a SCIM endpoint?

I am integrating AzureAD with a SCIM endpoint. So far integration seems to work: AzureAD sends "POST" requests to create users, then later it queries/updates users using their 'id'.
Reminder from SCIM standard (RFC 7643): The 'id' is
A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider
My SCIM endpoint generates this unique ID upon user first creation. It sends this ID to AzureAD in the reply, as required by the standard. I know that AzureAD stores the ID somewhere, because it uses it in subsequent requests.
My question: where is this ID stored in AzureAD? I need to read it, so I can forward it somewhere else. Using Graph Explorer I tried a lot of properties:
But none of them work. They are empty or do not contain the SCIM id.
Does anyone know if the property is publicly available?
Azure AD Provisioning has an internal data store that is not exposed via any external/customer-facing APIs where this is stored. If the service is evaluating an object that it does not know the SCIM ID value for it will try to locate that using a filtered GET such as GET /Users?filter=userName eq "user#domain.com", but once it has located that object the service will store internally a record stating that object X in Azure AD with objectId value of 123 is matched to object Y in with ID value of 456.
To specifically answer your end goal of "I need to find this value in Azure AD and forward it somewhere else" - this is not possible.
It is not like you think that AAD will save the user id from SCIM.
You can use Provision on demand to understand how it works.
Simple steps:
Click on "Provision on demand" in SCIM enterprise app.
Then select an AAD user and click on "Provision".
After it is executed successfully, you will be able to see the following:
Import user is retrieving User from Azure Active Directory.
Determine if user is in scope is determining if User in scope by evaluating against each scoping filter.
Match user between source and target system is retrieving User from SCIM and matching it with the AAD User in step 1. This is the point that you didn't know before. AAD will Get User by query in this step.
GET /Users?filter=userName eq "{userName}"
Then the user id from SCIM will be returned (As above screenshot shows).
Perform action updates User in SCIM using the id from step 3.
So AAD doesn't store the id from SCIM. It queries the user in SCIM firstly to get the id and then use this id to send update request to SCIM endpoint.

Get object identifier of Microsoft account from shared tenant (9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad)

Is there a way to get value of "objectIdentifier" claim for Microsoft account?
Case: I have an app with one form field, email (need's to be Microsoft account). When this email is entered, server (back end) need's to find out value of object identifier (user ID) in common tenant for all Microsoft accounts (section "tid").
Normally, if this was normal tenant in Azure Active Directory I would create Azure AD app and generated client secret for accessing Graph API, directory endpoint. Unfortunately, this is "special" tenant and I don't know is there any API I can call (as application) to get id of user (best option would be GetUserIdByEmail(email)).
I understand this is weird case but life is hard :)
Asking user to login and then retrieving value from token is not an option!
There is no API that I'm aware of where you could query for MS personal accounts' info without logging a user in.
If you think about it, it would be quite an easy source of building a user list for attacks :)
You will need to log them in to get their id, I don't think you can know it in advance.

How to get user OID from SUB and application in Azure AD

I am trying to retrieve the Azure AD user given a subject id (sub) in an Azure AD registered application. I know the application and the sub, but I cannot find a way to retrieve the oid or upn for the actual user using this information.
Digging around I cannot find anything on retrieving User based on sub and application id in the docs:
When reading about the id token it is suggested that sub + tid + oid should be used for synchronizing across services. And looking at sub more specifically says:
The principal about which the token asserts information, such as the user of an app. This value is immutable and cannot be reassigned or reused. It can be used to perform authorization checks safely, such as when the token is used to access a resource, and can be used as a key in database tables. Because the subject is always present in the tokens that Azure AD issues, we recommend using this value in a general-purpose authorization system. The subject is, however, a pairwise identifier - it is unique to a particular application ID. Therefore, if a single user signs into two different apps using two different client IDs, those apps will receive two different values for the subject claim.
I also had a look around SO and only found this related answer but it seems to go from OID to SUB:
Getting User's Token Subject Identifier (sub) From Within Azure AD
Can I query the Graph API using application identifier and subject identifier to find the object identifier or upn?
If it is not possible using the Graph API. Is there any way at all to backtrack which Azure AD user has a given subject id for an application?
By design sub is unique for each user per application. So the same user visiting two applications will have a different sub. This is to ensure that applications that don't have the profile scope are not able to map the users profile outside its own data.
There isn't a way to obtain the oid from the sub for this very reason.

Moving Azure AD B2C custom user attributes across new environments

I've created a 'customerId' user attributes in my development AD B2C tenant. When querying these via the graph API I now get the following;
"extension_b0ba955412524ac8be63e24fa7eb0c23_customerId": "2"
Perfect! I use JSON.Net to convert this to a strongly typed object, and hence my POCO has the following property.
public string extension_b0ba955412524ac8be63e24fa7eb0c23_customerId { get; set; }
Not great, but I can live with it. My concern is that when I create these properties in our staging and production environments, the attribute names will change and I will have to rewrite a lot of code. How do I migrate these user attributes to our other environments, ensuring the property names do not change?
Custom user attributes in Azure AD B2C will always have a guid in the name that's unique per Azure AD B2C tenant.
This guid is the Application ID of the 'b2c-extensions-app' and will be the same for all custom attributes within a tenant, but different across tenants.
Given this behavior, you could make the code that handles custom user attributes dynamic such that it derives the full name* using the following pattern:
And obtain the appID via the Graph:
https://graph.windows.net/yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com/applications?$filter=displayName eq 'b2c-extensions-app'
Of course, you can always provide feedback requesting that this is made easier in in the Azure AD B2C feedback forum.
