Can we add a welcome page in surveyJS library - reactjs

I am using surveyJS library in my react application for creating surveys, now my requirement is to add a welcome page before questions start. can some one help me on this?

One way you can do this is by adding a page to the beginning of the survey. Then place a single HTML widget on it and add your welcome page markup to it. Here's an example:
Update: add "firstPageIsStarted": true to your survey object if showing page numbers or progress bar. See docs:
"pages": [
"name": "page1",
"elements": [
"type": "html",
"name": "question1",
"html": "<h1>Welcome!</h1>"
"questionTitleLocation": "hidden"
"name": "page2",
"elements": [
"type": "text",
"name": "question2"
"type": "checkbox",
"name": "question3",
"choices": [
"firstPageIsStarted": true
This will show your welcome page plus the regular SurveyJS "Next" button, as part of the survey navigation. If you don't want to use the regular navigation buttons on your welcome page you can disable it like this:
"name": "page1",
"elements": [
"type": "html",
"name": "question1",
"html": "<h1>Welcome!</h1>"
"questionTitleLocation": "hidden",
"navigationButtonsVisibility": "hide"
Finally you can implement your own "Start Survey" button within your welcome page markup by assigning a value to currentPageNo when the button gets clicked. For example, survey.currentPageNo = 1. Here's the documentation for it:


Creating carousel from JSON response

I am getting a JSON response from a server which looks like this:
"value_1": "a",
"value_2": "b",
"pagination": {
"titles": [
"Title 1",
"Title 2",
"Title 3",
"Title 4",
"Title 5"
"slides": [
"pagination_id": 0,
"content": {
"heading": "Welcome!",
"description": "Stuff goes here",
"image": {
"url": "<image_url>",
"alt": "alternative text"
"next": {
"label": "Next"
"pagination_id": 1,
"content": {
"heading": "About",
"description": "Stuff goes here",
"image": {
"url": "<image_url>",
"alt": "alternative text"
"next": {
"label": "Next"
"pagination_id": 2,
"content": {
"heading": "Welcome!",
"description": "Stuff goes here",
"groups": [
"id": 1,
"label": "Group 1"
"id": 2,
"label": "Group 2"
"id": 3,
"label": "Group 3"
"next": {
"label": "Next"
"pagination_id": 3,
"heading": "Welcome!",
"description": "Stuff goes here",
"image": {
"url": "<image_url>",
"alt": "alternative text"
"back": {
"label": "Back"
"next": {
"label": "Next"
"pagination_id": 4,
"heading": "Welcome!",
"description": "Stuff goes here",
"image": {
"url": "<image_url>",
"alt": "alternative text"
"back": {
"label": "Back"
"next": {
"label": ""
"footer": {
"legal": {
"label": "Legal",
"url": "<url>"
"privacy": {
"label": "Privacy",
"url": "<url>"
"cookies": {
"label": "Cookies",
"url": "<url>"
As you can probably tell this data is being used to create a carousel with the slide content shown on each slide. The problem I am having is that the slide titles are coming from the pagination part of the JSON but the actual slide content including next and back buttons are coming from the slides part.
Currently I have some problems:
I need to get the correct title for each slide.
I need to render buttons based on the next and back properties present in each slide.
When a button is clicked to go forward or back I need to keep track of the slide that should be showing.
I already know that what I need to do for part 1 is use the pagination_id of the slide to get the correct title from the pagination.titles array but I am not entirely sure about the best way to go about this.
For the second part, I think it should be possible to also use the pagination_id to keep a track of the current slide (I think), but I am not sure how I might go about this. I should mention that the buttons for each slide are going to be render based on the next and back properties of each slide.
This application is built with React and I am currently only using local state currently as I don't think that something like Redux is really worth including for such a small amount of data.
Any help with this conundrum would be much appreciated,
Thanks for your time
In your case despite the data coming from different arrays, what you can cash around is that the number of items are the same in both arrays. So you can just use the current index of array where you are looping these items. So it would go something like this:
Updated Code
return(, index)=>{
return <div key={index}>
<h1> {data.pagination.titles[index]} </h1> // for title
<img src={slide.content?.image?.url || slide.image.url} alt={slide.content?.image?.alt || slide.image.alt} />
//for buttons
{(slide.content?.previous || slide.previous) && <button onClick={()=> setCurrentSlideIndex((index - 1) % data.slides.length)}> {slide.content?.previous?.label || slide.previous.label} </button>}
{(slide.content?.next || && <button onClick={()=> setCurrentSlideIndex((index + 1) % data.slides.length)}> {slide.content?.next?.label ||} </button>}
Hope you get the idea.
However if there is lot of stuff going on then you might need to make a function which gets boolean as a parameter telling whether the particular item has content object or not, and return the ui based on that conditionally. Something like this:
const renderSlide=(content, index)=>{
return <div>
// with
<h1> data.pagination.titles[index] </h1>
<img src={data.slides[index].content.image.url}
return <div>
// with
<img src={data.slides[index].image.url}
and calling it inside your function as:
return(, index)=>{
{renderSlide(slide.content, index)}

I have a datastudio error - basic json config

I've returned to try and make some datastudio custom javascript.
So I started off with a template type settings and basic js. Manifest is listing correctly - datastudio sees the custom item.
I took a long time for it to be authorised.
However, on adding the custome js, the console is reporting a load of erros.
first : data.0.type is not a valid config
second : is not a valid config.
"data": [
"id": "idtestviz",
"label": "Dimension Element Heading",
"style": [
"id": "idtestvizstyles",
"label": "Test Styles",
"label":"Font Colour",
It did have options in before, same error.
And appears to be the same as in
Also it also is erroring on 'is already used in the config'
and that required field that cannot be found
Seems like there are more checks that need to be done.
Is there a validator for json etc. before running, or has something updated on google side that their documentation hasn't been updated yet?
Or the more likely aspect, I'm missing some critical stuff...
Re checked my json config with a previous one that works, noted some errors in the objects. Corrected those and the json errors in the console have gone away.
JS errors remain - working on those... closing this question.
"data": [
"label":"Test Viz Data",
"id": "text_viz_dimensions",
"label": "Dimension Element Heading",
"type": "DIMENSION",
"options": {
"min": 1,
"max": 1
"id": "test_metrics",
"label": "Metric fields",
"type": "METRIC",
"options": {
"min": 1,
"max": 1
"style": [
"id": "idstyles",
"label": "Test Styles",
"label":"Font Colour",
"interactions": [

How does a predefined slot return a resolution?

I'm building a simple Guess Who skill game for Alexa. I have two intents right now: GenderIntent and HairColorIntent.
GenderIntent has a custom slot to handle gender and related synonyms such as mapping "boy" and "man" to "Male". This is working great. It returns a resolution within the slot. Exactly what I need.
HairColorIntent has a predefined Amazon slot, AMAZON.Color. This is not working great as it never returns a resolution regardless of the color supplied.
Here is my model for GenderIntent and HairColorIntent:
"name": "GenderIntent",
"samples": [
"are you a {Gender}"
"slots": [
"name": "Gender",
"type": "GENDER_TYPES",
"samples": []
"name": "HairColorIntent",
"samples": [
"is your hair {HairColor}",
"do you have {HairColor} hair"
"slots": [
"name": "HairColor",
"type": "AMAZON.Color"
GenderIntent returns the following slot WITH resolutions:
"Gender": {
"name": "Gender",
"value": "male",
"resolutions": {
"resolutionsPerAuthority": [
"authority": "",
"status": {
"values": [
"value": {
"name": "Male",
"id": "63889cfb9d3cbe05d1bd2be5cc9953fd"
"confirmationStatus": "NONE",
"source": "USER"
HairColorIntent returns the following WITHOUT resolutions:
"HairColor": {
"name": "HairColor",
"value": "brown",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE",
"source": "USER"
I'd like HairColorIntent's HairColor slot to return the resolution. What am I doing wrong?
Resolution is only returned if you use synonyms in your slot type.
Not exactly sure how you handle it in your code, for example Node.js would be:
If you do not use synonyms (for example for the HairColor slot), you can get the value simply by handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots.HairColor.value
Working with predefined slot types this should work well with your code. If you want custom slot types to also return resolution whether you actually use synonyms or not, you can always just simply give the value as a synonym and it should return the full resolution tree.
Hope that answered your question.

Is there any documentation on ServiceNow's Mobile app grouped list "Item View" JSON format/schema

I'm creating a grouped list screen in ServiceNow's mobile app. I see that the Item View field is JSON that defines the layout options but I can't find ANY documentation on the format/schema or the JSON. They give examples that contain a few of the options but nothing that tells you all of the various parameters that you can use.
"Type": "ViewGroup",
"Orientation": "Vertical",
"Alignment": "Left",
"Distribution": "Auto",
"Children": [
"Type": "Text",
"CellId": "sys_group_by",
"TextColor": "#293e40",
"TextAlignment": "Left",
"MaxLines": 2,
"Font": {
"Weight": "regular",
"Size": 16
Has anyone found a reference for the entire JSON schema of the Item View?

Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot -

I got the error code Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot when I built the model using the new skills console.
The full error message is
Sample utterance "AddBookmarkIntent i am at {pageno} of {mybook}" in intent "AddBookmarkIntent" cannot include both a phrase slot and another intent slot. Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot -
where {pageno} is AMAZON.NUMBER and {mybook} is AMAZON.SearchQuery
What is the error about and how can I solve it?
edit: add the JSON for the intent
"name": "AddBookmarkIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "mybook",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery"
"name": "pageno",
"samples": [
"i am at {pageno} of the book {mybook}",
"save page {pageno} to the book {mybook}",
"save page {pageno} to {mybook}",
"i am at {pageno} of {mybook}"
It's not allowed to have a slot of the type AMAZON.SearchQuery in the same Utterance with another slot, in your case AMAZON.NUMBER.
Mark one of the slots as required and ask for them separately.
A little example:
Create the Intent put in the utterances and slots:
"intents": [
"name": "AddBookmarkIntent",
"samples": [
"I am at {pageno}"
"slots": [
"name": "mybook",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery",
"samples": [
"For {mybook}"
"name": "pageno",
Mark the specific slot as required so Alexa will automatically ask for it:
"dialog": {
"intents": [
"name": "AddBookmarkIntent",
"confirmationRequired": false,
"prompts": {},
"slots": [
"name": "mybook",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery",
"elicitationRequired": true,
"confirmationRequired": false,
"prompts": {
"elicitation": "Elicit.Intent-AddBookmarkIntent.IntentSlot-mybook"
and create the prompts to ask for the slot:
"prompts": [
"id": "Elicit.Intent-AddBookmarkIntent.IntentSlot-mybook",
"variations": [
"type": "PlainText",
"value": "For which book you like to save the page?"
This is probably much easier with the skill builder BETA and not its editor because it will automatically create the JSON in the background.
The error is telling you that you have an Intent name in your Sample Utterance where it should only have Slots and it looks like you do.
"AddBookmarkIntent i am at {pageno} of {mybook}"
"AddBookmarkIntent" shouldn't actually be inside of the utterance. So turn your utterance into:
"i am at {pageno} of {mybook}"
I know that some of the documents show an example of the sample utterances with the Intent Name first, such as here. But that has a big warning near the top:
So you have to be careful about which documents you read and follow based on which way you are building your Alexa Skill.
Follow this if you are using the Skill Builder.
It unfortunately seems like an utterance can only reference 1 "Phrase" slot type.
For your specific case, it does look like there is now a non-phrase slot type AMAZON.Book in public beta; if you use that instead of AMAZON.SearchQuery it might work?
