How to make Youtube video responsive for mobile but NOT fullscreen on desktop - responsive-design

Apologies if this has been asked before, I found similar but not exactly what I'm looking for.
I've found various online tools to embed a responsive Youtube video, however in doing so, it makes them huge on desktop (as it's set to 100% I think and taking up the whole screen).
I found a piece of code that apparently fixes this problem here but am unsure where that code fits into what I have so far (i'm a complete novice with code).
Would someone be able to help and provide me with the full piece of code I will need (I only have access to the HTML), so that I can just slot in the youtube link?)
Thanks in advance!

You can make a YouTube Embed responsive with min and max width and height mentioned in the CSS. You can edit the code as per your needs and I do not know why Stack Overflow is not running the code, you can save it and run it manually.
<iframe class="yt" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
width: 100%;
height: auto;


React with Chrome : big pre tag with monospace code

In my react app, I have a big piece of generated code (110k lines) to show on screen (an openapi json spec). I wrapped it in a <pre> tag with:
overflow-y: scroll;
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-family: monospace;
height: 100%;
This <pre> has a parent <div> which set the height to something like 800px so it can scroll.
This used to work well, but recently chrome hang completely when displaying it. It works on Brave and Firefox without any issues. Strangely, the code is shared on server, if I type the url of the server and display the code directly (no react, just basic code display), chrome behave normally. It automatically wrap the code in a <pre> just like I do, with the same css style, except for the height:100%; I wonder what the hang in my application all of a sudden.
Thanks for any help.
Used react-virtualized list with chunks of data. Not ideal, but good enough for our purpose.

How to do Dynamic images in ReactJS?

In my system I have a few images that a user can have presented and it's extremely advantageous to me to be able to just pass in an id and then have that image be presented to the user.
(One use case: Articles in the system have images associated with them, there are many articles in the system, it'd be ideal to pull out just the image-id and have the image dynamically displayed based upon that id. There is no realistic possible way I can statically give an image path for each article.)
Unfortunately I've tried to figure this out and haven't gotten far at all. I'd be super-duper appreciative of a "Explain it to me like I am 5" answer on this one.
I have been trying to use images in two different ways and both have unfortunately not worked at all for me. Where unfortunately I am going to need both to continue :(
1: Putting it as a background of a div. [I am using it as a carousel with overlaying text here.]
2: Putting it as just a standalone image. [This is going to make up the 95%+ case of image use through the webapp.]
I'd love to in a perfect world just pass in an object like this to props.
articleDetails = {
articleId: 38387,
articleTitle: "Magical Unicorn Article"
articleContent: "I am not that creative, but here is some content."
<IndividualArticle article={articleDetails}/>
Then for props to take this in and convert it into the image path to my local files.
templateStringForImage = `../../../../articleImages/${this.props.article.articleId}.png`
Then for this template string to be used as:
1: the background image of a div
backgroundImage: `url(${templateStringForImage})` ,
height: "576px"
enter code here
2: standalone image
Some of the things I've tried:
I've tried a few changes like changing the code around to be like:
var Background = `../../../images/articleImages/${
<div style={{
backgroundImage: url('../../../images/articleImages/article3Image.png'),
height: "576px"
But unfortunately that only gave me these errors.
Line 32: 'url' is not defined no-undef
Also when I went to try and use the new Background object like this I got a different error
var Background = `../../../images/articleImages/${
The error was:
Error: Cannot find module '[object Object]'
My current system/errors:
-I have a bunch of images like article1Image.png, article2Image.png, article3Image.png specified in the src code in an image folder.
-I want to pass "article1Image.png" into the object directly and have an image produced.
-I tried to do something like this and it has consistently failed, I don't even get an error message when I attempt to use it as a backgroundImage on a div unfortunately... it's literally just blank space on my screen. No broken image icon, just a void.
var Background = `'../../../images/articleImages/${
backgroundImage: `url(${Background})`,
height: "576px"
-When attempting to use semantic-ui's Image I am also running into a nasty error
Error: Cannot find module ''../../../images/articleImages/article2Image.png''
Yet shockingly enough THIS works, when I give it as a static string like this.
But even when I give the string path directly into the backgroundImage of the div it still appears empty...
backgroundImage: `url(../../../images/articleImages/article3Image.png)`,
height: "576px"
Thanks all I truly appreciate the help lots and lots!
There are 2 different solutions based on what you have tried.
If you want to access them via style={{ backgroundImage: 'url(...)' }}, the url will need to be accessible from the front-end. If you used create-react-app, that would mean placing images in the public folder instead of the src folder.
So if you had images in the public folder like: /public/articleImages/article2Image.png, you could use the url style attribute:
const imageName = 'article2Image.png';
<div style={{ backgroundImage: `url('/articleImages/${imageName}')` }}>
<img src={`/articleImages/${imageName}`} />
If you aren't using create-react-app config, then you will need to make the images available via however you are serving your application (i.e. express).
This one is a little tricky, and I'm not 100% why it doesn't work out of the box.
What I had to do when testing this was to require all of my images at the top of the file, hard-coded, and then I was able to use the require(stringTemplate) just fine. But I was getting a Error: fileName hasn't been transpiled yet., so I'm not sure if the same fix will work for you.
It basically looks like this:
// This code would be inside a component
const imageName = 'article2Image.png';
const filePath = '../../../images/articleImages/${imageName}';
const fileUrl = require(filePath);
<div style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${fileUrl})` }}>
<img src={fileUrl} />
Without the require(s) at the top of the file, something goes wrong with transpilation.
My suggestion would be go the static assets route which would allow you to use the URL technique above. require is more suited to static files that don't change often like icons.
Feel free to ask any questions, and I'd be happy to clarify and give more examples.

Height issues in react web app

My theme size is not coming 100%.I am having a background which render inside the react app. But when i am running this code, my background is not coming 100% based on the screen size.
Because you did not include any code at all, it is very hard to help.
But: Because in React a component isn't allowed to have more than one child elements many "unused" divs are used. So my advice would be to get into the Developer Tool and search from the top (html > body > #root > etc) for a top level div that isn't the full height and style it to take the full viewport height (height: 100vh)
You can assign min-height: 100vh to the element of with your background, but it's like a quick fix solution.
If you want to fix issue properly, please include a snippet of your code
const backgroundbg={
backgroundImage: 'url(' + Bgimg + ')', // ES6
backgroundSize: "cover",
backgroundPosition: "center",
minHeight: "100vh"
this code works for me, it resolve my issues.

Show value from database in array

I want to display entire content of my database table on html page.I am trying to fetch record from database first and store in ArrayList. What is the best way to do it in java using PostgreSql database ??????
You are using iframes to embed those “previews”, I assume?
In that case, you could achieve this by making the iframe element itself larger, and then use transform: scale() to scale it down again to the target size.
Check the following example – I used for the iframe content, that site is not responsive, as you can see in the first 200px*200px iframe.
The second iframe is 500px*500px – and scaled down by a factor of .4, which is effectively 200px again. Since scaling an element down this way still leaves the space it would have taken originally reserved, it is placed inside a div element that cuts of that overflow.
iframe, #i2 { width: 200px; height: 200px; }
#i2 { overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; }
#i2 iframe { width: 500px; height: 500px; transform:scale(.4); transform-origin: top left; }
<iframe src="">
<div id="i2">
<iframe src="">
One thing you should be aware of, is that this will not work for just any website. Via the X-Frame-Options header websites can tell the browser, that they don’t want to be displayed in (i)frames on a different domain. In that case, you can’t do it client-side with iframes; you probably have to render a preview as an image server-side or something like that.
CSS Transforms can help you to downscale iframes.
See this example,css,output
Please also notice with iframes your mouse events are targeted to those pages.
You can use glass pane(s) over the iframes to capture these events or alternatively you can hide iframes and display their content with canvas.

Automatic font scale using REM

I'm testing something out and it is maybe a little bit weird but i'm confused.
Why is this not "scaling" on my iphone screen? I thought the rem property would make text smaller/bigger dependent on what screen you use? This is the code.
font-size: 100%;
<h1>This text is going to be smaller on an iphone screen.</h1>
An article from talks about the REM units:
In his closing statement:
And voila, we now have consistent and predictable sizing in all browsers, and resizable text in the current versions of all major browsers.
Maybe that's what is happening in your case?
