Elementor Custom Icons not showing - elementor

I want to use the custom icons for Elementor's icon list. I used Icomoon to generate and download the icons. After I created the custom icons using elementor, they didn't show up in the Elementor editor. When opening the console, I found the following errors:
[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 22ms]

You need to go to /wp-content/uploads/elementor/custom-icons/{icons-name}/ and clear that folder. For some reason when you delete icons in elementor, they are not deleted in that particular folder so they clash or something like that.


2sxc loading BS4 template on BS3 Xcillion Theme

I have a new install of DNN 9.8.1 and have installed 2sxc 11.11.04. I am trying to create Tailwind "tlw1" editions of the content-templates but was having issues where the BS4 templates were loading even though the tailwind theme I am using has a koi.json file defining "tlw1" as the default css framework.
Thinking I had configured something wrong, I setup a test. I added the content layout with the image|text view to a page with the Xcillion theme. I then added this remark #* Bootstrap 4 Template *# to the top of the BS4 template (added directly to the file using vs code) to make it easy to identify. Seeing Xcillion uses BS3, when I go to edit the template file, I expect the template from the ../BS3/Content folder to load. The editor however is loading the BS4 template from ../Content, not the BS3 template.
Do I not understand how koi is supposed to work, or is there possibly an issue with the koi implementation?
I figured it out. If you use the Edit Template button in the 2sxc content module, the 2sxc editor opens in a new tab and always loads the BS4 template, even though your theme is using BS3 or other framework. If you navigate to the BS3 folder (or other framework folder) through the file system, and edit the files directly with a code editor such as VS Code, the changes you make are displayed correctly as expected.

How can I use Material UI with Electron React Boilerplate?

New electron user here. I just cloned and installed the recommended React + Electron repo: https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate
Now I want to use Material-UI. So I thought I just follow the instructions here:
After I did this, the app doesn't show me anything from Material-UI. I created a Component with a simple App Bar. But it does show nothing.
So I found out that there is another package.json in the folder /app/package.json
I cd'd into it and redid the installation. Restart the dev server but still nothing shows up (no appbar, just white screen).
Here is a screenshot:
Also according to the docs I should add a link for the roboto font to the html file. Where is this supposed to go? I put it into the only html file I found in app/app.html.
How can one set up Material-UI with Electron or rather this specific boilerplate?
I couldn't find anything up to date for this question.
I found the error. Turns out I imported MenuIcon but material doesn't export it. So when I get rid of it, the appbar renders correctly.

ERROR ITMS-90023: “Missing required icon file” Xcode 9

I'm trying to upload my App to Apple Store but it's doing this error
All of my icons it's all ok. I already clean project and added icon name in info.plist.
Anyone help me, please!
Go to your Assets.xcassets, click the + in bottom left -> App Icons & Launch Images -> New iOS App Icon.
Add the correct icon sizes in their place just like normal.
Remember to change your 'App Icons and Launch Images' (in the General Settings) to the new icon set you just created.

Angular Material Design: how to automatically use all the built-in UI icons?

I am trying an Angular app project with the Google Angular Material library.
Added #master branch via Bower as directed. Linked the CSS and JS fils from Bower Components to my index page as directed.
Works as expected, except things like dialogs have SVG icons, which are defined in the html an pathed as so:
<md-icon md-svg-src="img/icons/ic_close_24px.svg" aria-label="Close dialog"></md-icon>
Which is not in my project nor the Bower Components folder...
And therefore gives me a 404:
How should i configure the project to get all the images as expected? I'd create that img/icons path if I knew where to get all possible icons...
OK, I have added this to my app.js:
angular.module('app').config(function($mdIconProvider) {
// Configure URLs for icons specified by [set:]id.
But still a 404... the bower download is like 200 mb of icons... do I need ot list each icon I want to link? As in .icon("menu", "./assets/svg/menu.svg", 24)
I did have the same problem and I was not able to find a proper answer.
After some research, I've finally found something !
As "ranbuch" said, once you've loaded the font Material Icons (either from a CDN or locally), you can just use this directive :
<md-icon aria-label="Menu" class="material-icons">menu</md-icon> and replace menu by the name of the icon you're looking for.
This way, it allows you to skip the long listing of every svg.
PS : There's also a good stackoverflow answer here.
Copy all the selected svg icons you need to images/icons folder inside your application and then use them as below :
<md-icon md-svg-src="images/icons/leftArrow.svg"
ng-click="previous()" class="icon-color">
If you are planning to use lots of icons, use css font icons. One css file will load all your icons, instead of multiple svg links.
Check section 1 here of material icons guide

DNN custom skin and css deployment

I am new to this and trying to figure this out. I have created a internal.ascx page and a Internal.css file for my internal page for a website. If I create a new page in DNN and apply this new skin it doesnt seem to apply the CSS. I copied the both ascx and css file to the _default/Skins/ folder.
Have also tried adding in the css via the following code
<dnn:DnnCssInclude runat="server" FilePath="/Internal.css" PathNameAlias="SkinPath" />
Nothing seems to be working. Have cleared my cache and tried different machine to view the page. But the style is still not coming through.
Thanks in advance
Create a new folder in the _default/Skins/. For example, call the folder "Internal" (/Portals/_default/Skins/Internal). Copy your ascx and css skin files into there. Rename the css to "skin.css". You shouldn't need to reference it in the ascx since DNN will pick it up based on the name.
Also, the reason your CSS include statement may not have worked was because filepath "/Internal.css" was probably trying to look for it in the root of the website. I would think it would simply be "Internal.css". But you could verify in Firebug what path it generated.
