ERROR ITMS-90023: “Missing required icon file” Xcode 9 - ios11

I'm trying to upload my App to Apple Store but it's doing this error
All of my icons it's all ok. I already clean project and added icon name in info.plist.
Anyone help me, please!

Go to your Assets.xcassets, click the + in bottom left -> App Icons & Launch Images -> New iOS App Icon.
Add the correct icon sizes in their place just like normal.
Remember to change your 'App Icons and Launch Images' (in the General Settings) to the new icon set you just created.


Elementor Custom Icons not showing

I want to use the custom icons for Elementor's icon list. I used Icomoon to generate and download the icons. After I created the custom icons using elementor, they didn't show up in the Elementor editor. When opening the console, I found the following errors:
[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 22ms]
You need to go to /wp-content/uploads/elementor/custom-icons/{icons-name}/ and clear that folder. For some reason when you delete icons in elementor, they are not deleted in that particular folder so they clash or something like that.

React Native: "Unrecognized font family" error disappears when I click font file in Xcode

In my React Native app I'm getting the error "Unrecognized font family: 'Raleway-Regular'". I followed this tutorial to add my fonts, and in the "Optional step" section where you log all your attached fonts to the console, it includes all of them except Raleway-Regular.
However, the strange thing though is that when the app is sitting there in the emulator with the error screen, if I click any one of the font files in my Fonts folder in my project in Xcode, the error screen in my emulator disappears. Once I load any other screen, the error message reappears, and if I click one of the font files in Xcode, it disappears again. Note that when I click on one of the fonts, it does a hot reload of the screen I'm on in the emulator.
Raleway-Regular.ttf is in the Fonts folder in the root of my project and has the correct target membership, it's in my info.plist, it's in Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources.
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Please add the parent folder path containing the Raleway-Regular.tff
"rnpm": {
"assets": [
Edit, please use this instead:
pls create this file: react-native.config.js with this content :
module.exports = {
assets: ['./Fonts/'],

React Native Custom Font not working for first load and reload

I am working on a Custom Font in the React Native Project. (RN 0.61.2)
Already Setup react-native link.
Font File and react-native.config.js is under project folder like screenshot.
and config file, font family code is like this.
module.exports = {
assets: ['./assets/fonts/'],
<Text style={{fontFamily: 'NanumSquareRoundB', fontSize: 30}}>
The problem is that the font doesn't load when the app is first loaded or reloaded.
When I modify the font code, I can see the font applied.
So maybe I think there's an async problem, but I don't know how to do it.
I Changed only fontsize 30 to 31.
What's the problem?
to add a custom font for React-Native > 0.60
Add your custom font files under android/app/src/main/assets/fonts ... and that's it.
You don't have to have react-native.config.js ... or execute a link command on your terminal.
Open your ios project <.xcworkspace> file in xCode.
Right click your project-name-node and select Add files to <your-project-name>, and add your font-files.
Make sure your font-files you added are listed under Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources.

iOS Application Submition Error on iPad application icon

ERROR ITMS-90023: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro."
Hi got the above message when try to submit built IPA file, using Mac's Application Loader..
Can anybody advice how to overcome this? I try to unzip that IPA file and found there is no 167x167 icon file for ipad. I try to create one and zip it back, but I got another error said "Invalid Signature" when try to resubmit using that "cheat" ipa file... should this 167x167 ipad icon file build by the codenameone build server as well?
Kindly advice.
You can't modify the IPA after it's generated. This will break the signature. The icon also needs to be listed in a couple of places for it to work properly.
I've added this new 167px icon to the icon list so with the update tomorrow (Feb 9th 2018) it should "just work" for new builds.
Also notice that at this time only the standard build works properly for submission and we haven't yet tested the new 9.2 builds. It's also important you use Application Loader for upload and not xcode as that might break things.

iPod4 (iOS6) shows wrong iPhone5 launch image

To my iPhones app's XCode project I have added the following launch images:
On the iPhone4, iPhone4s and iPhone5 the correct launch image is shown.
Also XCode's project summary tells me that every thing is ok with the launch images.
But if I launch the app on my iPod4 then the iPhone5 splash screen (Default~iphone-568h#2x.png) and not the iPhone4 screen (Default~iphone.png) is shown. There is iOS6 installed on my iPod.
Any idea, what's wrong here?
The files above have wrong names. They should be:
But giving the files the right names is not enough. You should:
Look into the info.plist file of your app, that there are the right launch images set
The wrongly named image Default~iphone-568h#2x.png can remain in the application bundle, even if you delete and reinstall the app. Thus it can be that the changes above have no effect.
To prevent this I had to delete my app, clean and recompile my XCode project and reboot my device. After that everything worked fine.
