80192ee7 error during AzureAD MDM enrollment - azure-active-directory

Anyone familiar with error 80192ee7 while enrolling device?
After entering account in Join this device to Azure Active Directory, I can verify "Terms and conditions" page, and after that process crash and I get this error message.
Tnx In advance for answer.

This refers to some issue with the DNS service running on the machine, check if you are able to resolve to enrollment.manage.microsoft.com site.
These are mostly seen if you manage your own DNS and when the machine is not able to reach that site for some reason, I would start with DNS troubleshooting towards this.


To get the hierarchical structure from Active directory to power bi

I am trying to get the user hierarchy from the active directory to power bi
So, I am facing an error as :
Unable to Connect: We encountered an error while trying to connect. Details: "Active Directory: The active directory domain 'company1.uk' couldn't be found."
So, Can it be possible I can get it from a blank query to get the hierarchical structure or any other way?
If yes, Could you please help me with this
Thanks in advance
I had the exact error message in a lab environment and it turned out to be a DNS issue.
The domain controller had a made up domain with a few VMs joined to it. I had configured a domain override in the router's DNS (pfSense router) so that the AD Domain (in your case company1.uk) would defer to the lab domain controller for DNS. My issue was that I spelled it wrong, once I corrected that the error was resolved.
I imagine it would work if you also put specific DNS entries in for the domain and the hosts tied to it that you needed to communicate with.

Connecting to SnowSQL Client using Snowflake Credentials

I have successfully installed SnowSQL Client version 1.2.5 and while trying to get log into my snowflake account, using account id, username and password, I am somehow unable to connect and get following error:
snowsql unable to log in
This appears to be networking issue. Have you tried to set that debug logging as directed?
To assist in situations like this, Snowflake has a tool which could help you determine if your client host is able to access all required network endpoints for your Snowflake account, it's called SnowCD, the documents are here and the installation is fairly straightforward:
I'd recommend trying SnowCD as your first step, the next step would be to review any required proxy settings your organization might have. I'd also double-check your "account name" argument, the URL looks OK to me but there is a nice writeup on the account name construction at this link:
I hope this helps...Rich
THANKS Rich for doing some R&D and sharing proposals. I got successfully logged into snowsql by providing my account id till ".aws". Hope it will help others struggling so far, like myself:
demo log in

Datastore admin - Unable to resolve the server's DNS address

I am trying to access Datastore Admin on Google App Engine but I get Unable to resolve the server's DNS address error.
The url that cannot be translated is: [https protocol]ah-builtin-python-bundle-dot-[myapp].gene.com/_ah/datastore_admin/?app_id=s~gene.com:[myapp]&adminconsolecustompage
I tried with adding exceptions to coookies because when I try directly access it with [http protocol][myapp].gene.com/_ah/datastore_admin I get error with redirect loop.
Any idea? Any workarounds are also welcomed - I just need to copy datastore to local environment.
Thank you, Patrick.
Your guess turned out to be the right one. The domain is not set up properly and this is the reason of problems.

Exception while accessing Active Directory and creating user [duplicate]

I need to read the Active Directory, search users and create user functionality.
I am able to use DirectoryEntry in C# and Domain is only physical server.
In my production environment, I have two physical domain servers with same domain name. When I try to search the AD user or create, I am getting the following exception.
Exception : "0000202B: RefErr: DSID-031007EF, data 0, 1 access points" [extended Error 8235]
Note that I have Domain Admin privileges on the domain but I'm still having the same issue.
0000202B: could mean wrong DN/searchbase like incorrect DC value etc.
Your problem looks like a DNS problem. I know writting that, I've got statisticaly 80% chance being right. Check the domain name resolution from your client. Check your DNS and verify that your two domain controlers are well registered.
The error you are getting is referall related:
8235 (0x202B)
A referral was returned from the server.
You can find the error codes linked at this MSDN Article.

Major Active Exception while accessing creating user : Exception 0000202B: RefErr: DSID-031007EF, data 0, 1 access points" [extended Error 8235]

I need to read the Active Directory, search users and create user functionality.
I am able to use DirectoryEntry in C# and Domain is only physical server.
In my production environment, I have two physical domain servers with same domain name. When I try to search the AD user or create, I am getting the following exception.
Exception : "0000202B: RefErr: DSID-031007EF, data 0, 1 access points" [extended Error 8235]
Note that I have Domain Admin privileges on the domain but I'm still having the same issue.
0000202B: could mean wrong DN/searchbase like incorrect DC value etc.
Your problem looks like a DNS problem. I know writting that, I've got statisticaly 80% chance being right. Check the domain name resolution from your client. Check your DNS and verify that your two domain controlers are well registered.
The error you are getting is referall related:
8235 (0x202B)
A referral was returned from the server.
You can find the error codes linked at this MSDN Article.
