How can I host React Native code on Expo? - reactjs

I am creating a website where my customers can create a single page website and a simple mobile app (android + IOS).
For providing mobile apps, I am creating 2-3 themes for mobile apps. and I need to create my client's mobile apps changing minor things like name, icon, logo etc.
I want to skip commend line process, for creating mobile app form theme.
so my questions are:
can I host multiple mobile app theme code in expo or any other platform?
If yes, then what is price for this service?


Responsive Website both mobile and phone, mingle both Reactjs and React native

I want to the responsive web app on Mobile and Web page. I have built a website on React js. I have brought that website using a web view to React native and made it a mobile app. Now I need to direct my users depending upon the platform. If they are mobile users I need to direct them to React native app(live on the browser) and if they use the system they should be seeing the website I build. How can I do that? Is it possible? Suggest me a better Idea.
You can achieve this using your backend code by checking request user agent if you get mobile, you can redirect to some other url (Probably play store).
You can do the same via front end JS also (not advisable). You can use these methods to detect if the user is on mobile, based on that redirect it to play store.
Check if the navigator userAgent is mobile or not. If mobile add a links to your app or app store to download it.
if (/Mobi|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// if I'm here that mean I'm a phone

I have a angular website and want to use ionic to create the mobile apps. Whats the easiest way?

I have a website that is created in Angular 4 (with Lumen as the Rest API) that has a responsive design.
The website works on desktop & mobile browser fine but now I want to create the mobile applications.
What is the easiest way to wrap ionic around my existing Angular website to create the mobile applications? The mobile applications will need camera, location, bar-scanning, etc. So I cant just webkit or webview the mobile applications, I would need the plugins from ionic / cordova.
It depends if you want to use any Ionic Components, so if you want to make visual changes to your app, or not.
If you have already created your application and it works/looks fine on mobile, there is no need to use Ionic. Ionic provides visual components to build hybrid apps that look like native apps, but if you don't need them, there is no need to use Ionic. Instead you can just use cordova, which allows you to take your existing webapp and simply add the native features like camera, location, etc. to it.
If you want to change your app and give it a native feel with Ionic, then it really depends on what kind of app you have and how big it is. It's not an easy task to take your existing app and put it "inside" Ionic. It might be easier to just create a new project and copy over the logic, but rebuild everything UI related with Ionic Components.

Web to mobile app converter

I am looking for a service / software which takes website and wraps it in a mobile application for iPhone and Android. Without any additional features such as navigation or push messages. Just wrapping website + select app logo and name.
I am not able to find such a thing.
Maybe somebody knows?
You can try ionicframework or jQuery mobile for converting web app (client side javascript) to mobile app. Which supports both android and iOS.

Ionic framework: Single code base for various mobile devices (iOS, Android, phones, tablets)?

I am planning to develop a mobile app that completely duplicates the features that my web app offers. The web app is running on AngularJS + Django + Django REST Framework. The backend is essentially an API server, so it is pretty much ready to support a mobile frontend.
Although I know my stuff in the web development space, mobile development is completely new to me. With no prior mobile development experience and the lack of resources (as always, fund and time), HTML5/SASS/AngularJS are my best friends, so Ionic Framework + AngularJS seems to be the most viable solution for my situation.
A major requirement of this Ionic app is that it needs to support various mobile devices, ranging from iOS to Android and from phones to tablets.
With different design guidelines for iOS and Android and the different screen sizes between phones and tablets, could this requirement be met with one single code base?
If yes, what are the cons or limitations? Is this a common approach?
If no, what's the common approach in the Ionic world in supporting various mobile devices?
I use the same codebase for my Ionic hybrid app deployed as a native Android and iOS via Cordova and additionally viewable as a mobile website.
Nearly every component/layout in Ionic scales nicely between mobile and tablet devices (in some cases, you may wish to make concessions for tablet - font scaling, content adjustments etc which can be achieved by using something like mobiledetect.js and CSS media query targeting), and between devices such as iOS and Android scales with no issues at all.
You even get some inherent coolness with Ionic components such as the modal popup whereby on iPad/desktop it displays as a modal popup in the center of the screen, but on phone it resizes to take up the scale of the entire screen, looking simply like a full screen page.
Hope that helps get you on your way.

IBM Worklight - Using native pages in a mobile web application

In worklight we can use native pages in a Hybrid application. Similarly I want to use the native pages in a the Mobile Web environment.
Is there any possibility to do this?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: is available, as the documentation states, for Android and iOS.
Mobile Web environment - a webpage that is served, loaded, displayed, ... in the device's mobile browser app.
Hybrid app - an app that is comprised of a native shell and a WebView inside it, allowing the ability to open a native page... you do not have that in a browser.
There is no such thing in mobile web. Mobile web is a web site and not an application. However, you can leverage url schemas supported in iOS/Android. e.g. create an app that will declare myapp:// schema support and then add a link to your mobile web site, e.g. myapp://doAction1?param1=someparam
The application will start and process the URL. You can get a lot of info about it on the internet, e.g.
