IBM Worklight - Using native pages in a mobile web application - mobile

In worklight we can use native pages in a Hybrid application. Similarly I want to use the native pages in a the Mobile Web environment.
Is there any possibility to do this?

Short answer: No.
Longer answer: is available, as the documentation states, for Android and iOS.
Mobile Web environment - a webpage that is served, loaded, displayed, ... in the device's mobile browser app.
Hybrid app - an app that is comprised of a native shell and a WebView inside it, allowing the ability to open a native page... you do not have that in a browser.

There is no such thing in mobile web. Mobile web is a web site and not an application. However, you can leverage url schemas supported in iOS/Android. e.g. create an app that will declare myapp:// schema support and then add a link to your mobile web site, e.g. myapp://doAction1?param1=someparam
The application will start and process the URL. You can get a lot of info about it on the internet, e.g.


Responsive Website both mobile and phone, mingle both Reactjs and React native

I want to the responsive web app on Mobile and Web page. I have built a website on React js. I have brought that website using a web view to React native and made it a mobile app. Now I need to direct my users depending upon the platform. If they are mobile users I need to direct them to React native app(live on the browser) and if they use the system they should be seeing the website I build. How can I do that? Is it possible? Suggest me a better Idea.
You can achieve this using your backend code by checking request user agent if you get mobile, you can redirect to some other url (Probably play store).
You can do the same via front end JS also (not advisable). You can use these methods to detect if the user is on mobile, based on that redirect it to play store.
Check if the navigator userAgent is mobile or not. If mobile add a links to your app or app store to download it.
if (/Mobi|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// if I'm here that mean I'm a phone

Web to mobile app converter

I am looking for a service / software which takes website and wraps it in a mobile application for iPhone and Android. Without any additional features such as navigation or push messages. Just wrapping website + select app logo and name.
I am not able to find such a thing.
Maybe somebody knows?
You can try ionicframework or jQuery mobile for converting web app (client side javascript) to mobile app. Which supports both android and iOS.

Are ADF Mobile Applications Actual Package Apps?

Looking at the example here:
Would doing something like this end up creating a package app(like an APK on android), or a mobile application. If not, can I create a native(ish) app with Oracle ADF? And if so, can I easily create a mobile app from a pre-existing web ADF app?
No, you can't use a pre-existing web ADF app to create a mobile app.
You can however reuse parts of it, for example by exposing your model. It also uses the same concepts (like task flows) so the learning curve is low if you know ADF.
The end-result of your ADF Mobile application will be an .apk (Android) or .ipa (iOS) so yes, you get a native application.
Note: ADF Mobile is 'deprecated' (= will not get any updates/fixes). The product has been rebranded to MAF (Mobile Application Framework) and has lots of improvments compared to the version you are using.

Using Onsen-UI for Mobile Website and not for Mobile Application

Do you think it's good to use Onsen-UI for mobile websites and not for mobile application?
Was it not made for this purpose?
I have gone through their website and found nothing regarding mobile websites.
In case it does not work for mobile websites, may I know why?
Are there any specific mobile APIs that are not present in mobile browsers but its there in the application browser component?
Do you think it's good to use Onsen-UI for mobile websites and not for mobile application? Was it not made for this purpose?
I think that Onsen UI is originally created for developing mobile app. However, no matter happened when I adopted Onsen UI on my local web server and accessed with latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, though I'm not sure in case old browsers.
Are there any specific mobile APIs that are not present in mobile browsers but its there in the application browser component?
I'd read their documentation and .js file. But no such APIs found. I think there are no such APIs.

Best way to integrate external mobile site in an app

I have a mobile website made in jQuery Mobile and I would like to integrate some parts of it in a Phone Gap mobile app.
The app will provide some offline features (using local html and JS) and will integrate with the mobile website sending forms and receiving its pages (that are already in jQuery Mobile).
What do you think is the best strategy to do this? Should I write services or should I keep the ongoing html pages?
After seeing your comment above, Yes You can wrap it with phonegap and launch in app store. Then consider this, you can create services to return JSON(only for dynamic data) and load all your HTML templates on to the app (wrap with phonegap).
So static data/contents gets loaded from within the app and the dynamic content comes from server. Now enable offline caching for the dynamic contents which you want to enable for offline access.
TO enable offline access, you can either use webkit local storage(5Mb~50Mb) or a native phonegap plugin for more storage.
Hope this helps.
