Are ADF Mobile Applications Actual Package Apps? - oracle-adf

Looking at the example here:
Would doing something like this end up creating a package app(like an APK on android), or a mobile application. If not, can I create a native(ish) app with Oracle ADF? And if so, can I easily create a mobile app from a pre-existing web ADF app?

No, you can't use a pre-existing web ADF app to create a mobile app.
You can however reuse parts of it, for example by exposing your model. It also uses the same concepts (like task flows) so the learning curve is low if you know ADF.
The end-result of your ADF Mobile application will be an .apk (Android) or .ipa (iOS) so yes, you get a native application.
Note: ADF Mobile is 'deprecated' (= will not get any updates/fixes). The product has been rebranded to MAF (Mobile Application Framework) and has lots of improvments compared to the version you are using.


Is it possible to create web application (web site) using ionic?

is it possible to create web application using ionic or is it only for mobile ? what is the difference between Angular and Ionic
You can definitely do it. However, it's probably not advisable. Ionic just provides a bunch of directives for you to use. You can use that in conjunction with something like Cordova/Phonegap to package that up for a mobile release. Otherwise, you could just take the web parts of the project (i.e. all your html/js/css/assets) and point a web server to them and presto - you can access your ionic page with a browser.
You probably don't want to do this for a few reasons.
Ionic wasn't written to target desktop pages
Ionic doesn't really provide anything for desktop pages that A. doesn't already exist in Angular or B. someone hasn't properly written for desktop solutions
My suggestion here is to just use plain Angular or another framework such as React/Vue.
To answer the last part of your question: Angular is the framework that Ionic provides bindings (and some assets such as icons) for. Those bindings happen to be optimised/targetted towards mobile devices.
Hopefully that helps out a bit.

Convert ADF Fusion web application to Mobile app?

Can I Covert Existing ADF Fusion web application To Mobile Application
If you mean Mobile Application Framework (MAF) the answer is no.
The UI of MAF, while it shares similar concepts: Taskflows and Drag and Drop property-based components - the implementations are completely different. MAF uses AMX pages which generate HTML5, JS and CSS on the fly on the device and ADF Faces uses JSF-based pages.
If you deploy your ADF BC model as a RESTful service using JDev 12.2.1 you can consume it, like any other RESTful web service, in MAF.
The larger question is..why? A Desktop application is a very different design paradigm than mobile-friendly. The entire application UI design should be re-thought using the tips and guidance of Oracle Alta UI.

IBM Worklight - Using native pages in a mobile web application

In worklight we can use native pages in a Hybrid application. Similarly I want to use the native pages in a the Mobile Web environment.
Is there any possibility to do this?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: is available, as the documentation states, for Android and iOS.
Mobile Web environment - a webpage that is served, loaded, displayed, ... in the device's mobile browser app.
Hybrid app - an app that is comprised of a native shell and a WebView inside it, allowing the ability to open a native page... you do not have that in a browser.
There is no such thing in mobile web. Mobile web is a web site and not an application. However, you can leverage url schemas supported in iOS/Android. e.g. create an app that will declare myapp:// schema support and then add a link to your mobile web site, e.g. myapp://doAction1?param1=someparam
The application will start and process the URL. You can get a lot of info about it on the internet, e.g.

Cross platform mobile framework

I am looking into building an intranet based app which can support different mobile platforms.
I have looked into phonegap, sencha touch and jquery mobile. I am confused as to how the business logic can be incorporated on the client side ? Any input will be appreciated.
Phonegap is just a web browser that has an access to native apis. So you can use more or less any technology that a normal web browser can interpret.
With that in mind, for a business logic you have to general options: 1) create an api somewhere on you server and just make ajax calls from you application and/or 2) use javascript. This is the only language that can be used for business logic inside phonegap (beside the native java, objective-c and etc).
Out of all those mobile frameworks available, I would suggest you to go for Sencha Touch with PhoneGap. The reason I prefer Sencha Touch over Jquery Mobile is that Sencha Touch is far more smoother than JQM when it comes to page transition and navigation. Also, the extensive documentation from Sencha gives you a quick start on building mobile apps for both Android and iOS.
You may use PhoneGap if you would like to access any of the native features like Camera, Contacts etc.,
Here are some useful links:

SimpleMembershipProvider in mobile app ASP.NET MVC 4

I'm trying to use SimpleMembershipProvider to manage the authentication process of my mobile application.
I generated the project using Mobile template, but this doesn't generated the same files of the Internet application template. It doesn't created the folder Filters with InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs file and the web.config, AccountController and AccountModel are different.
Can I use SimpleMembershipProvider with mobile applications? If yes, how should I do this? If not, what is the alternative?
You can use the SimpleMembershipProvider in your mobile application. This article provides complete instructions on how to do this and provide links to an example VS project that can be downloaded.
