Apollo client - mutation detect mutation completion and then run code - reactjs

I am trying to implement an update function and therefore, I am using GraphQL mutation. However, I need to be able to detect when a mutation completes so I can run a refresh function.
So far for the mutation I have:
const handleParameterUpdate = () => {
let active = true;
(async() => {
await updateParameterMutation({variables: {
parameterId: props.parameter.id,
newField: newFieldValue;
if (!active) {
Inside my parent component I have:
const handleRefresh = () => {
id: parent.id
My intention is to run the handleRefresh function after the mutation is completed. So far it immediately runs after the handleParametersUpdate therefore, I need to refresh to get new the new parameters.

I don't see your useMutation here. However, there's an option for the useMutation hook to add a onCompleted callback which will get called on success. If you're also refetching something from an apollo query, then I can suggest that you also use refetchQueries options. This lets you write less code & let Apollo handle deal with the refetching & completion callbacks.
Mutation options (onCompleted & refetchQueries)
With your code though, if you wanted to run handleRefresh inside handleParameterUpdate, then you can extract whatever value is returned by your mutation.
const handleParameterUpdate = async () => {
const returnValue = await updateParameterMutation({variables: {
parameterId: props.parameter.id,
newField: newFieldValue;
// whatever check you need to do on your mutation,
if (returnValue){


React Error - "Rendered more hooks than during the previous render."

I'm developing a Raycast extension.
In this function, I need to create or update a database before querying it:
import { useSQL } from "#raycast/utils";
export const useSqlNote = <NoteItem>(query: string) => {
const [ready, setReady] = useState<boolean>(false);
let theData: NoteItem[] = [];
let loadingSelect = true;
let permissionVw;
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
await create_or_update_db();
}, [query]);
try {
const { data, isLoading, permissionView } = useSQL<NoteItem>(PATH, query);
if (ready) {
theData = data || [];
loadingSelect = isLoading;
permissionVw = permissionView;
} catch (e) {}
return { data: theData, isLoading: loadingSelect, errorView: permissionVw };
When the database is already created, no pb.
But when it needs to be created, the process takes several ms -- and of course the call of the hook useSQL raises an error, but it should be handled.
However, I'm getting this error:
Warning: React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by Command. ...
Error: Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.
Any idea on how to fix it?
You are not calling the useQuery on the top level of the component. Remove the try catch block.
To conditionally call the useQuery hook, the documentation for raycast useQuery states that you can pass the options with execute param to skip the calling of the query.
"options.execute is a boolean to indicate whether to actually execute the function or not. This is useful for cases where one of the function's arguments depends on something that might not be available right away (for example, depends on some user inputs). Because React requires every hook to be defined on the render, this flag enables you to define the hook right away but wait until you have all the arguments ready to execute the function."
const { data, isLoading, permissionView } = useSQL<NoteItem>(PATH, query, {execute: ready});
//You do not need this
//if (ready) {
// theData = data || [];
// loadingSelect = isLoading;
// permissionVw = permissionView;
// }
return { data: data || [], isLoading, errorView: permissionView };

React Query: rerun onSuccess method of a cached query

What I have
I am getting the user's location (latitude/longitude) which I use to call a google geocode API, unless the user's coords change, the request is not running again, since the query it uses the user's coords as queryKey array dependecy.
The problem
the problem is that I'm running some operations in the onSuccess query method, this method is only run when any of the queryKey dependencies change, and I mentioned this not happen.
How to run the onSuccess method whether the queryKey dependencies change or not?
Reference code
export const useGoogleReverseGeocoding = (coords) => {
const url = 'someUrl';
const request = createClient(); // axios abstraction
return useQuery({
queryKey: ['google-geocode', coords],
queryFn: request,
enabled: !!coords,
onSuccess: (data) => {
const searchTerm = removeGlobalCodeText(data?.plus_code?.compound_code);
// set searchterm in a global store. This searchterm change with
// different user actions, so if the user re-share his location
// I need to run onSuccess transformation again.
As I was explaining in my comment, onSuccess can't be fired without the query itself firing again. Since certain user actions should trigger the transformations on onSuccess, you have a couple of ways to go about this, one of them would be to move these transformations on a useEffect hook and add some user action related flag on the dependencies array. The other proposed solution would be to invalidate the query upon these user actions, so it will be refetched and the transformations on onSuccess will execute.
You can achieve this using useQueryClient hook which returns the current QueryClient instance. You can invalidate the query from anywhere as long as the component is wrapped by QueryClientProvider. For this example and for convenience, I will include this hook on useGoogleReverseGeocoding custom hook.
Custom hook:
export const useGoogleReverseGeocoding = (coords) => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
const url = 'someUrl';
const request = createClient(); // axios abstraction
const geocodingData = useQuery({
queryKey: ['google-geocode', coords],
queryFn: request,
enabled: !!coords,
onSuccess: (data) => {
const searchTerm = removeGlobalCodeText(data?.plus_code?.compound_code);
// set searchterm in a global store. This searchterm change with
// different user actions, so if the user re-share his location
// I need to run onSuccess transformation again.
const invalidateQueryOnAction = () => queryClient.invalidateQueries(['google-geocode'])
return { geocodingData, invalidateQueryOnAction }
Some component:
const dummyCoords = {
lat: 33.748997,
lng: -84.387985
const SomeComponent = () => {
const { geocodingData, invalidateQueryOnAction } =
const handleSomeUserAction = () => {
// handle action...
// Invalidate query, so the query gets refetched and onSuccess callback executes again
PS: If #TkDodo comes along with a different solution for this, I would suggest to go for it instead.

RTK Query response state

I'm trying to convert some Axio code to RTK query and having some trouble. The 'data' response from RTK query doesn't seem to act like useState as I thought.
Original axio code:
const [ importantData, setImportantData ] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
async function axiosCallToFetchData() {
const response = await axiosAPI.post('/endpoint', { payload });
const { importantData } = await response.data;
.then((res) => res)
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
}, []);
const objectThatNeedsData.data = importantData;
New RTK Query code
const { data, isSuccess } = useGetImportantDataQuery({ payload });
const objectThatNeedsData.data = importantData;
This however is giving me an infinite render loop. Also if I try to treat the 'data' object as a state object and just throw it into my component as:
const objectThatNeedsData.data = data.importantData;
Then I get an undefined error because it's trying to load the importantData before it's completed. I feel like this should be a simple fix but I'm getting stuck. I've gone through the docs but most examples just use the if statement block to check the status. The API calls are being made atleast with RTK and getting proper responses. Any advice?
Your first problem is that you always call setImportantData during render, without checking if it is necessary - and that will always cause a rerender. If you want to do that you need to check if it is even necessary:
if(isSuccess && importantData != data.importantData){
But as you noticed, that is actually not necessary - there is hardly ever any need to copy stuff into local state when you already have access to it in your component.
But if accessing data.importantData, you need to check if data is there in the first place - you forgot to check for isSuccess here.
if (isSuccess) {
objectThatNeedsData.data = data.importantData;
All that said, if objectThatNeedsData is not a new local variable that you are declaring during this render, you probably should not just modify that during the render in general.

React-query: how to update the cache?

I have a very basic app that fetches a user and allows to change his name. I fetch the user with React query so I can benefit from the cache feature. It works.
However, when I want to update the user, I use a classic post request with axios. Once the user is updated in the database, I need to update the cache directly in the updateUser() function. I've seen tutorials on the web that use queryCache.setCache, but it doesn't work here. How to fix this? Or maybe there is a better way to handle such queries?
Also, I notice a huge number of rendering... (see the "user render" console.log in the app file).
For the convenience, I've made a small script on a codesandbox with the pokeapi:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So, I'll show you what I do:
const updateUser = async (userUpdates: User) => {
const data = await UserService.updateUser(userUpdates); // return axios data
return data;
// if you want optimistic updating:
const { mutate: mutateUser } = useMutation(updateUser, {
onMutate: async (userUpdates) => {
// Cancel any outgoing refetches (so they don't overwrite our optimistic update)
await queryClient.cancelQueries(['user', userUpdates.id]);
// Snapshot the previous value
const previousUser = queryClient.getQueryData(['user', userUpdates.id]);
// Optimistically update to the new value
queryClient.setQueryData(['user', userUpdates.id], userUpdates);
// Return a context with the previous user and updated user
return { previousUser, userUpdates }; // context
// If the mutation fails, use the context we returned above
onError: (err, userUpdates, context) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(['user', context.userUpdates.id], context.previousUser);
// Always refetch after error or success:
onSettled: (userUpdates) => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries(['user', userUpdates.id]);
// then to update the user
const handleUpdateUser = (userUpdates: User) => mutateUser(userUpdates);
This all comes from the docs:
Optimistic Updates

UseApolloClient query won't return fetchMore

I am working on project with Apollo on client side. I am using react-apollo-hooks on my client side. And I have a problem with useApolloClient.
When i fire query with my client I got in useApolloClient I don't get back all data I need. FetchMore is missing. If I use regular query (useQuery) I get that. But problem is I need to fire that query on click and i need to use one provided with apollo client.
I have this function for fetching data on click:
const bulkSearch = async data => {
setContent(<Spinner />);
try {
const response = await client.query({
variables: { data }
if (!response.loading) {
count={{ total: 10 }}
return 200;
} catch (err) {
return 400;
And response doesn't contain fetchMore.
On the other way classic query returns fetchMore.
const newdata = useQuery(BULK_SEARCH_PRODUCTS, {
variables: { data: { ids: ["536003", "513010"] } }
Some help ? Thank you!
According to the apollo-client docs, ApolloClient.query returns a Promise that resolves to an ApolloQueryResult, which is a simpler object that has only data, errors, loading, networkStatus, and stale as properties.
On the other hand, the render prop argument of react-apollo's Query component gets fed a much richer object, with fetchMore being one of its additional properties. If you want to do something similar using the raw ApolloClient object, you would have to use ApolloClient.watchQuery, which returns an ObservableQuery that you can subscribe to consume results. The benefit of this is that you have access to more methods, such as ObservableQuery.fetchMore.
Note this approach is fundamentally different than using ApolloClient.query, since that function requests one query and returns the result as a Promise, while ApolloClient.watchQuery consistently monitors your cache and pushes updated results to your subscribe method when the cache store changes, so it's a more complicated lifecycle. In general, if you're already using react-apollo or one of the #apollo/react-X packages, you probably want to stay away from ApolloClient.watchQuery, since the functionality from those libraries builds directly on top of it and is designed to be easier to consume.
Hope this helps!
You have to create your own FetchMore method for this. This has to be handled by you that's the safer you to go.
In my case I needed
Adding Infinite loading and should event deal with loading state as well.
Problem with default loading state is that it will be always false as return of promise.
When you use await client.query.
In our query we have cursor based pagination.
read this
Create Function that will trigger on scroll ( end of page )
Check on value of after and update it with state management
Loading as well as data also needs to be in state.
const fetchMoreFilteredData = async (after) => {
try {
setFilteredLoading(true); // set this state in order to show loading indicator
const { data, loading } = await client.query({
query: QUERY,
variables: {
after: after,
...all variables,
fetchPolicy: "network-only",
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
const {
query: {
pageInfo: { hasNextPage, endCursor },
} = data;
// update your data ...filteredData,
setHasNextPage(hasNextPage); // check if there is next page
setEndCursor(endCursor); // set end cursor for next page this will guide the query to fetch next page
setFilteredLoading(loading); // set loading state to false
} catch (error) {
error.graphQLErrors.map((error) => {
console.log("error", error.message);
} };
const handleLoadMore = () => {
hasNextPage && fetchMoreFilteredData(_endCursor);
